Antifascist night, Wed 20th June
Antifash | 15.06.2007 16:02 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles
The BNP have been organising in Nottinghamshire, resulting in the recent election of Sadie Graham onto Broxtowe Council. In order to strengthen anti-fascist activity in Nottingham a meeting to discuss anti-fascist campaigning will take place on 20th June at the Sumac Centre.
Anti-fascist discussion
Wed 20th June, 7:30, Sumac Centre (
Food for donations
In recent years the BNP have been organising in Nottinghamshire. In this year's local elections this resulted in their candidate in Brinsley, Sadie Graham, being elected onto Broxtowe Council (/en/regions/nottinghamshire/2007/05/369656.html). Elsewhere in the region they had a number of impressive results, not least in the three Kirkby wards where they consistently received around a third of the votes.
Clearly this should be a concern to anybody opposed to the BNP and everything it represents. Certainly this rise has not gone unopposed. Anti-fascists have organised themselves. Unfortunately, for various reasons, many activists have been uncomfortable getting involved in the current campaign.
The hope of this meeting is to explore what is going on and how people can fruitfully intervene in the current campaign. It is not our hope to set ourselves against those who are already active and the organisers have been involved, in different ways, in Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP. Rather we want to build and strengthen anti-fascism in Nottingham, a task we believe is increasingly important.
Wed 20th June, 7:30, Sumac Centre (

Food for donations
In recent years the BNP have been organising in Nottinghamshire. In this year's local elections this resulted in their candidate in Brinsley, Sadie Graham, being elected onto Broxtowe Council (/en/regions/nottinghamshire/2007/05/369656.html). Elsewhere in the region they had a number of impressive results, not least in the three Kirkby wards where they consistently received around a third of the votes.
Clearly this should be a concern to anybody opposed to the BNP and everything it represents. Certainly this rise has not gone unopposed. Anti-fascists have organised themselves. Unfortunately, for various reasons, many activists have been uncomfortable getting involved in the current campaign.
The hope of this meeting is to explore what is going on and how people can fruitfully intervene in the current campaign. It is not our hope to set ourselves against those who are already active and the organisers have been involved, in different ways, in Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP. Rather we want to build and strengthen anti-fascism in Nottingham, a task we believe is increasingly important.