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Hands ON Iraqi Oil Attacks Shell Demo

Hands ON Iraqi Oil | 15.05.2007 21:14

Two beligerent and gloating oil executive drinking Basra Crude Krug and toasting their friends in the Foreign Office and IMF turned up to the Hands Off Iraqi Oil demo at Shell's AGM today. They claimed to be the street level face of the oil industry and had banneers saying 'PSA'S YES WAY' and 'PARANOIA GONE LOOPY' (Photos on, this is their statement....

Hands ON Iraqi Oil

Those pesky do-gooders “Hands Off Iraqi Oil” are having a demonstration at the Shell AGM on Tuesday May 15th. But we, the experts, know what Iraq really wants. After all, who better to decide than us, the industrial lobby group the International Taxation and Investment Centre, the CEOs of the major oil companies, and the occupying govenments? But yet, our voice is being questioned - we need to stand up and let our profit margins be counted!

We need to assert our rights over Iraqi oil. Oil that’s been off limits for the past 35 years. How did our oil get under their land? Hands ON Iraqi Oil is the street-level face of the oil industry. We need to oppose those who harp on about such nonsense as 'democracy' and 'resource sovereignty' and stake our claim to corporate sovereignty. We’ve been planning this takeover for more than 5 years now – those focus groups, pro-PSA reports and hand-picked oil ministers weren’t all for nothing you know! And what about the military invasion and occupation which makes our offers of investment so hard to refuse? We can't let these efforts go to waste – we must seal the deal. Let's get out there and fight for the hard-won rights we needed a war and occupation to get.

Fallujah, Qaim, Haditha – these ‘incidents’ do all make any financial ventures in Iraq more risky. But as we all know, risk also means opportunity – it means we have far greater bargaining power in negotiations because we are risking so much to even enter the country. And in fact, we don't even need to, yet. It doesn’t matter if we don’t actually set foot inside the country for years – our stock prices will still shoot up as soon as we sign those contracts. So, looking at it like this, from our offices in London, Washington, Paris and Rome, the carnage of Fallujah is a business opportunity. In fact, the daily car-bombs, assassinations, kidnappings, military raids, tank-led incursions are all business opportunities for us. Iraq’s danger is our gain.

Can you join us? We really need to challenge these carping, tofu-eating, sandal-wearing, nonsense-talking hippies trying to crash our AGM…..

Hands ON Iraqi Oil


Also sounding the Death Knell for Shell

16.05.2007 10:38

As well as an excellent Hands On/Off Iraqi demo and counter-demo, outside the Hard Sell AGM were also sambistas from Rhythms of Resistance, a greenwash-spattered purveyor of Songs of Ecstatic Mourning, Rossport solidarity bannereers and people from Rising Tide Bristol and London.

We had fun at one point dancing and singing in and around the NovoShell's foyer and lift, ending up with a little circle dance with the cops round and round the revolving doors.

Still awaiting reports from within and El Hague.

Keep your eyes on the prize,


Harmony Vocals
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the subtlety of satire

16.05.2007 15:32

FAO Police,

On occasion, people sometimes engage in the subtle craft of satire, although rather unsophisticated, dare I say base, to highlight inconsistencies/abuses of power/ grievances etc against those in power. Yesterday was one of those occasions. Try to guess who was being satirical, and henceforth, taking the piss?! Well done!

Honestly . . .

Hands ON

from El Hague

16.05.2007 21:46

Here is a short film:
and a (Dutch) report form the Hague-action:
