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Please visit for in depth Iraq War videos

Russell Wyllie | 09.06.2007 15:02 | Iraq | World

Video website at exposing the corruption and lies of the Iraq War.
Started in September 2006, the website is an example of the extent of problems
caused by the USA and Allies in Iraq.

Please visit , where I have created over 40 videos on the corruption, lies and serious errors in the Iraq War. Topics covered mainly concentrate on the Bush Administration and their mistakes and desires to control World markets like the oil and defense industries.

This site is a must for people to become more aware of the economics and politics behind the USA and Iraq. I am a supporter of the Stop The War coalition, and various anti-war campaigns Worldwide.

Many thanks,
Russell Wyllie of

Russell Wyllie
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that video proves nothing

09.06.2007 17:34

if it was just about oil then a deal with iraq could have been done without war. The cost of the war also exceeds the profits from iraqi oil revenue so far. By the way around 95 per cent of the kurds supportted and still supprtted regime change in iraq. Don't you remember back in 1988 in the wake of the Halabja bombing when the left were marching in support of the kurds? Why did the left abandon the kurds in favour of a no war at all costs campaign?


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