mobile phone & emf safety advice
Robin Ludd | 13.06.2007 17:16
Further to avoiding mobile phones, especially 3g,Tetra police masts & wifi due to tumours effects on wildlife like bees etc.
Advice is to wear mobiles in back pocket or lower down in combat trousers, not near vital organs.
Also carbon paint can be used to paint walls, faraday cages can be made too though this is extreme.
But effects on environment long term unknown.
Safer devices like pagers are not know supported
Workers coops & a revoluition needed soon,
Advice is to wear mobiles in back pocket or lower down in combat trousers, not near vital organs.
Also carbon paint can be used to paint walls, faraday cages can be made too though this is extreme.
But effects on environment long term unknown.
Safer devices like pagers are not know supported

Workers coops & a revoluition needed soon,
Robin Ludd
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