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Lost Principles

Capitalist | 02.06.2007 11:30 | World

Soothsayers fail to recognise doom can be avoided with gloom.

Go read which is not copied here for copyright reasons. It is about the Stock Market Crash of 1987. But it does not tell you that that was when the Monetarists lost their balls and flooded liquidity into the Banks to stop that proper overdue correction. Was there a Nobel for such cowardice?

The only other people to have betrayed their principles as thoroughly are the Chinese Communists who bought shares on such a massive scale in Hong Kong that they stopped a global Stock Market domino collapse.

Inflation destroys the natural balance of the Stock Market and can only lead to Catastrophe. One with much worse consequences than 1929 is now approaching. It may already be unavoidable.

That URL starts:

"The Stock Market Crash of 1987

The Investment U e-Letter: Issue # 649
Friday, March 09, 2007

The Stock Market Crash of 1987… Timeless Investing Lessons from Black Monday and the Risk Appetite Index
by Alexander Green, Investment Director, The Oxford Club

On October 19, 1987, the Dow lost 22.6% of its value in a single session.

The cause of the stock market crash of 1987, know as Black Monday, is still debated. After all, no one was shot. No currency crashed. No government failed........"

- Homepage: http:// .


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Capitalist Idiot

02.06.2007 12:38

We all know Capitalists contain their fair share of idiots. The attack on the traitor MoneyLords is hidden at
