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Amnesty International is an anti-Semitic terrorist organization

Digery Cohen | 24.05.2007 06:06

It tells lies about Israel.

Injured child
Injured child

Amnesty report on a terror state in action

Violence by Israelis

l20 children killed.

Air and artillery terror attacks on Gaza.

Expand illegal settlements.

Build a 700-km apartheid wall.

Military blockades.

Theft by Israel of Palestinian customs duties.

Serious human rights abuses.

Thousands arrested

Conscientious objectors imprisoned.

Serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes.

Israeli bombardments killed nearly 1,200 people.

Littered south Lebanon with around a million unexploded cluster bombs.

Digery Cohen
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No, not Amnesty International but YOU

24.05.2007 11:25

Amnesty International report fairly honestly about what EVERYBODY (who is doing so) does that they disapprove of. You, in reporting only PART of what they say about this conflict are not honest. You are trying to convey the impression that only Israel is doing things being criticized.

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm


24.05.2007 19:50

Sionism is the new nazi era and the palestinians the new people sufferin holocaust,
