npower announce plans for 1650MW Gas power station in Notts
Powerless | 30.05.2007 16:13 | Climate Chaos
A journalist forwarded the details of this to me asking for a response from any climate activists I might know.
One of my first thoughts was that presumably the plant is going to be built using a lot of cement...
One of my first thoughts was that presumably the plant is going to be built using a lot of cement...
Anyway, this was the first I've heard of it. The full press release is below. Note that apparently they already have planning permission dating back to 1993. Also note that in 2000 it was decided that the power station wasn't needed, so someone has started boiling their kettle a lot more recently.
if anyone wants to put together an Eastside Climate Action response then email me on pete(at) and I'll pass it on.
if anyone wants to put together an Eastside Climate Action response then email me on pete(at) and I'll pass it on.
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gas is better than nuclear but still dodgy
31.05.2007 19:08
Wind power needs to be invested in more, wavepower investment in scotland looks interesting according to Proffesional engineer mag, solar not using nanotech until proven safe is good
Geothermal for heating has got to be way forward, just making the gadgets that regulate it cheaper.
Concrete yes that is definetely not good, some say, ooh look at all metal it takes to make a wind generator, do you think cement, metal & concrete is used in gas,coal or nuclear generators & how many back up planets do we have?
Energy supply for concrete production for all poorly made single living-homes is probably the kettle whistle, though as long as wilson/wimpey homes & negative equity rob us to keep bankers happy the kettle will continue to boil the world
True revolution & cooperative living is the real answer
Industrial Workers Of World, Nottingham
Robin Ludd
Global nuclear funders
03.06.2007 17:20
I just about managed to remember that corporate Bankers NM Rothschild are funding blairs push on nuclear & backing my old boss & eons nuclear plans, the links are below.
I used to think this was a green option too until I saw a uranium mine & our 57th nuclear incident at my power station gave the whole of springfield cancer. As far as nuclear fusion goes, if any1 really thinks Mr Burns need more power to help make even bigger weapons, you must be a smithers.
Homer Simpson
Is Russia a sustainable source of Co2 emitting gas?&Eon Kernel pop
04.06.2007 05:56
Gas is as dodgy security wise & costly also with pipelines.
Fossil,nuclear& nano based fuels are crazy especially in a world at war
Eon has tried to boost its eco image with palm kernels form Indonesian rainforests, according to Eon salesmen in Nottingham. Nice try, but destruction of mature co2 absorbing,diverse rainforests with monocrop palm trees & then shipping& shifting them around the world is one of worst things you can do.
Its basic,NM Rothchild, Blair, go sustainable or one way or bust, sustainable energy companies like good energy & ecotricity are growing because it they work.
If you want to learn more about windpower why not go on a proffesional course on wind power generator course next weekend at Hill Holt Wood, forget slipshod diy store gaffs. Or climate camp where there will be workshops on various alternative technologies,fun,action & latest word on how we can survive climate chaos & make true change.
Diary listings are on the left of main page
Johnny M