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Mars includes dead calves' stomach with its chocolate products

gmfreeman | 16.05.2007 14:05 | Animal Liberation

Masterfoods has decided to start using non-vegetarian whey in its chocolate products, including Mars, Twix, Maltesers

Masterfoods has decided to start using non-vegetarian whey in its chocolate products, including Mars, Twix, Maltesers and Snickers.

This means that each bite of chocolate now contains scrapings of dead calves' stomach.

If this bothers you at all, call Masterfoods on 01664 410000 and ask for Paul Goalby, who was one of those responsible for making this decision.

BBC News story:
"Mars starts using animal products"



less strict vegetarians

16.05.2007 15:50

"If the customer is an extremely strict vegetarian, then we are sorry the products are no longer suitable, but a less strict vegetarian should enjoy our chocolate"
Just as "less strict vegetarians" also enjoy tuna, bacon, veal and foie gras ? What planet do Mars live on ? It's not just "strict vegetarians" that they have isolated from their customer market, it is also all Jews, Hindus and Muslims. What a bizarre decision.

"On May 1, Masterfoods began using animal products in famous chocolate bars such as the Mars Bar, Bounty, Snickers, Twix and Milky Way. The taint also affects Maltesers and Minstrels, which have traces of whey...There is no sign of an early retreat but Paul Goalby, corporate affairs manager for Masterfoods, said the company at least deserved credit for being honest...He told the Grocer magazine that products with a "best-before" date up to October 1 are still suitable for vegetarians. The company is also offering a refund to those who cannot eat animal rennet on bars that have a later best-before date."

He is implying that Mars deserves credit for not commiting the criminal act of mislabelling ingredients. What a fucking idiot.

For any "less strict vegetarians" out there who wish to hit Mars where it hurts, buy these products labelled after October the 1st, open them, spit on them, then return them for a refund.


what you can do

16.05.2007 17:15

Write in to Masterfoods (who make the stuff) - link is on the Vegetarian Society website (I tried finding it myself on Masterfoods and couldn't).

Any hospitals, colleges etc etc that you go to that sell these, especially in a tied vending machine - make them end their contract on the grounds of the stuff not being Halal/Kosher/Vegetarian (or make/suggest a big label on the front of the machine).

Do It


16.05.2007 17:20

What the hell do they mean by 'strict vegetarian'? If someone eats animal rennet then they are not vegetarian *at all*. There aren't different levels of vegetarian.

It goes:

Meat eater - eats animal products
Vegetarian - doesn't eat animal meat (so, no fish either)
Vegan - doesn't eat or consume any animal products

As the prior poster has mentioned, their decision means that their product are not suitable for various religious groups too.

Well done Mars, you have reduced your potential market considerably!



Hide the following 6 comments

They have

16.05.2007 15:05

just killed 3 of their products.

Har Har

This is a killer

16.05.2007 19:01

what a corporate own goal.


what about the eggs

16.05.2007 23:54

Mars bars were never vegetarian edible because they contain egg white. Eggs are techncally meat when you think about it. unlike milk which is ok for vegetarians to eat. i am not talking about veganism as that is a bit extreme. it is difficult to avoid eggs in processed food they are in everything, just avoid mass produced stuff!

mr m

Make Your Own!

17.05.2007 08:59

Recipe for vegan Mars™ bar here, which could also be organic and fairtrade if you source the ingredients carefully.

Alternatively, buy them from Veggies Catering at demos etc.

Gregor Samsa (with bad teeth)

Kill the habit

17.05.2007 23:54

If you're gonna be vegetarian for the reason you don't want animals to suffer for your food, you might as well eat these mars products. Thousands of 'dairy' calves are exported for veal, or shot on the farm and fed to the local hunt's hounds each year. There's no difference between this and using the calves stomachs for renet.

CUT THE CRAP! GO VEGAN! 100% Cruelty Free


We Won (sort of)

20.05.2007 13:51

They have now reverted to their original ingredients after 6,000 complaints. Which is so low a number of complaints you have to wonder if this is a publicity stunt. To be honest I've never eaten a Mars bar since I was a kid, so I've never checked the ingredients, but I have eaten my mums 'Mars Bar Cake' believing it to be veggie.

I was won over by this argument though :
"Mars bars were never vegetarian edible because they contain egg white."

We all have to draw our own lines, there isn't a vegetarian who would't like to be vegan, but for me, egg-white is meat. So no more Mars Bar cake for me. Ta for that.
