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Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo (pt 3).

Camera Boy | 19.06.2007 22:13 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Social Struggles | Cambridge | London

The final part of this set of pictures from the StWC Palestine Rally.

Well Said!
Well Said!


..but someone has last laugh!
..but someone has last laugh!

Behind The Scenes...
Behind The Scenes...

FountainCam(tm) #1
FountainCam(tm) #1

FountainCam(tm) #2
FountainCam(tm) #2

FountainCam(tm) #3
FountainCam(tm) #3

A pawn in their game!
A pawn in their game!

Here's the final installment of the pictures taken at the June 9th Palestine March and Rally, belated because I'm a busy person, but hopefully no less diminished in their visual impact because of this.

Maybe one day we won't have to do these marches, maybe one day there will be peace in ths part of the world, but until that time, we should keep on reminding the world these injustices are happening to our fellow Humans and keep right on marching, regardless of whether the so-called mainstream media decide to whimsically report them or not, because to not march is to accept the stupidity of those who purport to know best, but who really don't have anyone's interests at heart except their own.

Camera Boy


Good pics - here' s a round up of the world wide demos that day.

19.06.2007 22:54

Thanks for those photos. Sadly, there was little (if anything) about the demos in the mainstream media but here's a round up of the demonstrations worldwide from the alternative media. By the way Brian Haw is still going strong in Parliament Square - it was 6 years on June 2nd. Best from Edinburgh, Paul.

Those demos:

Paul O'Hanlon
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19.06.2007 22:35

Apologies to the Enough! Campaign for the titles to these articles (them being the main organiser of this event, amongst many others), but for the sake of consistency I stuck with the same title for all of them, so readers would understand they were part of the same set of pictures.

Camera Boy