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Whats On Your Hard Disk

R E Cycler | 19.06.2007 20:24

The trend for recycling has given the oppurtunity to the poor for high end computers.But whats on the hard disks?

Since 1995 I have been re-cycling computers from all kinds of places.I began with going to a car boot sale in the car park of a closing down hospital.I noticed a building in the grounds with a sign saying-"medical books for sale".And there were.But i also noticed a stack of computers.I asked about them.They were surprised anyone would be interested,remember this was 1995 and old stuff was 286 and old apple.I was introduced to the "caretaker".He had much more to show me.He had a better class of out of service machines.I say out of service.Not out of use.These were top of the range at the time 486 co-pros.I knew what they were.But our caretaker friend was an Apple man.So he had no idea.I bought 22 computers for 19 quid,it was 20 but after the boot i only had 19.So i take them and start to look at them.No ones medical records were deleted.I had.I had 44 hard drives with 20 os and 20 databases of names and addresses.If only i knew then what i know now.I wanted to make my profit,and i am not a rich man.I wanted just to have some good cash for once.So i did an unconditional format with the forward slash u..Telling myself,i remember it well -this is stuff that needs deleting.Peoples medical records should not be available to anyone but their doctor.Though my real motive was money,I openly confess to that.Now i kinow i could have sold them to a national newspaper for thousands then.Now i would not do that.So theres a turnup for if i knew then what i know now.But i would have shown the people involved,with some media they had agreed for publicity purpose what was on them.
Thats not the end of the story of the recycling of hard disks.
I continued in this new and ,not over profitable occupation for some more years.And i found more sources of them.One was the local skips.For some reason,known only to those who dump them.A lot of people dump nearly new pc's.When i first cottoned on to this those working in such places had no re-cycling proceedure.So i was on a boom time.Then they noticed that i took them and took the time to see why.So i had to pay a small,illegal fee.That was even better.I now had them making sure all pc stuff was put to one side.So i got the lot,anything in the crusher was pulled out for me.And i never ever once said a word.
Then one day i got some stuff from them with some software abandonned by ............police.with some papers in .txt form saying why."Too complicated for officers to understand".Being a nosey swine i could not resist looking.I won't name the company,and they were good at there job,joe plod was'nt.
But it was forensic recovery software.It was actually very simple to use.But at the time,in my area not many had pc's never mind being savvy.I think i put more cheap computers about than any aid agency.(sorry bout that ownsong)Naturally i began to use said software on all the computers i got that day.Stupid of them to throw away the pc with the software on it.But they were not stupid enough to throw away the machine with any results,or attempts..Then on one hard disk i came across some realy nasty stuff.It was impossible for me to connect the computer to anyone.So i began to use it on all of the hard disks of the computers i still had.I had about 350 disks.I found the same or similar stuff on about 21 disks.I had no way of looking back to dates or times.Maybe this is why people throw away what are fairly new pc's.
I still ocationally go and get some.Now it's pentium 4's.Yes with top of the range graphic cards,in the skip.But i don't even bother to unformat the drives.I just boot and nuke them,the best thing. and sell em on at a price your average unemployed single mum with a demanding 10 year old for a fast games computer can pay.60 quid.

R E Cycler


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Very cool because with this

19.06.2007 20:42

Nice one - but what do you install on those machines then?

Gotta be a GNU/Linux or a *BSD - rock on, d00d!!

I'm gobsmacked


19.06.2007 22:48

I use a US Dept of defence,mixed with a Russian disk wipe.Then Dear old Microsoft find the disks as "Your hard disk is new".

R E Cycler

lets hear it for the kids

20.06.2007 06:52

Good to see you are promoting a healthy lifestyle amongst the young...

"with a demanding 10 year old for a fast games computer"

I hate the whole, shut the f~*k up and sit in front of the computer so I dont have to bother with you attitude.

No probs with the cheap PCs to low waged but to 'promote' them as a 'fast games computer' just aint healthy


Will you share, Recycler?

20.06.2007 11:43

"I use a US Dept of defence,mixed with a Russian disk wipe."

URLs please ;-/

And what's so great about making discs for Microsoft OS's when there's now Ubuntu Linux that'll work on most machines except IBMs (despite them 'making the T series laptops especially for Linux') ? - great philosophy, great 'community', easy install (point n click + a bit of cut and paste from their website), fast and non-prying OS - and best of all, it just goes on the net - no mess, no round the houses dialogue boxes like M$, which seems to bury the vital components deeper with each release.


Jammy. Bon Chance.

20.06.2007 13:28

Not realy promoting it.But i sell a few at a local workmans club in a weekly bring and buy auction.Kids are allowed in and they pester for them.I can't help that.I do put open office on all of them.And even the most ardent kid game players get fed up with them in the end.Mostly what i hear they learn to use Myspace and messanger.Again some would say thats just as bad.But it's better they have the chance to do it than none.A slow machine quickly loses their interest.I don't charge for any os mess ups,when they go into system files and corrupt them,or virus's.I allways leave a file on the desktop named Read Me First.Explaining about the likes of "You have just won a laptop".and not to be tempted into clicking them.etc.

Bon Chance..Don't have the url for the disk wipe but if you scroogle "Dariks boot and nuke".i'm sure you will find it.Autonuke command takes about 30 minutes on a 20 gig disk.But some commands can take weeks.So read the .txt file.Glad you mentioned Linux.I have been testing some.I don't like Ubuntu.But Debian and knoppix are something i will be putting on some computers.

R E Cycler