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Space Exploration : 14 Space Agencies Unite

DarkestCloud | 04.06.2007 08:31 | World

Fascists contaminating the Universe..

Earth must be isolated from Space by a shield of space debris that will destroy all satellites and space launches. Unnamed Space agencies, manned by Scientists in the pay of Fascists are joining forces to build space weapons to control people on Earth. They con you with talk of research, Their objective is to dominate every Nation on Earth with the threat of War from Space.

If no Nation will defend all the Nations by putting up a debris shield, then it is up to individuals to reduce the human population of the planet to a level that makes Space War impossible.



Display the following 4 comments

  1. It's a funding scam — Scamwatch
  2. Wow... — spaceman
  3. ????? — JFK
  4. Yes JFK — DarkestCloud