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Turtle slaughter protest - Tesco AGM, 29th June, Westminster, London

Care for the Wild International | 18.06.2007 21:57 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | London

Tesco are butchering turtles on their counters in China. Decapitating and mutilating these animals, and allowing customers to take them home for boiling alive. Tesco are IGNORING their 'humane standards' policy in China. Help us stop this NOW!

Turtle Slaughter
Turtle Slaughter

Please help us. We are organising a leaflet distribution event outside the Tesco AGM on Friday 29th June 2007.

Tesco are decapitating turtles in the Chinese stores for human consumption. Care for the Wild International (CWI) recently provided the company with scientific evidence that their current practices are completely inhumane and unacceptable, and yet the company continues to kill turtles on a daily basis in China.

CWI recently met with Tesco and was told that the company is currently carrying out research within China to find a "humane" solution to this problem. Decapitation is INHUMANE as the turtles can survive up to an HOUR after the head is severed. Tesco must be made aware that consumers within the UK will not tolerate their barbaric killing.

Please join us. If you can spare an hour or two it will make all the difference. We are a small animal welfare NGO and are not expecting many people to turn up. If you think you can help out, please contact me at The details are as follows:

Time: 10:30 am
Location: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
Broad Sanctuary

Thank you!

Care for the Wild International

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IMPORTANT:: Time Change ..

24.06.2007 19:13

Sorry, my mistake.. please come to tesco AGM at 10:00 sharp!! We would like to hand out leaflets to the shareholders as they arrive at the meeting.

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