Mark Collett dirtys his knickers
Kirklees Unity | 25.05.2007 18:23 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles
Here we see Mark Collett,Head of Publicity for the British National Party fairly filling his pants whilst being interrogated by Nazis Tony White and Kevin Watmough
Part One
Part Two
Watch him squirm!!
Part One

Part Two

Watch him squirm!!
Kirklees Unity
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What the.............
25.05.2007 22:14
Laughing Out Loud
So did Morphett
26.05.2007 18:35
real men
26.05.2007 18:41
Inbred physcotic bullying scum!!!!
Did Mr Griffin ask you to do it?
And he is touted as your future leader,seems nights of long knives keep happening.
What a shame, well more room in the assylum for the rest of you then, if your lucky
Is this how your parents treated you?,
leave them now, you can be a man,
Wesley snipes
I wonder who the grass is...?
26.05.2007 19:05
Ian Christie
27.05.2007 01:01
according to stormfront before the thread was cleaned up it appears that the copy that appeared was an edited version that was made specifically for a certain Ian Christie a.k.a Skean Dubh on the Stormfront forum. Infact the posts that were made seemed to know quite alot about where the video originated from and it seems like this Ian Christie fellow is in the same vein as John Griff Wood. As for Foy and White, neither are around at the moment and the only person who had a copy who seems to have reason to broadcast it is Ian Christie after asking for a copy. SF seemd to want to remove the posts and the whole forum has been very very quiet since these revelations appeared so I think we can safely assume that there is more to the Ian Christie story than meets the eye, particularly as there wasn't the usual rush of goons waiting to post about it. SF has been unusually quiet.
Not entirely unexpected
27.05.2007 10:52
Mark Payne is an unlikely critic of Mark Collett. The Coventry and Warwickshire BNP organiser until recently ran 14 Words Press (UK), a mail order business that sold tapes, T-shirts and videos in memory of the 1980s US nazi Robert Matthews, a terrorist who headed a group called The Order. Payne had even changed his surname to Matthews, such was his admiration for the man who tried to ignite a race war in 1984. But all that is behind him now that the BNP is making waves. For the good of the party, he and other hardline nazis are having to become respectable.
That seems to rile Payne now. "Every directive, every publication, every email, speeches at every meeting have gone the way of 'tone down your rhetoric', 'tone down your clothing', 'grow your hair' etc etc etc. Mark has not done any of these, and has shown by his arrogance of not apologising and playing the innocent martyr that he is not willing to change his ways." If he had to change, Payne suggests, then so should Collett.
In a series of astonishingly candid emails posted on an internal BNP newsgroup last November the strength of feeling the programme generated within the party became clear.
For most party activists the first they knew of the impending damage was when the programme was extensively previewed in The Sunday Times. Among those most shocked was Payne, who doubles up his organiser's role with being the party's assistant national treasurer. He is also the newsgroup site moderator. "If as the article suggests, Mark Collett DID actually say these things then well done Mark, you've just set us back 10 years again!" commented Payne.
His sentiments were echoed by Ian Christie, the former BNP organiser in Leeds where Collett studied. "We have staunchly supported the public party line, even in the face of such damning 'evidence' as the infamous Panorama programme. And what now? All that hard work spoiled by the actions of a young man who can't keep his ego under control."
The following day Christie returned to the newsgroup in even greater despair. "When parents of our young members, parents who may already feel a little discomfort that their offspring is involved in the BNP, see the public image of the leader what the hell are they going to think?
"How long before the media start drawing parallels between the YBNP and the Hitler Youth. In Leeds, Mark is often referred to as 'von Schirach', which says it all really doesn't it?"
Across the water, the Ulster BNP branch was horrified to read about Collett's fondness for the loyalist murderer Johnny Adair. In a slightly bizarre move for a man who was sent to prison for two years for his role in firebombing the home of an RUC officer, Andy McLorie notified the BNP leadership that the entire region was contemplating leaving the party.
As Payne and Christie discussed which constitutional rules Collett had broken, other leading activists sprung to the young man's defence. One was Trevor Agnew, the party's County Durham organiser and close friend of the party leader, Nick Griffin. Using his wife's email address, he described the programme as "a free advert".
He went on: "In my opinion Mark is guilty of nothing but not knowing when to keep his mouth shut and being too trusting."
Agnew, who intends to be the party's leading candidate in Darlington this May, did not once criticise Collett for what he actually said. In fact, he did quite the reverse. "When the slime-ball revealed who he really was (shock, horror, what a surprise) I was amazed that Mark didn't launch him onto the pavement and rip the remaining film out of the camera."
Others also sprang to Collett's defence. John Atkinson described Collett's admiration for Hitler as "hardly dishonest", while Derrick Felstead hoped Collett would be "allowed back soon in some other capacity". He went on to add: "Mark Collett was betrayed by a very professional Jew employed by a Jewish organisation to do precisely that!"
But Payne and Christie were not prepared to let the matter drop. News had reached them that the York organiser had resigned over Collett's pro-loyalist paramilitary stance and at least three other branch organisers had offered their resignation. Even Agnew was forced to admit that someone who had promised to stand for the party in his area had withdrawn the offer in protest. Payne also reported that several regular donors, shocked by Collett's pro-Nazi admissions, had announced that they were no longer prepared to support the party financially.
By now a new member had entered the fray. National treasurer John Brayshaw acknowledged the local anger to the film. "Then he said the stupid thing about Adair. People around me found this one of the most offensive things because of their Catholic backgrounds. I think a lot more people watched the programme that we think."
Another BNP member not impressed was Mona McNee, known to Searchlight for her involvement in the UK Independence Party on Merseyside. "I was appalled and disgusted at what I saw of Mark Collett. Get rid of him - PUBLICLY. If you cannot, then the BNP like the UKIP is going nowhere ... I was thinking Channel 4's use of the word 'Nazi' was libel, but seeing Collett justified them."
Atkinson returned to the fray, urging his fellow members to "stop kicking the guy when he is down". He was supported by Martin, a Leeds activist who modestly uses the email address
By now Christie was furious. "How can it be a case of kicking him when he's down when in fact he isn't down?! Certainly he came out leafleting that evening, but he was basking in the comments made by the team. At one point I asked him who would be his replacement, and he replied he was the only person capable of doing the job, and he was expected to be back in the driving seat very shortly."
He added: "The people who say the programme wasn't too bad are guilty, in my opinion, of a total lack of perception. Their logic beggars belief."
By now, a week after the programme had been screened, even the party leadership was becoming concerned at the increasingly aggressive debate on the site and through Brayshaw issued an order for it to cease so as "not to prejudice the investigation. It would not be to anyone's advantage should the recent comments sway the members of the tribunal to ignore the facts and make their decisions on personal likes/dislikes or sympathy for the accused."
Agnew wholeheartedly agreed. "Listen this Collett business is getting out of control, it has to stop."
All this only added to the fury of Christie and Payne who, correctly, viewed this as an attempt by the leadership to silence Collett's critics. Christie called it a "bloody cheek".
"This is a private group composed of BNP members," he added. "If we can't discuss internal matters here, where can we do so? At least we aren't shouting our thoughts to the media. I thought we were supposed to be against thought police methods? Yet here we are suppressing free speech among our own."
Christie's mood soured even further after he attended the BNP meeting in Bradford less than a week after the programme to find Collett sharing a platform with Griffin. "I have supported Nick all the way but I was disappointed that he chose to so obviously carry the message to the membership that Mark Collett is still the blue-eyed boy.
"The really sad thing about the whole business is that Mark still doesn't see it that way. In the pub prior to the Bradford meeting he declared that he IS the YBNP, that he would be back in charge soon, and hinted that those who opposed him would be sorry!"
Payne was also annoyed by the leadership's intervention. "As for the autocrats at Head Office, who feel that they can tell us in our private thoughts how to think, a rather large two-fingered gesture to them."
And in a warning to those reporting back to the leadership from within the discussion forum he added: "If the snake who enjoyed telling Nick Griffin our thoughts off here wants to continue snitching, they'd better pray that I don't find out who they are."
He had also, meanwhile, heard that the party was still paying Collett's rent and was incensed. "If it's found out that we're STILL paying his rent, or ANYTHING for him, then I will protest most vociferously. I will even consider resigning my position AND my membership."
Despite the best efforts of Christie and Payne it was clear that the BNP leadership had no intention of booting Collett out of the party. As Searchlight goes to press there is still no word on the outcome of the disciplinary hearing. Payne wants Collett to be suspended for a year, as happened only recently to Keith Axon, the party's former Birmingham organiser, whose crime had been to attack the party leadership in a party meeting. However, even this mild punishment looks unlikely. In one posting on the site, BNP enforcer Tony Lecomber even described having to hold a disciplinary as "ridiculous".
Even Payne seemed prepared to admit defeat. "I don't honestly think Mark Collett will be kicked out, because he's too well liked by some at senior level, regardless of how much shame he could bring to the party."
Searchlight would go further. Collett is not being booted out of the party because his views mirror those of many in the party leadership, including the staunch Holocaust denier, Griffin. In the eyes of Griffin and Lecomber, Collett's only crime was to admit his politics publicly. To this end, the BNP is establishing tighter controls over contact with the media. A new briefing is about to be circulated to organisers containing prepared statements on policy and a training programme will be undertaken.
Not that this seems to bother Collett. Despite the embarrassment he has already brought to the party, he has agreed to do an interview for media students in the South West. Back in Coventry, Payne must be blowing the dust off his nazi video collection. Well, if it's not harmed Collett's political career too much ...
This article appeared in Searchlight Magazine January 2003.
Mark Colletts Accountant
its a cracker
27.05.2007 12:07
red mickey
The Grass
27.05.2007 17:09
concerned of gipton
Why are you promoting Britains destruction?
28.05.2007 10:26
Democracy means the people must be allowed the final say on all issues significantly affecting the future of the nation. Mass immigration is unquestionably such an issue. If it continues at the present rate, the south-east of England will be totally transformed by the arrival of millions of additional migrants in the next decade. The electorate must be allowed to decide whether that is the right policy. That requires a public debate - one which must be encouraged, not closed down before it even starts.
Destroying Britain
Ok but
28.05.2007 12:13
And who are the two mingers....Jesus 0_0
He didnt shit himself as much as this silly lass did
30.05.2007 11:47
Ari Abdullah, a steroid-using bodybuilder had been engaged to nursery nurse Samantha Anderson but they broke up in July 2006. Abdullah had previously been cautioned for assaulting Samantha, but in October 2006, the Iraqi Kurd beat her with his weightlifting belt after she called at his flat to collect some mail. He stabbed her 14 times, piercing her heart.
Abdullah must serve 11 years 8 months of his “life” sentence before he can be considered for parole.
The wonders of diversity. Another murder of a brainwashed sad English lass
Collett Is The Nazi Troll
31.05.2007 23:13
Yes, it's you, Hitler worshipper Collett, trying to take the heat off yourself by posting racism about immigrants.
Everyone knows you cannot get a girlfriend.
You are a loner and a loser, you ugly prick!
Linda Lovelace
03.06.2007 20:39
Nazi Hunter