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Max Keiser for AJE: "Death of the Dollar"

Max Keiser Dot Com | 24.06.2007 15:47 | World

Can the US dollar, the Blanche Dubois of international currencies, survive the growing unkindness of strangers?

Watch film here:

Max Keiser, for Aljazeera English, looks at the precarious and volatile state of the US dollar. As the international reserve currency loses more and more value every year, can the kindness of foreign Central Banks continue?

Former Wall Street broker and HSX co-founder, Max Keiser, investigates the US economy and reveals how the American officials have maintained the image of a strong dollar since coming off the Gold Standard. We hear from authors and leading economists who claim that central banks have been helping to manipulate the gold markets and keep the prices down.

How will all this unravel? Max looks at the current US debt levels, the shift away from the dollar as a reserve currency and the move to price oil in Euros.

Watch here. Death of the Dollar:

To learn more go to Max Keiser Dot Com.

Max Keiser Dot Com