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George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign!

df | 25.06.2007 16:43 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | London | World

George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign!

George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign
George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign

Please join Military Families Speak Out...
George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign!

Send President Bush a moving box,
to help him leave Washington DC.

Despite the loud voices from all over this country, we are still ignored. The polls say most are against the current handling of the war…. Are you? Let’s all send George W. Bush a moving box- a moving box can only mean one thing- I want you removed; you no longer represent me! We want thousands of boxes to litter the White House mail room.

George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign
(instructional video for action)

For more information, email,
or call Michelle at 562-833-8035 (USA)

In GLOBAL, peaceful solidarity,

mom4peace, mom, educator, Military Families Speak Out Supporter,
a Citizen for World Peace

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Fine, except...

25.06.2007 21:50

the only thing that would get him out before his time is a movement of the working class against war, empire, and the profit system itself. Unfortunately, the working class are nowhere to be seen in your plan. Apart from posties, I suppose.

Neon Black
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