ufo isotoping
mork | 01.06.2007 22:27 | Analysis | Migration | Palestine | Cambridge
kgb---rice-----------advanced cat-i-list painting tangle--mike angelo--corolation ballet---hidden from masss little girl retarded--kenndy---------------------------------------------texas chainsaw place--code species other than -military code---------------------naval brews--it--reds--code--naval brews--it reads--code----------------------------two hot two handle code naval brews--it red---yea day check plesase
navl brews--i read------yea day check please
navl brews--i read------yea day check please
berlin wall----isotoping kgb thing waiting for uo up here--code brew--check brew------------------berlin wall thing isotoping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------rainbow bridge--sunlight threw water creates rainbow thats the bridge---land based child thor---thundar sound of war----hemdal some guy on ship----------trajctory predtour of war--populations under influecne of----------------helen of troy--sin bad come out sid bad------------------------------------------------yellow brick road shows mankind away out of forest-----------------------------------long pipe sf new yourk-----size truck-----------fill mouth of pipe water--use rain umbrella around mouh of pipe --two days rain ok--check--code name it yeaaa dayyy--------------------------leaves yet----e print on reservation----------------------------missing myans check trajectory predtoru of war--there gods--told them dissapear--on wonn day we would find them--------------------go for th yet--ee print----------------------------------naval brews----it ----yea day-----red--check
naval brews---it--yea day --reads----------------------------brews--it yea day berlin wall check ---------yea day-check----------------------------------------------------------------------------come on an yeaaaaaaaaaaa wayyyyyyyy come on yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa wayyyyyyyyyyy today is like yea dayyyyyyyy when you yea wayyyyyyyyyyy this way and yea wayyyyyyy today is like yea way--trajectory predtoru war--check
not god shockaaaaaaaaaaa-tv--and a cure for it zuluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
not god shoc
naval brews---it--yea day --reads----------------------------brews--it yea day berlin wall check ---------yea day-check----------------------------------------------------------------------------come on an yeaaaaaaaaaaa wayyyyyyyy come on yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa wayyyyyyyyyyy today is like yea dayyyyyyyy when you yea wayyyyyyyyyyy this way and yea wayyyyyyy today is like yea way--trajectory predtoru war--check
not god shockaaaaaaaaaaa-tv--and a cure for it zuluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
not god shoc