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Help Stop the Nuclear Nightmare

PAWB People Against Wylfa B | 17.06.2007 11:11 | Anti-militarism | Climate Chaos | Ecology | World

The campaign to stop a second nuclear power station from being built at Wylfa, north Wales have launched an on line petition at

A few politicians, led by Labour MP Albert Owen, are begging for a new nuclear power station to be built at Wylfa, north Wales – after the present plant closes in 2010. They hope to win votes by appearing to secure jobs.

The politicians DO NOT like to talk about

Public health
Public safety
Cost to the environment
The millions it will cost you

The closure of the present site has been known about for four decades, but the politicians have failed to secure safe employment for the island.

Jobs - The real story
The figures fed to the press don’t add up. Hundreds of the present workforce will STAY in employment during the lengthy decommissioning process.

The millions to be spent on nuclear re-build could be spent on developing energy conservation schemes and renewable energy projects. The island is the ideal spot for technologies of the future.

Please take a few seconds to support out campaing by signing the online petition
Diolch - Thanks

PAWB People Against Wylfa B
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Yeah, but...

04.07.2007 21:27

What about the people that work at, or rely on people that work at, the aluminium smelter that will also close with the Wylfa reactors? As I understand it, the smelter takes the power from one of the reactors...

Wylfa B would give jobs, clean energy, a happy environment and security for the whole island, no?