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Murkeyside Police Helibobs

Bob Baker | 21.05.2007 16:56 | Liverpool

While Hampshires plod is critical of Spycams Merseysides plod is taking them to Arnie style

Little drone helicams were launched today by Merseyside police.Allready nicknamed by local kids as helibobs and heliplods.The drones fitted with a wifi camera can transmit pictures to a ground control unit.One comment heard during the demo was "How long will it be befor it can fire some kind of beam?"Lets hope the kids go back to the old catapults.I know I've still go my old air rifle somewere.Now were did i put that freequency generator.

Bob Baker


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From the memory hole...

22.05.2007 00:09

It's worth remembering that last summer they were billing these as a vital tool in combating 'mini-motos', which were the mainstream media moral panic of the week ( Today apparently it's 'public disorder, crowd control during large scale events'. That seems closer to the truth.

Neon Black
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