Learn The Real Facts About "MOVE" and Ramona Africa
Tony Allen | 20.06.2007 04:09 | Analysis | World
Ramona Africa, the "Minister of Communication" of the anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-education, cult, known as MOVE is coming to the UK. Lucky you.
Here are some things Mrs. Africa will not want you to know.
Take for instance her stated position with regards to the fact that girls in the cult as young as 11 are forcibly "married" and impregnated, (keep in mind these girls can barely read or write. This is Ramona in her own words. I urge everyone to query her about them:
" Women in MOVE do marry and have babies at what this american society might now consider to be a young age but we follow the coordination of Mother Nature who coordinates it such that she determines when a woman is ready for marriage and babies, which is when a woman has her monthly period, then she is ready to have babies and be married. It's just that simple."
Ramona will also likely take the position that her imprisoned comrades are in jail for the killing of "one cop, with one bullet, from one gun," and that the slain Officer was a victim of "friendly fire".
What she will not tell you about the "MOVE 9" is that MOVE has also long contended that James Ramp was killed not by a
member of MOVE, but was instead killed by “friendly fire.” To support this
contention she will cite a very preliminary ballistics report that contends that Officer Ramp was shot in the “base of the neck, with the bullet traveling downward.”
According to MOVE, it would have been physically impossible for MOVE
members in the basement of their home in Powelton Village to have shot
In reality, Ramp was felled by a bullet from MOVE after he had ran to aid
another officer who had himself just been hit by gunfire from MOVE
members firing from the basement It was proven quite conclusively in
court that the bullets trajectory that killed Ramp could have only come from
one location, the basement that MOVE members were shooting.
Also, MOVE members are in jail for shooting multiple police officers and firemen and not just "one cop" etc...The bullet was conclusively linked to one purchased by a MOVE member.
Another topic Ramona will likely not bring up on her own is the 2002 murder of John Gilbride. I encourage anyone at all interested in MOVE to study not only my site, but also MOVE's own statements with regards to the group's conflict with John that ended only with his murder.
The cult waged a literal war on the man whose death remains "unsolved".
Please visit my sites
http://antimove.blogspot.com and
http://themoveorganization.com and feel free to ask about MOVE and the time I spent with the group.
-Tony Allen
Here are some things Mrs. Africa will not want you to know.
Take for instance her stated position with regards to the fact that girls in the cult as young as 11 are forcibly "married" and impregnated, (keep in mind these girls can barely read or write. This is Ramona in her own words. I urge everyone to query her about them:
" Women in MOVE do marry and have babies at what this american society might now consider to be a young age but we follow the coordination of Mother Nature who coordinates it such that she determines when a woman is ready for marriage and babies, which is when a woman has her monthly period, then she is ready to have babies and be married. It's just that simple."
Ramona will also likely take the position that her imprisoned comrades are in jail for the killing of "one cop, with one bullet, from one gun," and that the slain Officer was a victim of "friendly fire".
What she will not tell you about the "MOVE 9" is that MOVE has also long contended that James Ramp was killed not by a
member of MOVE, but was instead killed by “friendly fire.” To support this
contention she will cite a very preliminary ballistics report that contends that Officer Ramp was shot in the “base of the neck, with the bullet traveling downward.”
According to MOVE, it would have been physically impossible for MOVE
members in the basement of their home in Powelton Village to have shot
In reality, Ramp was felled by a bullet from MOVE after he had ran to aid
another officer who had himself just been hit by gunfire from MOVE
members firing from the basement It was proven quite conclusively in
court that the bullets trajectory that killed Ramp could have only come from
one location, the basement that MOVE members were shooting.
Also, MOVE members are in jail for shooting multiple police officers and firemen and not just "one cop" etc...The bullet was conclusively linked to one purchased by a MOVE member.
Another topic Ramona will likely not bring up on her own is the 2002 murder of John Gilbride. I encourage anyone at all interested in MOVE to study not only my site, but also MOVE's own statements with regards to the group's conflict with John that ended only with his murder.
The cult waged a literal war on the man whose death remains "unsolved".
Please visit my sites

-Tony Allen
Tony Allen
20.06.2007 07:09
This tour is attracting so many attacks that it really must be worth attending!
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The disinformatiom above has been answered here:

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