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The Great Fellator: Kevin Rudd

nano | 16.05.2007 06:13 | Culture | Globalisation | Other Press | World

The Australian opposition leader Kevin Rudd is proving to be more servile, passive and accommodating than even the current Australian prime minister, John Howard – many would have thought it impossible to top Howard’s effort but Rudd has proven them all wrong! Rudd, desperate to please all will eventually please none if he persists with his supremely passive, non-assertive and thoroughly despicable behaviour. It‘s simply not fitting for an aspiring Australian leader to unashamedly kowtow to the wishes of China over the relatively benign visit of the exiled theocratic leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama.

Rudd confirmed he would not meet with the exiled Tibetan leader during his visit to Australia; all Australians should now be aware that Rudd has even less character than the despicable, spineless lackey he hopes to replace.

Rudd’s servility and lack of character is highlighted by the fact that he levelled criticism at Foreign Minister Downer, for kowtowing to China and avoiding the Dalai Lama during a previous visit. Rudd has revealed the ease with which he is willing to bow under the slightest pressure from foreigners, his status as hypocrite, coward and untrustworthy is now confirmed, the local expression is, “weak as goanna piss”.

Rudd is proving to be a major disappointment to everyone except the real powers that rule Australia; it should be noted that the undesirable characteristics Rudd now unashamedly displays are considered perfectly suitable by Corporate and Transnational interests, which have become accustomed to dictating policy to conservative Australian ‘leaders’. However, voting power remains with the masses, the Murdoch press and other mass media outlets may be required to be less subtle in their support of Rudd, if indeed they hope to place him in office.

The whole affair proves interesting from a number of perspectives. China is extremely sensitive to any issues that relate to its violent annexation of the Himalayan theocracy and its continued attempts to eradicate Tibetan culture. The tenaciously independent people of the tiny Himalayan theocracy continue to have a disproportionate influence on China. China’s interests would be well served by allowing the tiny nation full cultural and social autonomy. Tibet is China’s glaring example of militaristic expansionism, cultural imposition and genocide. In view of the invasion of Tibet, China could hardly criticise the military expansionism of the USA in the Middle East, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. If China released its annexed territories it would create extreme difficulties for the USA in its bid for world domination. This also applies to China’s recent encroachments in northern Kashmir (Lhadak) and other Himalayan Kingdoms/regions.

From a Tibetan cultural (Buddhist) perspective an ancient prophecy (10th century) describes the Tibetan people being scattered to the four corners of the world following a hostile invasion! The survival of Tibet is now dependent on Tibetans resident outside Tibet, including of course the Dalai Lama. Tibet traditionally practiced highly insular foreign policies – no ‘foreigners’ allowed! It should be noted that notions of 'foreigner' are anathema to Buddhist philosophy as all dualities (including the ‘other’) must be reconciled prior to dissolution in the Buddhist void (Nirvana). The Law of Karma is the kinetic principle upon which Buddhist philosophy rests. The dispersion of Tibetan people as a result of the Chinese invasion has effectively transformed Tibetans into foreigners in order for them to learn that notions of the other (foreigner) are ‘foreign’ [semiotic humour] to Buddhism! ‘Little brother’, the Dalai Lama, would be well served to consider the implications of the above.

As for ‘independent’ Australia it is not worth pissing on – the supreme coward John Howard, with approval from the cowardly majority, has transformed a sovereign nation into a convenience store. The cringing leader is nothing if not a reflection of the cringing cowardly population. The recent servile behaviour of the opposition leader, Kevin Rudd, proves without doubt that the nation is beyond redemption. Spineless cowards have forfeited a once proud heritage to the crudest nation on the planet.

The ceding of Australia to the USA is complete; the Oz population now has two ideological conservatives vying for office – democracy has been reduced to a farce and the elections to a charade. Australia, "where the hell are you", has become the laughing stock of the world?

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The Dalai Lama

16.05.2007 06:56

All the way with L,P,K, Love, Peace and Kindness, you can't break it!


Vote Nobody Next Federal Election

16.05.2007 06:59

Vote Nobody
Vote Nobody

People want things to change but when ask what they think will change it they ask for more of the same? If things are going to change then they're never going to change whilst people give validity and credibility to a totally flawed system. Federal elections are coming up and it's the same old joke as usual - a "choice" that isn't one! Instead of not voting, how about voting for Nobody?

You should vote for Nobody, because:
- Nobody keeps election promises.
- Nobody has all the answers.
- Nobody will represent you.
- Nobody will improve your community.
- Nobody has your best interests at heart.
- Nobody will make a real difference!
- A vote for Nobody is a vote for Everybody!

OK, seriously now...
It's not just about making a mockery of the farce that is "representative" democracy. It's also about producing more spoiled ballot papers with "Nobody" scrawled across them than the official winning candidate, thus undermining their "legitimacy" (as if they ever had any) to push the same old business-friendly, community-trashing policies that they always do, regardless of who gets in. But whoever wins, ordinary people always lose! Nobody will change that, so vote for Nobody next Federal Election.


Instead of the current system of pseudo-democracy we believe in Direct democracy which is based on equal participation. In order to be free & happy, we need to run our communities, our workplaces & our own lives. Freedom is a way of organising society in which everyone has an equal say on how things are run. Freedom is about standing up for ourselves and resisting unfairness; it is about sharing resource so everyone has what they need and it’s about creating a more peaceful world where we are free from poverty, violence and war. Free people believe there are alternatives to the current political system where a minority force their decisions on a majority and where a few people hold all the power and wealth. We want accountable delegates rather than careerist politicians, shared ownership rather than private profit, human need rather than economic growth, & mutual aid rather than Investors Rights Agreements. Politicians say “vote for me!” We say VOTE NOBODY!
And start organising for ourselves!

”Choosing between politicians in our fake democracy is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi – they’re all the same, just with slightly different packaging” “Putting an ‘X’ in a box every 4 or 5 years is not real democracy. I’m fed up of seeing politicians forgetting about the promises they made to improve our lives once they’re in power.”

“I’m sick of accepting the least worst candidate. Every one of us deserves to have a say in the way our own lives are run. I’m voting nobody and starting to represent myself!”

“Nobody on the ballot represents me, and the very nature of the system means Nobody ever will. Nobody cares about the things we’re really passionate about, and nobody will fight for them except us”

“All politicians are liars - they’ll all keep privatizing everything and crapping on ordinary people”

Vote for Nobody for Victory and remember the Ants.....
Show them that we're not happy with the current system of unfairness this Federal Election. Help get the word out and pass this on to all your networks.

1 Ant can't act alone but in Australia 16 Million Ants can..........!

Don't Vote! It only encourages them.

Written and authorised by Adam Ant for the Ants...


Lamas and Downers

16.05.2007 08:15

As everyone knows, the Israeli army makes abundant use of lamas in their warfare efforts, the Dalai Lama being no exception :

The first pic from the Petra conference of Nobel Prizes is taken just a few days with the massacre of a Palestinian family on a Gaza beach some time before the Lebanon war.

After all, maybe the chinese have done well to rid Tibet of that fuck.

As for Australia, I would think that rather being a convenience store for the US, it is one for the zionists just like the US is :
