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Peace In The Park Radio

2%Human | 04.06.2007 13:35 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Sheffield

Audio report from Peace In the Park (Sheffield, June 2 2007)

2%Human spent the day at Peace in the Park here is a 22 min mp3 of interviews and impressions from the day.

Is Peace In the Park, peace in a wide enough area?

Most people I spoke to at Peace In The Park thought it was not nearly a wide enough area!

Here are the URLs of the organisations featured..

Peace in the Park

Sheffield Stop the War Coalition




Sheffield PSC




Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.


- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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Good stuff!

04.06.2007 15:29

But could have done with a little less of your 2% and a little more other humans views, top thing to do tho, cheers


I Know!

04.06.2007 21:44

I find it difficult to shut up when I'm talking politics!
Ta for the feedback tho'


Chipmunk Federation!

19.06.2007 16:46

That lad from the AFED at 01:47 is shit hot compared to the rest of the political groups, was he reading a script or something? I have to say thats the craziest voice i have heard in years tho, its like a cross between a cockney and a drunk squirrel!

I like what he says about 9/11, thats a good way of putting it. Would have been interested in some more questions on Food Not Bombs and what it does, cos most of the AFED stuff sounds like (well put) rhetoric without the context or examples.

The CND woman sounds like a CND woman really. lol at not knowing her own website!

The media studies lecturer getting slapped down at 10:00 is hilarious;
2% - "Is the corporate media all lies then?"
woman - "No, i think its more complicated than that."
2% - "well you're wrong."

Told! WTF is her group too? It helps women live to 100?! Its got the government to do a study on *the effects of war on women*?!!

2% must be the only person from sheffield on the tape.

Polly Filler