World Naked Bike Ride 2005 - A Film By Johnny Zapatos
York WNBR | 15.05.2007 10:59 | Sheffield
As a taster for what the York Ride is about we have organised two showings of the 2005 film by Johnny Zapatos film _WORLD NAKE BIKE RIDE_. This is a short documentary about the 2005 London ride, narrated by Channel 4 newsreader and President of the Cyclists' Touring Club, Jon Snow.
MONDAY 21 MAY 2007
6.30 pm and repeating at 8.00 pm
Swarthmore Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square, LEEDS LS3 1AD〈=&keepicon=true
NB There's a pedestrian and cyclists bridge over the motorway linking with Great George Street. It's not shown on the multimap reference above. The venue is also quite near the route of the free citybus.
The venue is a friendly independent Adult Education centre with its own coffee-bar. There is some cycle parking outside. Check out the room number on the notice board in the entrance.
Because of the room size, it would be helpful to know numbers attending so please write to stating which time you prefer.
7.00 pm, Denham Room,
Priority Street Centre, Priory Street (off Micklegate), YORK.
Now on the route of the Ride!!〈=&keepicon=true
This is a thriving community centre and the base of York Council for Voluntary Services.
There is plenty of cycle parking at this venue.
At both venues there will be time for questions and answers and a general discussion about participating in this year's ride.
These are FREE EVENTS but there is a suggested mininum donation of £1 to help cover hire costs.
See you there!
6.30 pm and repeating at 8.00 pm
Swarthmore Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square, LEEDS LS3 1AD

NB There's a pedestrian and cyclists bridge over the motorway linking with Great George Street. It's not shown on the multimap reference above. The venue is also quite near the route of the free citybus.
The venue is a friendly independent Adult Education centre with its own coffee-bar. There is some cycle parking outside. Check out the room number on the notice board in the entrance.
Because of the room size, it would be helpful to know numbers attending so please write to

7.00 pm, Denham Room,
Priority Street Centre, Priory Street (off Micklegate), YORK.
Now on the route of the Ride!!

This is a thriving community centre and the base of York Council for Voluntary Services.
There is plenty of cycle parking at this venue.
At both venues there will be time for questions and answers and a general discussion about participating in this year's ride.
These are FREE EVENTS but there is a suggested mininum donation of £1 to help cover hire costs.
See you there!