creatation of anoter terriost paris hilton
ufoborn | 10.06.2007 00:22 | Iraq | Palestine | London | Oxford
paris hiltion doesnt know it but she is in the hands of species other tahn--going to need outside opinion-----------------------no need to nuke-----millions just like her every were
--code species other than--military code texas chain saw conentrain jews 1942 stuff---------i c no speicces other than stuff commin out of america today i seeeeeeeeeee-------force orca strationnnnnnnnnnnnn at gun point lets face it---------------------------code name d-day yea day--------------------------------------------------------rain bow bridge is closed trjecotyr predtoru of war to open--helen of troy sin bad come out sid bad---------------------------------------------------go para military throw the russian sub kurts every thing you gottttttttttttttttttttt-------------------we no need nukesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-- anymore joe mamaa----we have paris