Joseph Kakembo Belongs on Teesside!
John O | 07.06.2007 08:26 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
Joseph is a Ugandan who fled to the UK 14 years ago. Since his first application for asylum in April 1993 he has been through a series of hearings, reviews, and appeals - each one preceded by months of anxious preparation and followed by weeks of waiting and hoping and worry.
In January 2006 his solicitor submitted another appeal, which, after more anxious waiting, was eventually heard on 1st May 2007 and refused on 17th May.
Joe's story is one of unspeakable brutality. His entire family were murdered by the current regime. If he were to return to Uganda, he would face persecution and detention. Human Rights violations in Uganda are well documented and the situation remains volatile.
Uganda/USA Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (2006)
The government's human rights record remained poor. Serious problems remained, including: unlawful killings by security forces; disappearances; security forces use of torture and abuse of suspects; vigilante justice; harsh prison conditions; official impunity; arbitrary arrest; incommunicado and lengthy pre-trial detention; restrictions on the right to a fair trial and on freedoms of speech, the press, and association; limited freedom of religion; restrictions on opposition parties; electoral violence and irregularities; government corruption; violence and discrimination against women; female genital mutilation (FGM); violence and abuse of children, particularly sexual abuse; trafficking in persons; violence and discrimination against persons with disabilities; forced labor, including by children; and child labor.
Joe's experiences have left him suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe depression for which he receives medication and counselling. However, the anxiety about his safety and the uncertainty of what the future holds, are barriers to his recovery.
Joseph has built a new life since settling in the Tees Valley. He is currently studying for an MSc in Criminology at Teesside University. Joe attends Sacred Heart Church in Middlesbrough where he is loved and respected by the congregation and plays an active role in the life of the church. In addition to this, Joe has always undertaken some form of voluntary work as a way of contributing to his community.
The appalling treatment that Joe has endured for 14 years at the hands of the UK Immigration Service has been intolerable, and has effectively consigned him to a life of despair, fear and frustration. Despite this, Joe has remained a diligent student and committed member of the church where he has many friends and supporters.
The only avenue Joe is left with is to channel the efforts of his friends and supporters into some kind of campaigning activity that we hope will persuade the Minister of the merits of his case and enable him to remain on compassionate grounds.
The Secretary of State has an opportunity to use his discretion to end Joe's suffering and allow him to spend the rest of his life in peace and safety in a community where he is valued and respected. Joe has such a contribution to make - please help him stay.
Please help Joe stay in UK
What you can do to help
The campaign to keep Joseph in the UK are collecting petitions and model letters, when they have collected a sizable amount they will ask a local MP to present them to the Minister for Immigration.
They are asking you to sign the attached model letter / JoesphLiamByrneML.doc / (copy/amend/write your own version, quoting Joe's Home Office Reference No: K458471)
And print off and get signed the attached petition / Joseph KakemboPT.doc /:
Please return all petitions and letters of support by post to:
'Joseph Kakembo belongs on Teesside Campaign',
C/o 9 Cromwell Avenue
TS18 2EF
Many thanks for your help and support, may all your Gods bless you.
Inquiries/further information:
John Rogers or Kath Sainsbury on 01642 601122 or email John on or Kath on
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
'Joseph Kakembo belongs on Teesside Campaign'
Joe's story is one of unspeakable brutality. His entire family were murdered by the current regime. If he were to return to Uganda, he would face persecution and detention. Human Rights violations in Uganda are well documented and the situation remains volatile.
Uganda/USA Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (2006)
The government's human rights record remained poor. Serious problems remained, including: unlawful killings by security forces; disappearances; security forces use of torture and abuse of suspects; vigilante justice; harsh prison conditions; official impunity; arbitrary arrest; incommunicado and lengthy pre-trial detention; restrictions on the right to a fair trial and on freedoms of speech, the press, and association; limited freedom of religion; restrictions on opposition parties; electoral violence and irregularities; government corruption; violence and discrimination against women; female genital mutilation (FGM); violence and abuse of children, particularly sexual abuse; trafficking in persons; violence and discrimination against persons with disabilities; forced labor, including by children; and child labor.
Joe's experiences have left him suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe depression for which he receives medication and counselling. However, the anxiety about his safety and the uncertainty of what the future holds, are barriers to his recovery.
Joseph has built a new life since settling in the Tees Valley. He is currently studying for an MSc in Criminology at Teesside University. Joe attends Sacred Heart Church in Middlesbrough where he is loved and respected by the congregation and plays an active role in the life of the church. In addition to this, Joe has always undertaken some form of voluntary work as a way of contributing to his community.
The appalling treatment that Joe has endured for 14 years at the hands of the UK Immigration Service has been intolerable, and has effectively consigned him to a life of despair, fear and frustration. Despite this, Joe has remained a diligent student and committed member of the church where he has many friends and supporters.
The only avenue Joe is left with is to channel the efforts of his friends and supporters into some kind of campaigning activity that we hope will persuade the Minister of the merits of his case and enable him to remain on compassionate grounds.
The Secretary of State has an opportunity to use his discretion to end Joe's suffering and allow him to spend the rest of his life in peace and safety in a community where he is valued and respected. Joe has such a contribution to make - please help him stay.
Please help Joe stay in UK
What you can do to help
The campaign to keep Joseph in the UK are collecting petitions and model letters, when they have collected a sizable amount they will ask a local MP to present them to the Minister for Immigration.
They are asking you to sign the attached model letter / JoesphLiamByrneML.doc / (copy/amend/write your own version, quoting Joe's Home Office Reference No: K458471)
And print off and get signed the attached petition / Joseph KakemboPT.doc /:
Please return all petitions and letters of support by post to:
'Joseph Kakembo belongs on Teesside Campaign',
C/o 9 Cromwell Avenue
TS18 2EF
Many thanks for your help and support, may all your Gods bless you.
Inquiries/further information:
John Rogers or Kath Sainsbury on 01642 601122 or email John on

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
'Joseph Kakembo belongs on Teesside Campaign'
John O