No one is illegal, stop deportations
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! London | 18.05.2007 17:15 | Anti-racism | Migration | London
In the lead up to the National Day of Action for Refugees on 19 May, London Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! called a demonstration outside Communications House on Friday 18 May. The day of action on 19th was initiated by Tyneside Community Action for Refugees in Newcastle and isbeing taken up by people and organisations in Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow, Coventry, Solihull, London and elsewhere. (London event 1-3pm outside Wood Green library, High Road, London N22 6XD - nearest tube Wood Green).
The demonstration outside Communications House, supported by London No Borders, Crossing Borders, Crossroads Women's Centre, All African Women's group, Medecins du Monde London Project and members of the asylum seekers' community, was big, noisy, lively and visual with banners, an open mic, speakers and chanting. We let the public know about Immigration reporting centres, such as Communications House, which are places of fear for asylum seekers who have to report to them monthly, weekly or even several times a week. From reporting centres asylum seekers are often detained without warning and sent to removal centres, such as Harmondsworth, to await deportation. A woman, herself targeted by the racist immigration system, showed immense courage by speaking on the megaphone to describe the degrading and humiliating practices used against women and children during their detention and deportation.
We attracted a lot of attention and ensured that the people having to sign on inside could hear our chants and feel our solidarity.
No one is illegal!
Asylum rights are human rights!
Stop detention and deportation!
The demonstration outside Communications House, supported by London No Borders, Crossing Borders, Crossroads Women's Centre, All African Women's group, Medecins du Monde London Project and members of the asylum seekers' community, was big, noisy, lively and visual with banners, an open mic, speakers and chanting. We let the public know about Immigration reporting centres, such as Communications House, which are places of fear for asylum seekers who have to report to them monthly, weekly or even several times a week. From reporting centres asylum seekers are often detained without warning and sent to removal centres, such as Harmondsworth, to await deportation. A woman, herself targeted by the racist immigration system, showed immense courage by speaking on the megaphone to describe the degrading and humiliating practices used against women and children during their detention and deportation.
We attracted a lot of attention and ensured that the people having to sign on inside could hear our chants and feel our solidarity.
No one is illegal!
Asylum rights are human rights!
Stop detention and deportation!
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! London
18.05.2007 21:26
We will join you tomorrow! And we will make some noise. They will not snatch us silently!
Our leaflet for tomorrow...
NO DAWN RAIDS! Labour and The Home Office send ‘snatch squads’ of immigration police to break down the doors of asylum seekers who have sought safety in Newcastle. Families with children are dragged screaming from their homes in the early hours of the morning and forced onto planes back to countries where they face persecution, torture and death. The government and their police know that if local people saw this violation of human rights, they would be against it. This is why they come at 6am in the morning, so we won’t see - they want to snatch people and send them to their deaths silently!
NO DEPORTATION! Labour and the Home Office fail 83% of asylum seekers. Failure is almost inevitable, no matter how horrific your experiences have been. People from Tyneside have been deported to unsafe countries like Iraq, Turkey, Uganda, and the Congo. Asylum seekers in Britain have no hope of a fair trial by an impartial tribunal because the system is rigged against asylum seekers. The Government treats people like numbers in order to reach its quotas.
LABOUR LIES. The Labour government says that it is safe to deport Iraqi’s back to Iraq and it has put Afghanistan on a list of ‘safe’ countries. They tell us these kind of lies because they don’t care about working class people, they only care about the interests of the British ruling class. When it suits them then the British Labour government supports corrupt or facist regimes, like the governments of Turkey and Ethiopia. They only talk about ‘democracy’ when it suits them.
BUT THEY WILL NOT SNATCH US IN SILENCE! We will resist dawn raids! Every time they take a member of our community we will call emergency demonstrations, we will spread information through the press, we will petition the home office and the airlines who profit from deportations. We need your help too. Join us!
Our leaflet for tomorrow...
NO DAWN RAIDS! Labour and The Home Office send ‘snatch squads’ of immigration police to break down the doors of asylum seekers who have sought safety in Newcastle. Families with children are dragged screaming from their homes in the early hours of the morning and forced onto planes back to countries where they face persecution, torture and death. The government and their police know that if local people saw this violation of human rights, they would be against it. This is why they come at 6am in the morning, so we won’t see - they want to snatch people and send them to their deaths silently!
NO DEPORTATION! Labour and the Home Office fail 83% of asylum seekers. Failure is almost inevitable, no matter how horrific your experiences have been. People from Tyneside have been deported to unsafe countries like Iraq, Turkey, Uganda, and the Congo. Asylum seekers in Britain have no hope of a fair trial by an impartial tribunal because the system is rigged against asylum seekers. The Government treats people like numbers in order to reach its quotas.
LABOUR LIES. The Labour government says that it is safe to deport Iraqi’s back to Iraq and it has put Afghanistan on a list of ‘safe’ countries. They tell us these kind of lies because they don’t care about working class people, they only care about the interests of the British ruling class. When it suits them then the British Labour government supports corrupt or facist regimes, like the governments of Turkey and Ethiopia. They only talk about ‘democracy’ when it suits them.
BUT THEY WILL NOT SNATCH US IN SILENCE! We will resist dawn raids! Every time they take a member of our community we will call emergency demonstrations, we will spread information through the press, we will petition the home office and the airlines who profit from deportations. We need your help too. Join us!
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21.10.2007 13:17
John Bowdenford