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A Talk on Life in Palestine

suz | 21.05.2007 09:13 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Liverpool

A talk on life in Palestine on Tuesday 22nd May at 7.30 pm

Arwa Abu Haikal will be speaking in:

Manchester on Tuesday, 22nd May at 7.30 pm

The Yard Theatre,
41 Old Birley Street,
Manchester M15 5RF.
(opposite The Junction pub and next to Kim By The Sea Cafe)

Arwa is in England for 3 weeks, speaking about the experience of her
family living alongside an extremist Jewish settlement in the middle
of the Palestinian West Bank town of Hebron.

The Talk will also include videos and photographs.



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21.05.2007 09:53

Would this be the same Arwa Abu Haikal who described Israeli citizens as "all expendable"


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