G8: The Independent Media Center needs money
(((i))) imc-de | 21.05.2007 20:13 | G8 Germany 2007 | Indymedia
During the action days against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, there will be a media center in Evershagen, a district of Rostock. Media activists will have the opportunity to work day and night to propose a different perspective on the protests from what is to be expected of corporate media. There will be information points on the camps as well, and another meeting place is going to be set up in the "Frieda", another school in Rostock. So there will be an infrastructure to allow serious media work, i.e. public access computers, internet connection, and audio and video editing facilities.
However, as much as we would like to change this fact, such a media center, besides being a real pain to organize, is really expensive. Right now there are about 11,000 Euros missing if we want to be able to realize the planned activities like online coverage, audio and video programs, prints, a WAP-ticker and the local availability. This is why we need your help! We are issuing a call to donate for the media work, of which the Indymedia website will be a part. Be creative in your fundraising, e.g. organize solidarity parties or what you think could best help the media center.
Donations can be made to the following bank account in Germany:
Receiver: Netzwerk Selbsthilfe e.V.
Bank: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Subject: Mediacenter G8
IBAN: DE46100205000003029803
(In Europe free of charge)
Donations can be made to the following bank account in Germany:
Receiver: Netzwerk Selbsthilfe e.V.
Bank: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Subject: Mediacenter G8
IBAN: DE46100205000003029803
(In Europe free of charge)

(((i))) imc-de