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Mule Newspaper

The Mule Newspaper | 15.06.2007 09:24

MULE is a not-for-profit, grassroots, UK-wide project committed to using media production and mass distribution as a tool for promoting social, environmental and economic justice and peace.

Volunteer distributors needed:

Dear all,

The second issue of the Mule Newspaper, a UK-wide and free social justice newspaper, is due out in July. We are looking for distributors and distribution centres (shops, cafes, libraries etc). Please contact us if you could hand out copies of the summer issue in your home town, at a festival you are going to, or if you have some good ideas about where to send some bundles.

email Mule:

MULE is a not-for-profit, grassroots, UK-wide project committed to using media production and mass distribution as a tool for promoting social, environmental and economic justice and peace.

MULE is a quarterly newspaper with a print run of 20,000, handed out free on the streets of Britain.

MULE's mission is to reach out to a wide-ranging cross section of British society through being the only cost-free and freely distributed national newspaper dealing with positive social change.

MULE addresses the burning issues that the mainstream local and national media neglect, without screaming down peoples necks, being boring or preachy, or speaking to a select, in-the-know audience.

The Mule Newspaper
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Hide the following 5 comments

yeah, but what if it aint the "ruling class",but. . . .

16.06.2007 11:45

- - - - a shakedown by opinion influencers whipping up "terror" - or "Terreur-apprehensions" for a shakedown of slushfunds or "elites", as they get puppet-played too - by "operators" that play games to set up "cut-out"s, pseudo tribes, patsies, etc - then wipe their own minds too - ouch. the worst of the "insecurity industry - or profiteers thereof.

much "stuppider".what if it IS the "protection racketeers", warbux addicts - ?

racist advert in Mule newspaper

17.06.2007 11:45

OK not a bad ( liberal ) newspaper but....

Re the back page advert - typical white middle class rot.
Do you think black people should do all your shitty jobs like care workers and cleaners ( while you work as journalists perhaps? ) .
Carry on your consuming for war in the south. Thank you for your markets, guns and love of diamonds, chocolate,coffee, tea, cotton, oil, copper and other cash crops. free trade zones being the icing on the cake and fair trade your wonderful spin.

poverty pimping

class-ist mud throwing.

18.06.2007 13:13

Ok, so I looked at it to see what was wrong with the add on the last page. Someone point out to me what exactly is wrong with saying that migrant workers should get a fair wage and fair treatment? So the add might be stereotypical and I can’t be arsed to look up the statistics but I’d imagine that most migrant workers are eastern Europeans and so the examples given in the add wont add up. I might not particular agree that lifting immigration control is in the best interest of migrant workers but the discussions are a lot more interesting that being simply about ‘black people doing shitty jobs’. I mean the issue of supporting a system that means a mother is economically forced to work away from her children raises bigger and much more interesting issues than just reverting to class-ist mud throwing.


Advert is not on

18.06.2007 15:26

The advert was purposefully made in the spoof style of a charity ad, and tries to communicate the complexities and contrary stance of government immigration control and British attitudes to it.

African are sick of adverts which portray them as passive victims of poverty.

This charity style ad, on one level was pointing out the irony that this government and the media believe in the importance of aid, of gifts, but don't allow people to come to work here and send the money back directly without any mediation by large NGO's with a costly infrastructure.

Another purpose of the ad was to point out explicitly the deep hypocrisy in operation that means our old people are in home being looked after by Africans, and that these same care homes are systematically raided by immigration snatch squads who then detain and deport irregular migrants- for what? For looking after our grandparents.

Whether or not people agree with whether migrants should or shouldn't do this, they are doing it, exercising their own free will to do so, and as Mary points out, often at great personal sacrifice and in shit working conditions.

MULE is given out on the streets. The final, simple message of this ad was that our country relies on a migrant workforce: to paint a more complex picture than the unceasing tirade of right-wing scaremongering about immigration.

When the climate is this hostile, you sometimes have to tread carefully, to keep people listening.

It might not have a radical enough message for poverty pimper, but it will make other people think.

In the meantime, save your "racist" jibes for the real racists.

Mule contributer

Great paper

06.06.2008 09:31

Picked up a copy of Mule the other day outside Oxford Road station and really enjoyed it - don't think it was the issue with the KKK advert though, must have missed that one...

Thought the editorial on migration was really well argued, about corporations being given more freedoms and privilege than people - something most people never stop to think about as the media portray 'common sense' success stories about corporations striding the globe to their own advantage (hoorah) while 'exposing' the scandalous movement of people in response to this.

Hope the paper's a success, it deserves to be.
