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Geldof in private jet scandal

delta | 25.05.2007 17:57 | G8 Germany 2007 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | World

Bob geldof has angered environmental campaigners by agreeing to be flown by private jet

Geldof in private jet scandal

Bob geldof has angered environmental campaigners by agreeing to be flown by private jet from the G8 conference in Germany to Harrogate In Yorkshire, where he will make a short speech and fly back to the G8 conference on the same private jet on the same day.
Environmental campaigners are today condemning Sir Geldof for agreeing to be charted around Europe via private Jet for a one hour appointment by branding him a hypocrite and calling for him to lead by example.
What message does this send ?
Are only working class people supposed to save the planet or should the dignitaries and Sirs of this world be charted around via private jet whilst the rest of us scrounge up tin cans to recycle ?
Any comments ?



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Geldof Shmeldof

25.05.2007 18:24

What do you expect from this Guy.
A guy who became a millionaire on the back of starving Africans.

Geldof, Bono, Joe Strummer etc all Poseurs.


FINGERS crossed

25.05.2007 21:28

its not all least theres the tantalising prospect that it could crash or get hijacked !