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More Peace in the Park Pictures

Mark | 04.06.2007 13:20 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Sheffield

Additional photos of a Sunny Saturday in Endcliffe Park


another band
another band

burger man
burger man

red beans and rice
red beans and rice

Sarah J and friends
Sarah J and friends

Mojo and the Beatniks
Mojo and the Beatniks

open mic tent
open mic tent

Gray Cooper Love Party
Gray Cooper Love Party

I Witness
I Witness

Some pictures of the entertainment at Saturday's Peace in the Park. Some of the bands (soz to the bands whos names I didn't catch) and some of the food. All was good and the weather was almost perfect, even the intermittent clouds probably helped save a few over red faces. A great day. Big up to all the organisers, participants and punters.

As for photographing local punks I probably would have but for one enterprising little bugger with a mohican who blagged a pen off my mate and then wrote a sign "Photos 50p". Top marks for seeing a market, even the price was reasonable but he was clearly getting sick of cameras and I hadn't even pointed mine at him yet!



Stalls money

07.06.2007 10:24

The rent money from the stalls went to put on the cost of the festival, things like portaloos, staging, PA, van hire. the accounts have not been sorted out, in part because we all worked so f'in hard over the weekend and beyond. The entire festival was put on through donations and fundraisers and many people gave up there time and skills to help raise the 5,000 pounds that the event cost to put on (roughly). The event itself raised over 3,000 for charity on the day. If anyone would like to look at the accounts they should come down to one of the open peace in the park meetings and if people have complaints or ideas for improvements then get involved with putting on next years event rather than just whinging about it. Thanks to all who did and created such an excellent day out that many people got to enjoy



Hide the following 8 comments


04.06.2007 19:57

Selling meat at a peace event is like selling blow jobs at a celibacy event. What about peace for all beings?

For health, for animals, for planet - be vegan!

Robert Ricky

fer christs sake

05.06.2007 01:02

live and let live dude...if people wanna be vegan they will...they don't need some try hard telling them what to do...

and if only veggies/vegans went to the fest, I bet there would have been less than half the people there than there were.


Warning - bullshit detected!

05.06.2007 08:59

"live and let live dude..."

You are having a laugh aren't you? Or do you think that you're letting animals live by factory farming them?

"and if only veggies/vegans went to the fest, I bet there would have been less than half the people there than there were"

Another bland assertion the pro-meat brigade always trot out. Where's your evidence? I've been at plenty of vegan/veggie events that lots of meat eaters have turned up to. People generally don't know what food's going to be available so it doesn't affect their decision about whether to go or not. Meat-eaters are often pleasantly surprised by quality vegan food! You never know, some people may even decide to change their lifestyles...


meat is not the issue here regarding peace in the park

06.06.2007 07:17

forget this meat v vegan debate just publish the accounts show us where the money comes and goes you are not being upfront, peace in the park is a sham preying on stupid middle class political life stylers timid dripsters and their activist lackies, who makes the money the private stall holders who pedal hippy crap to the mung beaners.and in my opinion this site totally sucks its censorship policy is idiotic although from an editorial point of view it is slightly better than redwatch some of the mentality and views displayed here like the old "bash the fash" scene is no better than the facists .....hardline anti facists the so called peace lefties are no better than the facist bnp rascist thugs.margaret hodge was right to say what she said about housing priorities being wrong in the uk but where she lost it was when she introduced colour into the arguement she should have talked about "my briitish born constituants" "not my white constituants" she was rightly slapped down by alan johnston and peter hain....colour prejudice is pathetic and yes many millions of black and asian british born people share concerns about refugees asylum seekers and mass immigration from the eu in the form of cheap labour and whose fault is it that the system is such a mess.....we all know politicans civil servants mainly white mainly male and 99% out of touch.....directing hatred against the people who come to britain on the basis of their colour and ethnic origin is pointless pathetic and despicable but at the same time with the political management of thr situation at the home office so clearly out of control one can understand the public's indifference to events like peace in the park.


better the controversy out than in

06.06.2007 22:42

Odd I thought that my disparaging coments about capitalist punks would be the controversial bit but then I should have known better. A lot of meat eaters do not agree with killing people to make a point, just as some veggies do believe in killing people to make a point. But I'm not going to exclude a meatie from a peace fest if they are against war even if I think that the world would probably be a better place if they didn't eat the meat (I don't). I just thought it was and interesting picture.

"forget this meat v vegan debate just publish the accounts show us where the money comes and goes"
I completely agree with this part of your comment though I wasn't aware that the accounts were secret I'm sure they have to be published somewhere and as has been mentioned in some other comments on line would certainly provide more openness. I'm not sure I get your point on censorship I hadn't realised the site operated such a thing.


meat for the masses?

14.06.2007 08:41

hello people. i am the burger man. great such a debate has emerged from a photo of me grilling burgers. i eat meat. i cook meat. i am meat. and so too are many other people who attended peace in the park. the queues to the bbq was proof of that - people just love muching a tasy burger at a festie. the idea of making PitP (or any festival) veggie / vegan only - in principle great, but in practice a nightmare. the main reason? - such a 'holier than thou' position would put SO MANY people off coming that it may as well not happen. the best thing? source the meat locally from an independant supplier who knows what great meat is all about. that's exactly what we did, and you could taste the difference. as for the whole veggie / vegan positions - what about soya? tofu? leather? fish? eggs? cheese? milk? make up? soap? shop at supermarkets? ... i feel a 'shout it from the roof top' moment coming, and I reckon you know what I'd say...

buregr man

great in principal you say

14.06.2007 14:29

berger man iam with you all the way just one thing thoug to have "p" in the park as a vegan veggie only festival great in principal you say erm no not great in anyway whatsover meat is the master vegan veggie sucks.....we should make it a meat eaters only festival maybe cannibal only festival in a couple of years or so.long pig tasty tasty you know vegans and veggies maybe could be on the menu.

meat master worldsmith

Stalls money

19.06.2007 16:26

on the subject of where the money went, yeah we'd be interested, mostly to see if its cost effective, but no i wouldn't say that there are dodgy questions - at least not from our experience. Being a non profit stall we didn't have to pay any more than a donation for our stall and didn't take any money either. Simple as. Can't really think of many events which would let us do that, even if they wanted to.

Be interested to know what the restaurant stalls paid and what they made.

on meat and non meat: i think the turn out would have been identical if the entire event had been vegan and i say that as a meat eater. Nobody attended for the food alone, i'd be surprised if anyone even saw getting a massively expensive plate of ethnic type grub as a big part of their day. Its a free festival, you come for a laugh and to see some bands. I've never heard anyone say 'Reading? No mate i never go to Reading the foods simply awful'.

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