Asylum Monologues (free performances)
moi | 31.05.2007 08:13 | Culture | Liverpool
FREE performances of Asylum Monologues in 12 UK cities on June 21
Ice and Fire theatre and the new national network Actors for Refugees will stage Asylum Monologues in 12 different UK cities on June 21 2007, to coincide with Refugee Week, a UK-wide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourage a better understanding between communities. The series of events are being organised in conjunction with UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, Refugee Action, a national refugee support charity, and numerous other agencies and organisations throughout the UK which are campaigning on refugee/asylum issues.
Asylum Monologues is an account of the UK asylum system told first-hand in the words of the people who have experienced it. Scripted by award-winning playwright and Artistic Director of Ice and Fire theatre, Sonja Linden, it is an important and powerful work.
Actors for Refugees, a network of professional actors dedicated to drawing public attention to the harsh realities faced by individuals who come to the UK to seek refuge, has been touring Asylum Monologues around the country since it was launched at Amnesty International in June 2006 and has reached over 4000 people so far. It is presented as a rehearsed reading with live music and features different guest actors and musicians.
The 12 cities are: London, Liverpool, Leicester, Manchester, Leeds, Halifax, Exeter, Sheffield, Norwich, Swansea, Nottingham and Glasgow. There will also be a performance in Guildford on June 20.
For time and venue details, see:
Ice and Fire theatre and the new national network Actors for Refugees will stage Asylum Monologues in 12 different UK cities on June 21 2007, to coincide with Refugee Week, a UK-wide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourage a better understanding between communities. The series of events are being organised in conjunction with UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, Refugee Action, a national refugee support charity, and numerous other agencies and organisations throughout the UK which are campaigning on refugee/asylum issues.
Asylum Monologues is an account of the UK asylum system told first-hand in the words of the people who have experienced it. Scripted by award-winning playwright and Artistic Director of Ice and Fire theatre, Sonja Linden, it is an important and powerful work.
Actors for Refugees, a network of professional actors dedicated to drawing public attention to the harsh realities faced by individuals who come to the UK to seek refuge, has been touring Asylum Monologues around the country since it was launched at Amnesty International in June 2006 and has reached over 4000 people so far. It is presented as a rehearsed reading with live music and features different guest actors and musicians.
The 12 cities are: London, Liverpool, Leicester, Manchester, Leeds, Halifax, Exeter, Sheffield, Norwich, Swansea, Nottingham and Glasgow. There will also be a performance in Guildford on June 20.
For time and venue details, see: