Smash G8
One of many | 30.05.2007 18:09 | G8 2005
Dont let the police and authorities by repressive means take away
the iniative.
Also a small group of people can fight against the Totalitarian New World Order.
the iniative.
Also a small group of people can fight against the Totalitarian New World Order.
You choose the place and time.
Take advantage of terrain, weather, maps etc.
If you cant smash the surveillance cameras atleast you can
make a map of where they are placed.
You can find out the strength of the police and where they are
Then you seek their weak points and hit them as hard as you can.
Always keep this in mind:
G8 - like WTO (World Trade Organisation), WEF(World Economic Forum),
IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, EU, NAFTA, ECB(European Central Bank),
Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Freemasonry, Corporate Media, Big Megalomaniac
Corporations, Nation of Islam, CIA, FSB, MI5, MI6, etc. - they are all one and the same.
They make up one huge Corporation - a brotherhood.
A Totalitarian New World Order.
So when you fight against of these evil elements you actually fight against
the whole Order.
They can be defeated.
Take advantage of terrain, weather, maps etc.
If you cant smash the surveillance cameras atleast you can
make a map of where they are placed.
You can find out the strength of the police and where they are
Then you seek their weak points and hit them as hard as you can.
Always keep this in mind:
G8 - like WTO (World Trade Organisation), WEF(World Economic Forum),
IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, EU, NAFTA, ECB(European Central Bank),
Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Freemasonry, Corporate Media, Big Megalomaniac
Corporations, Nation of Islam, CIA, FSB, MI5, MI6, etc. - they are all one and the same.
They make up one huge Corporation - a brotherhood.
A Totalitarian New World Order.
So when you fight against of these evil elements you actually fight against
the whole Order.
They can be defeated.
One of many
Hide the following 6 comments
neo-nazi conspiraloon shit
30.05.2007 19:13
The neo-nazi are having to go 60 miles away to have their demo and they are still going to get chased off the streets. They'd welcome you with open arms with that bullshit.
Smash conspiraloons
New World Order
30.05.2007 20:03
As your next, glorious, Imperial leader I would like to draw you attention to the fact that I am fully supportive of the New World Order that Bush senior declared on 11th September 1990, if you are not aware of this ground-breaking speech you can watch it here:
Or read it here:
On 15th May 2007 I had the great pleasure to address the CBI and I used this oppertunity to assure them that I'm supportive of the New World Order, if you failed to attend this meeting you can watch a clip of my speech here:
Finally I would like to thank all those on the left who are doing such a fine job of making sure that troublesome activists are kept in the dark about things such as the concentration camps of the New World Order that await you (we haven't started building them in the UK yet, but, as ever, we are playing catch-up with the leaders of our glorious Empire):
Yours insincerly
Gordon Brown
Lets take a lead from the Germans
30.05.2007 22:15
Root them out
The problem is with...?
30.05.2007 22:53
I don't know anything about these 3 organisations, that they are dodgy would come as no suprise -- do "Smash conspiraloons" and "Root them out" have some concrete reason why these organisations shouldn't be opposed?
You are not members are you?
There are a couple of odd things about this article:
What are the Nation of Islam doing on this list? Malcom X was no spook, though believing in a god is stupid.
And who are FSB? The Federation of Small Businesses,
31.05.2007 12:03
The point of this title is obvious.
FSB is the follower of KGB. And what has changed essentially
is no less than the abbrevation.
In other words KGB=FSB. FSB=KGB
If you would change today the name of Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)
into for example Federal Information Center(FIC) would that make a
difference? No it would not. It would still be the same organisation.
According to recent information that can be obtained by anyone who has
access to internet all of the above mentioned organisations play together
in the same team.
So when we are opposing G8 we could or should oppose
Bilderberg as well. That is a group that gathers every year in a secret place and
no information about the attendees is made public.
However there are some brave people who are digging in to this.
Check out
Nation of Islam is used as a tool to pave way for islamic extremism
in US.
I`m not a US citizen but I`m convinced that the ultimate goal of Nation of Islam
- when it reaches a certain level of power - is to paralyze the country by igniting
large scale raceriots against ordinary americans.
All of the above mentioned organisations - many more should be included -
have in common that they operate for a more or less common agenda.
To take away our rights and to establish a worldwide corporate police state.
ps. By the way I don`t support gun confiscation. One day we may find out that
we need to use our guns against our traitorous leaders. And I think its better
to be united against them then to let them split and rule us.
One of many
brotherhood of humanity & life
01.06.2007 00:02
Robin Ludd