r Guevara | 18.05.2007 23:00 | Analysis | Climate Chaos
Groups like Stop Global Warming (1. ) or Step It Up that avoid the need to drastically lower consumption in the rich countries and, thus, the abandonment of modern capitalism (corporations and global trade), are lying to the public from their place of privilege at a time when truth and cautious policies are so crucial
When Time Will Move:
……The Mother, Looney Elves and
The Time Wave
By Rachel Guevara
Imagine that your lover is tied up and held hostage on an old bridge over a large river… This would represent Mother Earth or the Future. Now and then the terrorists holding her hostage let her see her children or make another baby. This would represent how the capitalists don’t abuse her more than they need to sustain profits… temporarily or until technology solves everything. They even let her have some fun and keep the men happy. But the terrorists are desperate for knowledge to cover up their lies and power. So they experiment on your lover. They grow weird things on her body and expose her organs to untested chemicals and other devices.
Some of her friends and other conscientious people have demanded that they take better care of her. A few people, the radicals, even demand that she be released. Most groups tell these radical upstarts to be quiet. They even call them names like the Looney Elves. The retards, I mean the mainstream groups, insist (year after year after decades) that their strategy of education and nice thoughts will soon allow us all to be free and just love each other. But the Looney Elves try to nicely point out that it has been a long time and it does seem as if the problems – the health and survival of the Earth – are more precarious. Some far-sighted people keep pointing at the imminent flash flood that is racing down the canyon and the bridge that has rusty and crumbling pilings…
At last many people see the flood too. The people, or their self-appointed nice-groups, throw up their arms… in joy.
“Now we have an issue for education, people will listen to our programs. Let’s do a road tour and wake up the college students!”
The next day the Time Wave moves. As the flood takes out the bridge and triggers universal awareness, the Elves shoot the moderate leaders in the head as they are all drowning.
Compassionate to the end, those damn elves.
Can you ride the wave? Do you want to learn…
Sorry Angel…
We have to expand the concept of making sense to fit the complexity of problems that we face. Then by Making Sense we shrink the problems down, connect the dots, and arrive at a more holistic solution – though it may be a sad one, difficult or problematic(!).
How ironic… One never escapes problems, we just encounter new ones.
Writing for a US audience – or getting past US editors! – is not an enjoyable task.
Everyone is so timid and hides behind ridiculous assumptions:
Education is Possible, Growth is Good, Global Warming Can be Stopped or EVEN Reduced; We have a Democracy, etc… or even that democracy is good!
This article that I am submitting is almost exactly what the Pentagon and the eleven retired generals at have said. I only take out some of the ridiculous assumptions and then you get what I have sent you to read. Why is that so radical? Why is debate or education so impossible and such a failure in the US? I could write on any of these subjects (and have!) – contact me if you are ready to explore the real world – the Future that is about to smack us all violently…
For a slightly altered version of the Pentagon Global warming Study, See:
By Rachel Guevara
Rachel Guevara has been active in Latin American struggles against the so-called drug war in Bolivia & Colombia; against US terrorism in Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama & Nicaragua; & with Marcel Idels has tried to lead the global efforts to construct a humane economics.
She has been a contributor to: Covert Action Quarterly,,
Earth First! Journal, Z Magazine &
…among many other web sites and newsletters.
………………How Ecosolidarity Economics is the Antidote
………………to Climate Chaos Genocide
Word Counts: Main Text: 2654; Optional Notes:
“The US military is completely addicted to oil… its oil consumption for aircraft, ships, ground vehicles and facilities makes the Pentagon the single largest oil consumer in the world. There are only 35 countries (out of 210) in the world that consume more oil per day than the Pentagon.”
-- 17 February, 07: Energy Bulletin; US Military Oil Pains, Sohbet Karbuz.
I like the Global Warming debate because for years I have tried to prove that apparently no one has any idea of what they are talking about concerning the environment, economics, population or socio-political-cultural change.
“Solutions” to global Warming must simultaneously address, if not solve, all of these problems. Now I’m hopeful that finally the academics, loudmouths and the millions of greenwashed liberals are cornered, trapped… right where I want them.
Groups like Stop Global Warming (1. ) or Step It Up that avoid the need to drastically lower consumption in the rich countries and, thus, the abandonment of modern capitalism (corporations and global trade), are lying to the public from their place of privilege at a time when truth and cautious policies are so crucial. And any group or government in the poor countries that thinks it can replicate the growth and luxuries of the rich – at least without first getting rid of their own and foreign elite – is leading their people into war and ruin for no reason.
We all know the statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines…
The rich (G8) have had 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying the planet and our future. The G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.
Time is most obviously the issue that MUST DOMINATE all others Now!
Do people understand the time required for their strategies of change to work?
We have almost every scientist in the world telling us that we have to radically change the way we consume, produce and transport almost everything on the planet. We have to do this in a few decades. And we have no model of change of this magnitude and no historical precedent. Or the ones that we do have were all violent. And the poor countries will not cooperate with the rich unless they are taken care of, which means that the rich must change much more and sacrifice enormously. Fat chance!
Any of these factors would make a reasonable person conclude that the changes that are necessary could never happen. As I have traveled around the southern US the for past three months, almost everyone I met except for a few starry-eyed activist (really, they are just poorly educated wimpy liberals), EVERYONE said things like:
“It’s too late to do anything. I just wanna get what I can for me or my family.
There is no future, but maybe we can be alright! (!)”
The other key factor closely related to time is: Politics.
Politics: the political possibilities and time required to effect change. Yes time can be political.
Good ideas or visions that have no means of being accomplished are fantasies or else they are long run educational activities – like Stop Global Warming and all of their sponsors. If we could keep track of time (OF TIME!), of the importance of this factor, then we could agree to stop talking about long run educational activities or anything else long run. There is no long run unless we solve many problems in the short run. Is that clear people?
If a group has a technically viable program for delaying and adapting to Climate Chaos, but they have no reason to believe their program could actually happen quickly or ever, through politics, then they should be required to explain themselves.
There are more factors that are important, like our methodology, our values and our willingness to be honest.
The Disease Catalyst
Global Warming (better-called: Climate Catastrophe or Apocalyptic Climate Change) is like the lubricant or the catalyst that makes all of our problems worse. It brings all of the various species or strains of our diseases (and our bad decisions) together in a symbiotic soup that creates problems we can barely imagine – let alone solve in a short period of time. Humans have not faced such catastrophic climate change much in the last 18 to 30 thousand years. We and the environment are ill-equipped to survive these changes.
The factors that cannot be ignored are: Our overcrowded and polluted cities; undereducated and isolated people; our anger and frustrations; our hopes and expectations, and desires for modernity and order. These are compounded by the inability of Democracy to adequately represent people’s dreams or suppressed needs. Need we mention the fraud, alienation and massive expense of the lie that the Elite call Democracy?
Just as there are several expected atmospheric feedback loops that are certain to aggravate Climate Chaos and speed warming up: Siberian methane, plankton die-offs and declining global reflectivity; so too, there are numerous potential negative socio-economic feedback loops. It’s an interesting wager as to which Tipping Point will strike first, the social or the climatic.
Global warming is like a slow-moving real Y2K, except that it lasts forever and it gets worse everyday, especially so long as our thinking, preparation and theory continue to languish or degenerate.
A way to emphasize the issue of Global Warming is to show people how it makes them unsafe – even their neighborhoods will be affected, harmed and their lives made uncertain.
Neighborhoods – everyone – will be pulled into the chaos. Security goes up the smokestack and out the tailpipe.
Need we mention the mental diseases that seem to be the cruelest externality of capitalism? The pharmaceutical industries and the New Age Gurus (Where art thou o’ Butterfly One?) will have to work overtime to compensate for the next evolving wave of mental disease, suicides and family violence that are soon to explode as many good people wrestle with their complicity in the end of the world, the imperialist invasions and ensuing genocides.
In coastal areas the implications are profound – and profoundly evil!
Coastal areas of the world face certain disaster – we’re talking biblical proportions indeed. There is even a possibility that the end of many coastal cities will begin within five years. As the projections go out to 15 or 30 years the certainty of coastal disasters grows. Increased storm intensity; droughts from hotter summers; comfort indexes soaring; invasive pests and disease; and rising water levels will all eventually attack coastal regions.
In poor coastal areas where deforestation is already a problem, increased rainfall could cause massive mud and mountain sliding erosion. Under these conditions a tsunami or earthquake could kill millions outright.
Massive degradation of the oceans, fisheries and coral habitats is guaranteed.
Most glaciers, the streams fed from these ice fields and many lakes will all soon be gone forever.
The longrun problems of the humans is like a slow moving, but gigantic, tsunami tidal wave. When it hits we’ll have the sequel to Noah’s Flood wiping the earth clean of most humans and millions of species. And the tidal wave has already been launched. It’s still possible to reduce the severity of climate change and the impacts, but there is no reason to believe this will happen.
Where’s the Beef?
The most likely cause of global chaos, and the earliest to inflict pain and warning, will probably come from crop failures and regional food disparities. These will lead to panic, wars, massive refugee flows and spillover effects that could well bring down whole regions or continents in chaos.
The IPCC Reports predicts a slight increase in food output, mostly due to longer growing seasons in marginal rice producing areas. But this ignores the regional droughts and crop failures that will tip wide areas into war. The IPCC also seems to forget that rice areas are major contributors to global warming through methane releases.
Floods, pests, droughts, wars, shortages of fertilizers and ecosystem collapses (dead bees and other pollinators; and previously unknown diseases and molds are high possibilities). Nothing creates more panic in any society than food shortages or even a hint of food shortages. Hoarding and robbery lead to riots and civil war. And food production and storage centers become increasingly attractive targets for terrorists and other malcontents.
Massive investments in erosion control, water catchments, food storage, research and food sustainability/adaptability programs are surely a priority of any government that cares about its peoples’ future.
Warmer temperatures are drying up the land, the lakes, the streams and the glaciers. Rising sea levels will also infiltrate and contaminate coastal aquifers. Without water there will not be much farming. Severe floods in coastal and mountain areas and occasionally overflowing rivers should reduce farmland even more.
Is Everyone’s Brain Shriveling Up Ahead of Time?
“So what can we do about an accelerating crisis that seems likely to wipe out many species and ecosystems, and which threatens billions of people around the world? Many fixes have been suggested… but ultimately there is only one ‘fix’ that has any hope of working – a concerted turning away from our hugely destructive consumer-driven lifestyles.
Rather than growing the global economy, we must ‘grow’ materially simpler but existentially richer life-styles embedded in our local communities. Continue with our current, more selfish path, and our civilization will not remain long on this planet.” --
Global warming is like a mental disease (delusional schizo-thermia?) and it is like AIDS. We have gone beyond HIV Positive (industrial and local pollution) to full blown AIDS: the imminent demise of the planet’s immune systems.
Mentally we have all the symptoms as a society or economy of several mental illnesses: delusional episodes with memory blocks (child abuse, chronic trauma); hallucinations and feelings of grandeur crashing into major depression; and we exhibit signs of Alzheimer’s Disease with selective and sporadic memory.
The above quote from the Ecologist reflects this diseased thinking: “turning away,” and “we must ‘grow’”. How many decades would this “growth” require?
While it is right on the mark to question techno fixes and preach a lower consumption lifestyle, THESE WILL HAVE NO IMPACT IF MOST OF THE WORLD KEEPS POLLUTING AND GROWING.
Soon the USA will only be contributing a mere fifteen percent of global carbon pollution - not counting (as no one has yet) the massive pollution created around the world to keep our products cheap!
Even if the rich countries ended all of their carbon pollution but maintained their consumption (GNP), then global warming gas pollution would continue, especially because less use of oil in the rich countries would lower the price and make it used more in poor countries.
LIKE AIDS, the world denies or scrambles its thinking about what ails us. The immune systems of the planet: social capital, ecosystem balance, family networks and public health awareness are all impaired or failing. Weak and dysfunctional, the planet and our social systems are crumbling and the real crisis has not even begun.
Take the Capitols. Then Take the Capital!
No one is hearing about the most serious problems that surround the global warming/climate catastrophe equation: the Capitalists: the people who have the capital – the money. (2. ) They like global warming because they make money from it and they have a plan for surviving it: war and technology. Also the capitalists – those six million millionaires, 400 billionaires and their friends and families - they are very good at manipulating what the public hears and how the public perceives what they hear.
The Buddhists and probably all religions say that all is illusion. But they seem not to have figured out that a few corporations and governments are the ones – the self appointed gods – who have designed the illusion and designed the genocide that approaches daily.
Most politicians and churches work hard to separate the issues from reality and to distract the people with patterns of lies, scandals and pleas to patience and technological miracles. The reality of the planet’s problems and the unwillingness of the elite to change are avoided by almost everyone at every level of society.
Whether it is a terrorist attack or major disruptions in food supplies (drought, pests or war), the Pentagon, at the behest of the capitalists, will invade much of the world in order to provide humanitarian “AID” and to “Keep the World Safe for Capitalism.” (3. )
This will not be business as usual, it will be a gruesome fascism at the point of US guns, smart bombs and weapons we have never seen used against civilian populations: neutron bombs, smart bio-weapons and genetic diseases – to imagine a few!
Almost everything being said about climate change or about adapting to climate catastrophe is greenwash – a kindlier word for lies of the worst kind.
Industrialism, the consumerist culture of endless greed and the resultant climate catastrophe are weapons of mass destruction.
Efficient, sustainable and green Body Disposal research is something everyone can and must support!
(4. )
The Capitalists confuse and delay discussions/judgments. They do this to prepare their spin and ease people into the idea that only tech and the good ole USA can save the day.
War and security are their answers. What was the question… survival?
As long as there are capitalists – rich people – there will be a system that maximizes growth; profits and wealth; and hierarchy and consumption…
“There are some things that we can’t adapt: we can’t relocate the Amazon rainforest or replace bleached coral reefs, but we have to think about adaptation with mitigation.” -- Ms. Frances Cairncross, an economist who is also Rector of Exeter College, Oxford. (5. )
The worst could mean more than 1 million dead and hundreds of billions of dollars in costs by 2100, said Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, one of the IPCC co-authors. He said that adapting will mean living with more extreme weather such as severe droughts, more hurricanes and wildfires. (His math on deaths is weak!)
"It's not too late," said Australian scientist Nathaniel Bindoff (Co-author of IPCC Study). The worst can be prevented by acting quickly to curb greenhouse gas emissions, he said.
It’s too late to avoid anything but the worse case scenario because there is no reason to believe (politically, culturally or economically) that the world can ‘quickly curb gas emissions’.
In other words, but directly implied given the man’s privilege and the nature of the US Empire (capitalists, ultra-right, Christian, etc):
We the rich will have to take care of our selves, the poor will suffer – even thought they are not to blame.
"It's later than we think," said panel co-chair Susan Solomon, the U.S. NOAA scientist who helped push through the document's strong language.
Solomon, who remains optimistic about the future, said it's close to too late to alter the future for her children, but maybe it's not too late for her grandchildren.
Wait a minute: a scientist says that if it’s too late for the parents that they will still have children, children who survive the “too late” times, and children who somehow get to a nice future. She must not be a biologist or an ecologist – or a sex expert!
……………The End Is The Beginning
The whole world needs similar solutions: ones that are fair and sustainable. Ecosolidarity Economics offers a way out. (6. ) Hugo Chavez has paid lip service to these ideas. Now is the time to pressure him and other so-called radical movements and governments to be brave and to fight to sell these ideas to their people quickly.
Consider these words and consider how the world can quickly change.
Who would oppose a path of survival and why?
Read and search for other answers and please share any that you find with everyone you can. Figure out what makes sense and what are true lies or impossible dreaming.
It’s never too late to do the right thing.
Get involved in the discussion about our future
The direction we're heading is
to war,
economic instability,
growing uncertainty about the direction
of everything,
warring nations, ideologies…
that's what this discussion is all about.
More Data to Chew on:
While you Pump Up the Life Rafts:
Globally, the 20% of the world’s people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption expenditures — the poorest 20% a minuscule 1.3%. More specifically, the richest fifth:
* Consume 45% of all meat and fish, the poorest fifth 5%
* Consume 58% of total energy, the poorest fifth less than 4%
* Have 74% of all telephone lines, the poorest fifth 1.5%
* Consume 84% of all paper, the poorest fifth 1.1%
* Own 87% of the world’s vehicle fleet, the poorest fifth less than 1%
[This means that 80 percent of world owns 13 percent of the cars! and they are probably old ones that barely run.]
— Human Development Report 1998 Overview, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
World Development Indicators, World Bank, 2005, Table 4.10
STOP Laurie David: Here is all you need to hear about her:
An Al Gore film wank, the “Convenient Laurie David”, a producer of "An Inconvenient ‘Truth’," is a Natural Resources Defense Council trustee and founder of
“Still, David is the first to admit that her mainstream brand of environmentalism does not require sacrificing a Hollywood standard of living. Though she wouldn't be caught dead driving anything with lower gas mileage than a Prius, she offers no apologies for her super-sized house, her extensive wardrobe, or her frequent-flyer lifestyle. It's time, she says, for environmentalism to lose its purer-than-thou attitude…
Your husband made a hilarious speech at an NRDC event in which he described his early impressions of you as "a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island...
I don't know a single environmentalist that is not an optimist. When I realized that, that made me very hopeful. Everyone I know -- even people who have been working on nuclear issues for 20 years -- they're optimists. The truth is we can solve a lot of these problems. These are all man-made problems and they can be man-solved. That's the good news.
But we have a reputation for being so gloomy.
Yeah, but that's a myth. How could we keep on fighting if we weren't optimistic? We'd just give up.”
B. ) See critics of NRDC and the other sell-out Big Enviros who steal billions each year from conscientious Americans:
Or Jeffery St. Clair:
The Big Green groups are likely to capitulate on everything from the Everglades (witness the recent sell-out by National Audubon Society on Jeb Bush's developer-friendly plan) and Superfund to ancient forests and the Endangered Species Act… Abraham himself met with more than 100 representatives from the energy industry and trade associations from late January to May 17, 2001, when the task force released its report. But when enviros, lead by the corporate-friendly Environmental Defense Fund, asked for a meeting with Abraham, his scheduler, Kathy Holloway, stiff-armed them, saying that Abraham was too busy for a face-to-face.
One of the DOE documents released by order of a federal court on April 10, 2002, shows that the Energy task force gave one of its staff members 48 hours to contact 11 environmental groups to obtain their policy recommendations. The environmental groups were given 24 hours to provide written comments. Another DOE memo notes that staffers should endeavor to closely scrutinize the green's comments and "recommend some we might like to support that are consistent with the Administration energy statements to date."
Is Sheryl Crow, or the Bare Naked Ladies, the most naked liars:
Bare Naked Ladies (Marching with Stop Global warming)
Marching Since: February 5, 2007. We've had a great time greening our tour; from using biodiesel in our trucks and buses to making sure there's recycling backstage, as well as more re-useable cups, plates and cutlery. But the most rewarding part of this whole thing has been the response from our fans. During our fall tour, our American fans offset over 1,000,000 miles of driving through carbon offsets, via our Barenaked Planet stickers. We're continuing our travels across Canada this winter, and we'll see if we Canucks are as green as we say we are! We're excited to be adding our voices to the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and invite you join too!
C.) See Full List of sponsors/supporters at:
A Few of the Featured Partners of Stop Global Warming:
American Family Voices
American Rivers
Apollo Alliance
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Editor, Bradley Berman
HBO: Too Hot Not to Handle [Laurie David Exec. Producer ]
Los Angeles Zoo
Peter Morton's Hard Rock Hotel and Casino [Another NRCD Board member !!!]
NOTE: It’s not Peter Morton’s anymore:
In May 2006, Morton sold the Las Vegas Hard Rock Hotel to New York based Morgans Hotel Group for $770 million including the rights to the Hard Rock Hotel brand west of the Mississippi River, including Texas, California, Australia and Vancouver, British Columbia. Edward Scheetz, a Morgans’ executive, described the 11-story, 650-room Hard Rock Hotel as a "trophy property" that will never be replicated in Las Vegas because of land values. The Hard Rock pool alone, named one of the top 10 hotel pools by Travel Channel, occupies W. land valued at $50 million. --
D.) Or try out Global Exchange’s snappy sounding event in San Francisco, Apr. 29:
All Together For Energy Action: Bridging the Black/Green Divide to Reverse Climate Change NOW
Santa Rosa Wed, May. 02 Ann Wright
2. ) A. The Capitalists:
There are any number of ways in which the distribution of wealth can be analysed. One example is to compare the wealth of the richest ten percent with the wealth of the poorest ten percent. In many societies, the richest ten percent control more than half of the total wealth. Mathematically, a Pareto distribution has often been used to quantify the distribution of wealth, since it models an unequal distribution. More sophisticated models have also been proposed.
The United States is the richest country, and in 2000, the mean wealth was $144,000 per person. In the United States at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth, and the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth.
In 2003, the wealthiest 1% of the population in the United States, which has a system of progressive taxation, paid over 34% of the nation's federal income tax; the wealthiest 10% bore 66% of the total tax load; the top 25% of income earners paid 84% of the income taxes; and the upper half accounted for virtually the entire U.S. income tax revenue (nearly 97%).
Small tax increases on the rich around the world would provide plenty of money to solve most of the world’s problems and thus free up trillions more that are now wasted on national defense.
According to the report, published by the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) and based on data from 2000, the top one percent of the world’s adult population (about 37 million people) owns 40 percent of the world’s wealth, while the top two percent owns over half and the top 10 percent owns 85 percent. Wealth is defined as physical and financial assets minus liabilities.
In contrast, the bottom half of the world’s adult population—or about 1.85 billion people owns collectively only one percent of the world’s assets. This means that the top one percent of the world’s adult population owns 40 times more than the bottom 50 percent, and nearly 3 times more than the bottom 90 percent.
C. On why/how Capitalist will be easy Fascists:
14 Characteristics of Fascism: We Have Them All; Allen L Roland;
D. ) The Better (more holistic) One’s Accounting is, the Worse the State of the World Is:
The top one percent of the world’s rich (40 million adults) actually owns or is worth at least twice as much as the academic-derived data would suggest.
Two things are not counted:
Power or the value of the armed forces.
Power is an intangible, but it is certainly highly valued and at times priceless. Power means survival and continuity.
The total value of the police, security forces and all branches of the armed forces around the world is astronomical! (five trillion plus a trillion a year maintenance?).
All of theses assets serve the rich.
Also the way that wealth is deduced is to subtract liabilities (of the rich) from their assets. But are their liabilities real or just tax shelters? Besides, they owe the money to themselves, their businesses (banks) or to their friends. And if there is a crisis they can just wipe away all liabilities and issue new money for the next Monopoly game.
3. ). A.) Pentagon Global Warming Study
B.) Spoof (Slight) of Pentagoon Global; Warming Study:
C.) Let us not forget about the institution most at fault for the world’s problems and the one most likely to take advantage of Climate Chaos in order to perpetuate itself and its friends:
The USA Military
“As of September 30, 2005 the US Air Force had 5,986 aircraft in service. At the beginning of 2006 the US Navy had 285 combat and support ships, and around 4,000 operational aircraft (planes and helicopters). At the end of 2005, the US Army had a combat vehicle fleet of approximately 28,000 armored vehicles (tracked vehicles such as Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. Besides those the Army and the Marine corps have tactical wheeled vehicles such as 140,000 High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles. The US Army has also over 4,000 combat helicopters and several hundred fixed wing aircraft. Add also the 187,493 fleet vehicles (passenger cars, busses, light trucks etc) the US Department of Defense (DOD) uses. The issue is that except for 80 nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, almost all military fleet (including the ones that will be joining in the next decade) run on oil. Yes, the US military is completely addicted to oil. Unsurprisingly, its oil consumption for aircraft, ships, ground vehicles and facilities makes the Pentagon the single largest oil consumer in the world. By the way, according to the 2006 CIA World Factbook rankings there are only 35 countries (out of 210) in the world that consume more oil per day than the Pentagon.” -- 17 Feb 2007 by Energy Bulletin; US Military Oil Pains, by Sohbet Karbuz.
D.) Recent statement by retired generals (Threat Multiplier!);
Forty percent of the world’s population derives at least half of its drinking water from the summer melt of mountain glaciers… Weakened and failing governments, with an already thin margin for survival, foster the conditions for internal conflicts, extremism, and movement toward increased authoritarianism and radical ideologies. The U.S. may be drawn more frequently into these situations, either alone or with allies, to help provide stability before conditions worsen and are exploited by extremists. The U.S. may also be called upon to undertake stability and reconstruction efforts once a conflict has begun, to avert further disaster and reconstitute a stable environment.
4. ). An only slightly tongue in cheek, expose:
Adapting To Global Warming: A Modest Proposal
By Gar Lipow; 02 April, 2005, Znet.
5. ) All quotes from: 'Not too late' on global warming;
Deseret News (Salt Lake City), Feb 3, 2007 by Seth Borenstein Associated Press--
6. ). a.)
b.) Ghandi and EF Schumacher did similar research long ago.
As Marcel Idels proofread,
for the thirteenth time,
we were listening to an NPR radio broadcast and heard about how many, many British people care about their footprints and motor fuel mileage.
Sixty percent of UK SUVs are diesel. The number in the USA could not be more than five or ten percent. Then the program made a mistake and said that diesels get better mileage, but that takes some explanation to help digest the mistake…
Anyway, Marcel said:
Someone should think-through how people are thinking-through.
Are the UK people and the USA people – with their Left-Right governments – as similar as their governments seem to be? Well, UK people – or 70 percent of them, care so much about being proper people or upstanding citizens that they do not listen to common sense. The USA people – or 70 percent of them – seem to care so little about anything, that they do not need to listen to common sense...
I Said: So different and so similar.
He Said: I was thinking about global warming things, but yeah it’s true. Imperialism and the soon to be announced Armageddon!
Sneak preview of big report: Change is 'already showing up'
The second report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts massive humanitarian crises. By Brad Knickerbocker
As public and political pressure build to do something about climate change, mainstream magazines, including some that might seem unlikely to cover the subject, are taking up the call. Sports Illustrated, ELLE, Outside Magazine, and The Atlantic will all feature global warming and the environment in coming weeks, Reuters reported. Media consultant Peter Kreisky told the news agency:
More curious statements:
Even the best groups around have a hard time saying the truth. While I like much about Rising Tide – especially Rising Tide North America – they and the UK groups are in a tight spot: trying to pound out a radical message without sounding too crazy – even if it is the damn truth – the possibilities – that are so crazy sounding! Thus if you read them or anyone closely one can spot some weak statements or confusion.
“London Rising Tide (LRT) takes creative action on the root causes of climate chaos, and promotes socially just, ecological alternatives [such as…?] to the fossil fuel madness that we're living through. It's part of the wider Rising Tide UK and international networks, and seeks to be part of a growing European and worldwide movement of groups working to dismantle the oil industry [-- with nukes or large armies… or wishes?] and live the future we want to see right now.”
What future is that, how do we get there, is it the same for everyone?
Is that what the people of Iraq or Somalia should do too? Just live the future that they want, Now!
London Rising Tide continued:
“We hope this site inspires you to get active to combat oil, war and climate chaos, (not to mention car culture, dams, nukes, industrial forest plantations etc.), whether that be with us, with your own group or by yourself. Since there's no such thing as an ethical or sustainable oil company, they and the many companies and institutions in their orbit are all worthy of our creative attention”
[i.e., direct action or if necessary…?]
UK Rising Tide Resources
[Usually RT and other radical groups stress collective AND individual actions]
[Adapt to or Prepare for is the more cutting edge phraseology!]
“Lifestyle emissions factsheet:
A 2 page fact sheets on how much we contribute to global warming through our cars, flights, house heating and hot water. With links to useful sites.
50 things you can do to save the climate
50 ideas for actions that came out from the Rising Tide Road Show.”
IPCC Report:
………….Here is another much wackier group:::
.Explore With Us
A leader in ecotourism for more than 25 years, FONZ offers a wide selection of extraordinary educational nature trips in the United States and abroad meant to satisfy even the most discriminating adventurer. Whether it’s the natural wonders of Alaska, the rainforests of Costa Rica, or the pandas and ancient cities of China, FONZ travel will forever change you. To satisfy the diverse interests of nature travelers of all ages, FONZ collaborates with premier travel companies to develop exciting and memorable trips for adults, families, and teens (Eco-Explorers).
The perfect blend of incredible wildlife, beautiful accommodations, warm hospitality, and vivid cultural exchanges...
What else do FONZ travelers say?
What makes FONZ Travel so special? How about these reasons for starters?
Specially selected tour operators with in-depth knowledge of each travel destination
A free FONZ membership for non-member travelers
Trips are not just cookie-cutter vacations
Best guides, best locations, best value
Exclusive hands-on and behind-the-scenes activities
Learning first-hand from expert biologists, naturalists, and researchers in the field
Exciting accommodations at each location
Delicious cuisine
Trips for Adults
Eco-Explorers: Peru’s Amazon Rainforest Research; July 19-28, 2007
Travel to the isthmus of Panama to visit the world famous Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute for a hands-on experience studying Panama’s tropical biodiversity, including sloths, poison dart frogs, monkeys, and a variety of neotropical habitats. This eco-adventure will provide young naturalists with the unique opportunity to learn about biological research being conducted by Smithsonian scientists and gain a deeper appreciation for Panama's incredible biodiversity. For more information, contact Debbi Hanibal at 202.633.3052 or by email.
……The Mother, Looney Elves and
The Time Wave
By Rachel Guevara
Imagine that your lover is tied up and held hostage on an old bridge over a large river… This would represent Mother Earth or the Future. Now and then the terrorists holding her hostage let her see her children or make another baby. This would represent how the capitalists don’t abuse her more than they need to sustain profits… temporarily or until technology solves everything. They even let her have some fun and keep the men happy. But the terrorists are desperate for knowledge to cover up their lies and power. So they experiment on your lover. They grow weird things on her body and expose her organs to untested chemicals and other devices.
Some of her friends and other conscientious people have demanded that they take better care of her. A few people, the radicals, even demand that she be released. Most groups tell these radical upstarts to be quiet. They even call them names like the Looney Elves. The retards, I mean the mainstream groups, insist (year after year after decades) that their strategy of education and nice thoughts will soon allow us all to be free and just love each other. But the Looney Elves try to nicely point out that it has been a long time and it does seem as if the problems – the health and survival of the Earth – are more precarious. Some far-sighted people keep pointing at the imminent flash flood that is racing down the canyon and the bridge that has rusty and crumbling pilings…
At last many people see the flood too. The people, or their self-appointed nice-groups, throw up their arms… in joy.
“Now we have an issue for education, people will listen to our programs. Let’s do a road tour and wake up the college students!”
The next day the Time Wave moves. As the flood takes out the bridge and triggers universal awareness, the Elves shoot the moderate leaders in the head as they are all drowning.
Compassionate to the end, those damn elves.
Can you ride the wave? Do you want to learn…
Sorry Angel…
We have to expand the concept of making sense to fit the complexity of problems that we face. Then by Making Sense we shrink the problems down, connect the dots, and arrive at a more holistic solution – though it may be a sad one, difficult or problematic(!).
How ironic… One never escapes problems, we just encounter new ones.
Writing for a US audience – or getting past US editors! – is not an enjoyable task.
Everyone is so timid and hides behind ridiculous assumptions:
Education is Possible, Growth is Good, Global Warming Can be Stopped or EVEN Reduced; We have a Democracy, etc… or even that democracy is good!
This article that I am submitting is almost exactly what the Pentagon and the eleven retired generals at have said. I only take out some of the ridiculous assumptions and then you get what I have sent you to read. Why is that so radical? Why is debate or education so impossible and such a failure in the US? I could write on any of these subjects (and have!) – contact me if you are ready to explore the real world – the Future that is about to smack us all violently…
For a slightly altered version of the Pentagon Global warming Study, See:

By Rachel Guevara
Rachel Guevara has been active in Latin American struggles against the so-called drug war in Bolivia & Colombia; against US terrorism in Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama & Nicaragua; & with Marcel Idels has tried to lead the global efforts to construct a humane economics.
She has been a contributor to: Covert Action Quarterly,,
Earth First! Journal, Z Magazine &
…among many other web sites and newsletters.
………………How Ecosolidarity Economics is the Antidote
………………to Climate Chaos Genocide
Word Counts: Main Text: 2654; Optional Notes:
“The US military is completely addicted to oil… its oil consumption for aircraft, ships, ground vehicles and facilities makes the Pentagon the single largest oil consumer in the world. There are only 35 countries (out of 210) in the world that consume more oil per day than the Pentagon.”
-- 17 February, 07: Energy Bulletin; US Military Oil Pains, Sohbet Karbuz.
I like the Global Warming debate because for years I have tried to prove that apparently no one has any idea of what they are talking about concerning the environment, economics, population or socio-political-cultural change.
“Solutions” to global Warming must simultaneously address, if not solve, all of these problems. Now I’m hopeful that finally the academics, loudmouths and the millions of greenwashed liberals are cornered, trapped… right where I want them.
Groups like Stop Global Warming (1. ) or Step It Up that avoid the need to drastically lower consumption in the rich countries and, thus, the abandonment of modern capitalism (corporations and global trade), are lying to the public from their place of privilege at a time when truth and cautious policies are so crucial. And any group or government in the poor countries that thinks it can replicate the growth and luxuries of the rich – at least without first getting rid of their own and foreign elite – is leading their people into war and ruin for no reason.
We all know the statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines…
The rich (G8) have had 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying the planet and our future. The G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.
Time is most obviously the issue that MUST DOMINATE all others Now!
Do people understand the time required for their strategies of change to work?
We have almost every scientist in the world telling us that we have to radically change the way we consume, produce and transport almost everything on the planet. We have to do this in a few decades. And we have no model of change of this magnitude and no historical precedent. Or the ones that we do have were all violent. And the poor countries will not cooperate with the rich unless they are taken care of, which means that the rich must change much more and sacrifice enormously. Fat chance!
Any of these factors would make a reasonable person conclude that the changes that are necessary could never happen. As I have traveled around the southern US the for past three months, almost everyone I met except for a few starry-eyed activist (really, they are just poorly educated wimpy liberals), EVERYONE said things like:
“It’s too late to do anything. I just wanna get what I can for me or my family.
There is no future, but maybe we can be alright! (!)”
The other key factor closely related to time is: Politics.
Politics: the political possibilities and time required to effect change. Yes time can be political.
Good ideas or visions that have no means of being accomplished are fantasies or else they are long run educational activities – like Stop Global Warming and all of their sponsors. If we could keep track of time (OF TIME!), of the importance of this factor, then we could agree to stop talking about long run educational activities or anything else long run. There is no long run unless we solve many problems in the short run. Is that clear people?
If a group has a technically viable program for delaying and adapting to Climate Chaos, but they have no reason to believe their program could actually happen quickly or ever, through politics, then they should be required to explain themselves.
There are more factors that are important, like our methodology, our values and our willingness to be honest.
The Disease Catalyst
Global Warming (better-called: Climate Catastrophe or Apocalyptic Climate Change) is like the lubricant or the catalyst that makes all of our problems worse. It brings all of the various species or strains of our diseases (and our bad decisions) together in a symbiotic soup that creates problems we can barely imagine – let alone solve in a short period of time. Humans have not faced such catastrophic climate change much in the last 18 to 30 thousand years. We and the environment are ill-equipped to survive these changes.
The factors that cannot be ignored are: Our overcrowded and polluted cities; undereducated and isolated people; our anger and frustrations; our hopes and expectations, and desires for modernity and order. These are compounded by the inability of Democracy to adequately represent people’s dreams or suppressed needs. Need we mention the fraud, alienation and massive expense of the lie that the Elite call Democracy?
Just as there are several expected atmospheric feedback loops that are certain to aggravate Climate Chaos and speed warming up: Siberian methane, plankton die-offs and declining global reflectivity; so too, there are numerous potential negative socio-economic feedback loops. It’s an interesting wager as to which Tipping Point will strike first, the social or the climatic.
Global warming is like a slow-moving real Y2K, except that it lasts forever and it gets worse everyday, especially so long as our thinking, preparation and theory continue to languish or degenerate.
A way to emphasize the issue of Global Warming is to show people how it makes them unsafe – even their neighborhoods will be affected, harmed and their lives made uncertain.
Neighborhoods – everyone – will be pulled into the chaos. Security goes up the smokestack and out the tailpipe.
Need we mention the mental diseases that seem to be the cruelest externality of capitalism? The pharmaceutical industries and the New Age Gurus (Where art thou o’ Butterfly One?) will have to work overtime to compensate for the next evolving wave of mental disease, suicides and family violence that are soon to explode as many good people wrestle with their complicity in the end of the world, the imperialist invasions and ensuing genocides.
In coastal areas the implications are profound – and profoundly evil!
Coastal areas of the world face certain disaster – we’re talking biblical proportions indeed. There is even a possibility that the end of many coastal cities will begin within five years. As the projections go out to 15 or 30 years the certainty of coastal disasters grows. Increased storm intensity; droughts from hotter summers; comfort indexes soaring; invasive pests and disease; and rising water levels will all eventually attack coastal regions.
In poor coastal areas where deforestation is already a problem, increased rainfall could cause massive mud and mountain sliding erosion. Under these conditions a tsunami or earthquake could kill millions outright.
Massive degradation of the oceans, fisheries and coral habitats is guaranteed.
Most glaciers, the streams fed from these ice fields and many lakes will all soon be gone forever.
The longrun problems of the humans is like a slow moving, but gigantic, tsunami tidal wave. When it hits we’ll have the sequel to Noah’s Flood wiping the earth clean of most humans and millions of species. And the tidal wave has already been launched. It’s still possible to reduce the severity of climate change and the impacts, but there is no reason to believe this will happen.
Where’s the Beef?
The most likely cause of global chaos, and the earliest to inflict pain and warning, will probably come from crop failures and regional food disparities. These will lead to panic, wars, massive refugee flows and spillover effects that could well bring down whole regions or continents in chaos.
The IPCC Reports predicts a slight increase in food output, mostly due to longer growing seasons in marginal rice producing areas. But this ignores the regional droughts and crop failures that will tip wide areas into war. The IPCC also seems to forget that rice areas are major contributors to global warming through methane releases.
Floods, pests, droughts, wars, shortages of fertilizers and ecosystem collapses (dead bees and other pollinators; and previously unknown diseases and molds are high possibilities). Nothing creates more panic in any society than food shortages or even a hint of food shortages. Hoarding and robbery lead to riots and civil war. And food production and storage centers become increasingly attractive targets for terrorists and other malcontents.
Massive investments in erosion control, water catchments, food storage, research and food sustainability/adaptability programs are surely a priority of any government that cares about its peoples’ future.
Warmer temperatures are drying up the land, the lakes, the streams and the glaciers. Rising sea levels will also infiltrate and contaminate coastal aquifers. Without water there will not be much farming. Severe floods in coastal and mountain areas and occasionally overflowing rivers should reduce farmland even more.
Is Everyone’s Brain Shriveling Up Ahead of Time?
“So what can we do about an accelerating crisis that seems likely to wipe out many species and ecosystems, and which threatens billions of people around the world? Many fixes have been suggested… but ultimately there is only one ‘fix’ that has any hope of working – a concerted turning away from our hugely destructive consumer-driven lifestyles.
Rather than growing the global economy, we must ‘grow’ materially simpler but existentially richer life-styles embedded in our local communities. Continue with our current, more selfish path, and our civilization will not remain long on this planet.” --

Global warming is like a mental disease (delusional schizo-thermia?) and it is like AIDS. We have gone beyond HIV Positive (industrial and local pollution) to full blown AIDS: the imminent demise of the planet’s immune systems.
Mentally we have all the symptoms as a society or economy of several mental illnesses: delusional episodes with memory blocks (child abuse, chronic trauma); hallucinations and feelings of grandeur crashing into major depression; and we exhibit signs of Alzheimer’s Disease with selective and sporadic memory.
The above quote from the Ecologist reflects this diseased thinking: “turning away,” and “we must ‘grow’”. How many decades would this “growth” require?
While it is right on the mark to question techno fixes and preach a lower consumption lifestyle, THESE WILL HAVE NO IMPACT IF MOST OF THE WORLD KEEPS POLLUTING AND GROWING.
Soon the USA will only be contributing a mere fifteen percent of global carbon pollution - not counting (as no one has yet) the massive pollution created around the world to keep our products cheap!
Even if the rich countries ended all of their carbon pollution but maintained their consumption (GNP), then global warming gas pollution would continue, especially because less use of oil in the rich countries would lower the price and make it used more in poor countries.
LIKE AIDS, the world denies or scrambles its thinking about what ails us. The immune systems of the planet: social capital, ecosystem balance, family networks and public health awareness are all impaired or failing. Weak and dysfunctional, the planet and our social systems are crumbling and the real crisis has not even begun.
Take the Capitols. Then Take the Capital!
No one is hearing about the most serious problems that surround the global warming/climate catastrophe equation: the Capitalists: the people who have the capital – the money. (2. ) They like global warming because they make money from it and they have a plan for surviving it: war and technology. Also the capitalists – those six million millionaires, 400 billionaires and their friends and families - they are very good at manipulating what the public hears and how the public perceives what they hear.
The Buddhists and probably all religions say that all is illusion. But they seem not to have figured out that a few corporations and governments are the ones – the self appointed gods – who have designed the illusion and designed the genocide that approaches daily.
Most politicians and churches work hard to separate the issues from reality and to distract the people with patterns of lies, scandals and pleas to patience and technological miracles. The reality of the planet’s problems and the unwillingness of the elite to change are avoided by almost everyone at every level of society.
Whether it is a terrorist attack or major disruptions in food supplies (drought, pests or war), the Pentagon, at the behest of the capitalists, will invade much of the world in order to provide humanitarian “AID” and to “Keep the World Safe for Capitalism.” (3. )
This will not be business as usual, it will be a gruesome fascism at the point of US guns, smart bombs and weapons we have never seen used against civilian populations: neutron bombs, smart bio-weapons and genetic diseases – to imagine a few!
Almost everything being said about climate change or about adapting to climate catastrophe is greenwash – a kindlier word for lies of the worst kind.
Industrialism, the consumerist culture of endless greed and the resultant climate catastrophe are weapons of mass destruction.
Efficient, sustainable and green Body Disposal research is something everyone can and must support!
(4. )
The Capitalists confuse and delay discussions/judgments. They do this to prepare their spin and ease people into the idea that only tech and the good ole USA can save the day.
War and security are their answers. What was the question… survival?
As long as there are capitalists – rich people – there will be a system that maximizes growth; profits and wealth; and hierarchy and consumption…
“There are some things that we can’t adapt: we can’t relocate the Amazon rainforest or replace bleached coral reefs, but we have to think about adaptation with mitigation.” -- Ms. Frances Cairncross, an economist who is also Rector of Exeter College, Oxford. (5. )
The worst could mean more than 1 million dead and hundreds of billions of dollars in costs by 2100, said Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, one of the IPCC co-authors. He said that adapting will mean living with more extreme weather such as severe droughts, more hurricanes and wildfires. (His math on deaths is weak!)
"It's not too late," said Australian scientist Nathaniel Bindoff (Co-author of IPCC Study). The worst can be prevented by acting quickly to curb greenhouse gas emissions, he said.
It’s too late to avoid anything but the worse case scenario because there is no reason to believe (politically, culturally or economically) that the world can ‘quickly curb gas emissions’.
In other words, but directly implied given the man’s privilege and the nature of the US Empire (capitalists, ultra-right, Christian, etc):
We the rich will have to take care of our selves, the poor will suffer – even thought they are not to blame.
"It's later than we think," said panel co-chair Susan Solomon, the U.S. NOAA scientist who helped push through the document's strong language.
Solomon, who remains optimistic about the future, said it's close to too late to alter the future for her children, but maybe it's not too late for her grandchildren.
Wait a minute: a scientist says that if it’s too late for the parents that they will still have children, children who survive the “too late” times, and children who somehow get to a nice future. She must not be a biologist or an ecologist – or a sex expert!
……………The End Is The Beginning
The whole world needs similar solutions: ones that are fair and sustainable. Ecosolidarity Economics offers a way out. (6. ) Hugo Chavez has paid lip service to these ideas. Now is the time to pressure him and other so-called radical movements and governments to be brave and to fight to sell these ideas to their people quickly.
Consider these words and consider how the world can quickly change.
Who would oppose a path of survival and why?
Read and search for other answers and please share any that you find with everyone you can. Figure out what makes sense and what are true lies or impossible dreaming.
It’s never too late to do the right thing.
Get involved in the discussion about our future
The direction we're heading is
to war,
economic instability,
growing uncertainty about the direction
of everything,
warring nations, ideologies…
that's what this discussion is all about.
More Data to Chew on:
While you Pump Up the Life Rafts:
Globally, the 20% of the world’s people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption expenditures — the poorest 20% a minuscule 1.3%. More specifically, the richest fifth:
* Consume 45% of all meat and fish, the poorest fifth 5%
* Consume 58% of total energy, the poorest fifth less than 4%
* Have 74% of all telephone lines, the poorest fifth 1.5%
* Consume 84% of all paper, the poorest fifth 1.1%
* Own 87% of the world’s vehicle fleet, the poorest fifth less than 1%
[This means that 80 percent of world owns 13 percent of the cars! and they are probably old ones that barely run.]
— Human Development Report 1998 Overview, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

World Development Indicators, World Bank, 2005, Table 4.10

STOP Laurie David: Here is all you need to hear about her:
An Al Gore film wank, the “Convenient Laurie David”, a producer of "An Inconvenient ‘Truth’," is a Natural Resources Defense Council trustee and founder of
“Still, David is the first to admit that her mainstream brand of environmentalism does not require sacrificing a Hollywood standard of living. Though she wouldn't be caught dead driving anything with lower gas mileage than a Prius, she offers no apologies for her super-sized house, her extensive wardrobe, or her frequent-flyer lifestyle. It's time, she says, for environmentalism to lose its purer-than-thou attitude…
Your husband made a hilarious speech at an NRDC event in which he described his early impressions of you as "a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island...
I don't know a single environmentalist that is not an optimist. When I realized that, that made me very hopeful. Everyone I know -- even people who have been working on nuclear issues for 20 years -- they're optimists. The truth is we can solve a lot of these problems. These are all man-made problems and they can be man-solved. That's the good news.
But we have a reputation for being so gloomy.
Yeah, but that's a myth. How could we keep on fighting if we weren't optimistic? We'd just give up.”

B. ) See critics of NRDC and the other sell-out Big Enviros who steal billions each year from conscientious Americans:

Or Jeffery St. Clair:
The Big Green groups are likely to capitulate on everything from the Everglades (witness the recent sell-out by National Audubon Society on Jeb Bush's developer-friendly plan) and Superfund to ancient forests and the Endangered Species Act… Abraham himself met with more than 100 representatives from the energy industry and trade associations from late January to May 17, 2001, when the task force released its report. But when enviros, lead by the corporate-friendly Environmental Defense Fund, asked for a meeting with Abraham, his scheduler, Kathy Holloway, stiff-armed them, saying that Abraham was too busy for a face-to-face.
One of the DOE documents released by order of a federal court on April 10, 2002, shows that the Energy task force gave one of its staff members 48 hours to contact 11 environmental groups to obtain their policy recommendations. The environmental groups were given 24 hours to provide written comments. Another DOE memo notes that staffers should endeavor to closely scrutinize the green's comments and "recommend some we might like to support that are consistent with the Administration energy statements to date."

Is Sheryl Crow, or the Bare Naked Ladies, the most naked liars:
Bare Naked Ladies (Marching with Stop Global warming)
Marching Since: February 5, 2007. We've had a great time greening our tour; from using biodiesel in our trucks and buses to making sure there's recycling backstage, as well as more re-useable cups, plates and cutlery. But the most rewarding part of this whole thing has been the response from our fans. During our fall tour, our American fans offset over 1,000,000 miles of driving through carbon offsets, via our Barenaked Planet stickers. We're continuing our travels across Canada this winter, and we'll see if we Canucks are as green as we say we are! We're excited to be adding our voices to the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and invite you join too!
C.) See Full List of sponsors/supporters at:
A Few of the Featured Partners of Stop Global Warming:
American Family Voices
American Rivers
Apollo Alliance
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Editor, Bradley Berman
HBO: Too Hot Not to Handle [Laurie David Exec. Producer ]
Los Angeles Zoo
Peter Morton's Hard Rock Hotel and Casino [Another NRCD Board member !!!]
NOTE: It’s not Peter Morton’s anymore:
In May 2006, Morton sold the Las Vegas Hard Rock Hotel to New York based Morgans Hotel Group for $770 million including the rights to the Hard Rock Hotel brand west of the Mississippi River, including Texas, California, Australia and Vancouver, British Columbia. Edward Scheetz, a Morgans’ executive, described the 11-story, 650-room Hard Rock Hotel as a "trophy property" that will never be replicated in Las Vegas because of land values. The Hard Rock pool alone, named one of the top 10 hotel pools by Travel Channel, occupies W. land valued at $50 million. --

D.) Or try out Global Exchange’s snappy sounding event in San Francisco, Apr. 29:
All Together For Energy Action: Bridging the Black/Green Divide to Reverse Climate Change NOW
Santa Rosa Wed, May. 02 Ann Wright
2. ) A. The Capitalists:

There are any number of ways in which the distribution of wealth can be analysed. One example is to compare the wealth of the richest ten percent with the wealth of the poorest ten percent. In many societies, the richest ten percent control more than half of the total wealth. Mathematically, a Pareto distribution has often been used to quantify the distribution of wealth, since it models an unequal distribution. More sophisticated models have also been proposed.
The United States is the richest country, and in 2000, the mean wealth was $144,000 per person. In the United States at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth, and the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth.
In 2003, the wealthiest 1% of the population in the United States, which has a system of progressive taxation, paid over 34% of the nation's federal income tax; the wealthiest 10% bore 66% of the total tax load; the top 25% of income earners paid 84% of the income taxes; and the upper half accounted for virtually the entire U.S. income tax revenue (nearly 97%).
Small tax increases on the rich around the world would provide plenty of money to solve most of the world’s problems and thus free up trillions more that are now wasted on national defense.

According to the report, published by the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) and based on data from 2000, the top one percent of the world’s adult population (about 37 million people) owns 40 percent of the world’s wealth, while the top two percent owns over half and the top 10 percent owns 85 percent. Wealth is defined as physical and financial assets minus liabilities.
In contrast, the bottom half of the world’s adult population—or about 1.85 billion people owns collectively only one percent of the world’s assets. This means that the top one percent of the world’s adult population owns 40 times more than the bottom 50 percent, and nearly 3 times more than the bottom 90 percent.
C. On why/how Capitalist will be easy Fascists:
14 Characteristics of Fascism: We Have Them All; Allen L Roland;
D. ) The Better (more holistic) One’s Accounting is, the Worse the State of the World Is:
The top one percent of the world’s rich (40 million adults) actually owns or is worth at least twice as much as the academic-derived data would suggest.
Two things are not counted:
Power or the value of the armed forces.
Power is an intangible, but it is certainly highly valued and at times priceless. Power means survival and continuity.
The total value of the police, security forces and all branches of the armed forces around the world is astronomical! (five trillion plus a trillion a year maintenance?).
All of theses assets serve the rich.
Also the way that wealth is deduced is to subtract liabilities (of the rich) from their assets. But are their liabilities real or just tax shelters? Besides, they owe the money to themselves, their businesses (banks) or to their friends. And if there is a crisis they can just wipe away all liabilities and issue new money for the next Monopoly game.
3. ). A.) Pentagon Global Warming Study

B.) Spoof (Slight) of Pentagoon Global; Warming Study:

C.) Let us not forget about the institution most at fault for the world’s problems and the one most likely to take advantage of Climate Chaos in order to perpetuate itself and its friends:
The USA Military
“As of September 30, 2005 the US Air Force had 5,986 aircraft in service. At the beginning of 2006 the US Navy had 285 combat and support ships, and around 4,000 operational aircraft (planes and helicopters). At the end of 2005, the US Army had a combat vehicle fleet of approximately 28,000 armored vehicles (tracked vehicles such as Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. Besides those the Army and the Marine corps have tactical wheeled vehicles such as 140,000 High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles. The US Army has also over 4,000 combat helicopters and several hundred fixed wing aircraft. Add also the 187,493 fleet vehicles (passenger cars, busses, light trucks etc) the US Department of Defense (DOD) uses. The issue is that except for 80 nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, almost all military fleet (including the ones that will be joining in the next decade) run on oil. Yes, the US military is completely addicted to oil. Unsurprisingly, its oil consumption for aircraft, ships, ground vehicles and facilities makes the Pentagon the single largest oil consumer in the world. By the way, according to the 2006 CIA World Factbook rankings there are only 35 countries (out of 210) in the world that consume more oil per day than the Pentagon.” -- 17 Feb 2007 by Energy Bulletin; US Military Oil Pains, by Sohbet Karbuz.
D.) Recent statement by retired generals (Threat Multiplier!);
Forty percent of the world’s population derives at least half of its drinking water from the summer melt of mountain glaciers… Weakened and failing governments, with an already thin margin for survival, foster the conditions for internal conflicts, extremism, and movement toward increased authoritarianism and radical ideologies. The U.S. may be drawn more frequently into these situations, either alone or with allies, to help provide stability before conditions worsen and are exploited by extremists. The U.S. may also be called upon to undertake stability and reconstruction efforts once a conflict has begun, to avert further disaster and reconstitute a stable environment.
4. ). An only slightly tongue in cheek, expose:
Adapting To Global Warming: A Modest Proposal
By Gar Lipow; 02 April, 2005, Znet.
5. ) All quotes from: 'Not too late' on global warming;
Deseret News (Salt Lake City), Feb 3, 2007 by Seth Borenstein Associated Press--

6. ). a.)
b.) Ghandi and EF Schumacher did similar research long ago.
As Marcel Idels proofread,
for the thirteenth time,
we were listening to an NPR radio broadcast and heard about how many, many British people care about their footprints and motor fuel mileage.
Sixty percent of UK SUVs are diesel. The number in the USA could not be more than five or ten percent. Then the program made a mistake and said that diesels get better mileage, but that takes some explanation to help digest the mistake…
Anyway, Marcel said:
Someone should think-through how people are thinking-through.
Are the UK people and the USA people – with their Left-Right governments – as similar as their governments seem to be? Well, UK people – or 70 percent of them, care so much about being proper people or upstanding citizens that they do not listen to common sense. The USA people – or 70 percent of them – seem to care so little about anything, that they do not need to listen to common sense...
I Said: So different and so similar.
He Said: I was thinking about global warming things, but yeah it’s true. Imperialism and the soon to be announced Armageddon!
Sneak preview of big report: Change is 'already showing up'
The second report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts massive humanitarian crises. By Brad Knickerbocker

As public and political pressure build to do something about climate change, mainstream magazines, including some that might seem unlikely to cover the subject, are taking up the call. Sports Illustrated, ELLE, Outside Magazine, and The Atlantic will all feature global warming and the environment in coming weeks, Reuters reported. Media consultant Peter Kreisky told the news agency:
More curious statements:
Even the best groups around have a hard time saying the truth. While I like much about Rising Tide – especially Rising Tide North America – they and the UK groups are in a tight spot: trying to pound out a radical message without sounding too crazy – even if it is the damn truth – the possibilities – that are so crazy sounding! Thus if you read them or anyone closely one can spot some weak statements or confusion.
“London Rising Tide (LRT) takes creative action on the root causes of climate chaos, and promotes socially just, ecological alternatives [such as…?] to the fossil fuel madness that we're living through. It's part of the wider Rising Tide UK and international networks, and seeks to be part of a growing European and worldwide movement of groups working to dismantle the oil industry [-- with nukes or large armies… or wishes?] and live the future we want to see right now.”
What future is that, how do we get there, is it the same for everyone?
Is that what the people of Iraq or Somalia should do too? Just live the future that they want, Now!
London Rising Tide continued:
“We hope this site inspires you to get active to combat oil, war and climate chaos, (not to mention car culture, dams, nukes, industrial forest plantations etc.), whether that be with us, with your own group or by yourself. Since there's no such thing as an ethical or sustainable oil company, they and the many companies and institutions in their orbit are all worthy of our creative attention”
[i.e., direct action or if necessary…?]
UK Rising Tide Resources
[Usually RT and other radical groups stress collective AND individual actions]
[Adapt to or Prepare for is the more cutting edge phraseology!]
“Lifestyle emissions factsheet:
A 2 page fact sheets on how much we contribute to global warming through our cars, flights, house heating and hot water. With links to useful sites.
50 things you can do to save the climate
50 ideas for actions that came out from the Rising Tide Road Show.”
IPCC Report:

………….Here is another much wackier group:::
.Explore With Us
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Travel to the isthmus of Panama to visit the world famous Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute for a hands-on experience studying Panama’s tropical biodiversity, including sloths, poison dart frogs, monkeys, and a variety of neotropical habitats. This eco-adventure will provide young naturalists with the unique opportunity to learn about biological research being conducted by Smithsonian scientists and gain a deeper appreciation for Panama's incredible biodiversity. For more information, contact Debbi Hanibal at 202.633.3052 or by email.
r Guevara