London Rally on Saturday 2nd June
mcc | 15.05.2007 10:15
Dear all,
Next month, leaders from eight of the richest and most powerful countries in the world will be meeting at the G8 Summit in Germany. At the 2005 Summit in Scotland a series of historic promises were made that, if fulfilled, would help many millions of people escape extreme poverty.
The promises that have been kept have changed millions of lives. But most are at serious risk of being broken. And that's a disgrace. We need your help to ensure the G8 deliver on the pledges made in 2005 and take further action to eradicate world poverty.
The UK government intends to spend £76 billion on a new generation of nuclear weapons which are illegal, immoral and do not address our real security concerns. CND believes this money would be better spent fighting climate change and tackling global poverty.
The World Can't Wait campaign has come together to call for urgent, decisive action, with a massive rally on Saturday 2nd June in London. We are demanding debt cancellation, trade justice, healthcare, education, water and sanitation for all, and firm plans to prevent catastrophic climate change and to address its impacts.
Please act now:
Come to the London Rally on Saturday 2nd June
Come to London on 2nd June to send Tony Blair off to Germany with our voices ringing in his ears. Join thousands of other campaigners and their families on the banks of the Thames and make your voice heard. This will be a fun day out with events organised in many of the parks and green spaces around Westminster, culminating in everyone making a massive noise and "ringing the alarm" against poverty at 2.30pm.
The CND banner will be opposite the Houses of Parliament from 2pm on the south bank of the Thames between Westminster and Lambeth Bridges as a meeting point for our supporters.
Register to attend the rally:
http://www.yourvoic eagainstpoverty. to-london
Send a message to the G8
Please send an email message to Tony Blair and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell them that the world can't wait for an end to poverty. We really need to let them know that the world is watching and will hold them accountable for their promises and actions.
Email Merkel now:
http://www.yourvoic eagainstpoverty. mail-merkel/
Thank you for your support,
Kate Hudson
Chair, CND
This mobilisation is supported by ActionAid, Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), ADRA-UK, African Diaspora Voices, Amicus, AMREF, Banana Link, The Bishop Simeon Trust, BOND, BRAC UK, Brighton Peace & Environment Centre, CAFOD, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CARE International, Centre for Francophone African Development, Cheshire Development Education Centre, Christian Aid, Christian Concern for One World, Church of Scotland, CODA International, Concern Worldwide UK, Cyfanfyd, DATA, Development Education Association, East Kent Humanists, Engineers Against Poverty, Everychild, Friends of the Earth, GAP Activity Project, GCAP Scotland, GEO: Global Education Derby, Hand in Hand, Harambee Centre, Help the Aged, HelpAge International, Homeless International, ICA:UK (Institute of Cultural Affairs), IDEAS, Integrated Village Development Trust, International Centre for Eye Health, International Network of Street Papers (INSP), IRC - UK, Jubilee Debt Campaign, Kids for Kids, Lasallian Developing World Projects, Lepra, Liberal Judaism, Make Poverty History Wales, Methodist Relief and Development Fund, Micah Challenge UK, National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS), National Group on Homeworking, One World Foundation Africa, One World UK, Oxfam, Pants to Poverty, Peace Child International, Plan International UK, Presbyterian Church of Wales / Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru, Progressio, Project Hope UK, Prospect, Rainbo, RedR/IHE, Rochas Foundation UK, Royal College of Nursing, Save the Children, Sightsavers International, Solas Education Trust, Soroptimist International United Kingdom Programme Action Committee, Stamp Out Poverty, Stand Up For Africa, Stop Aids Campaign, Student Christian Movement, Teach a Man to Fish, Tearfund, Trade Justice Movement, Trades Union Congress, Trading Visions, Traidcraft, Trocaire, UK Aid Network, UKOWLA, UNISON, United Nations Association- UK, United Reformed Church (Commitment for life), Voluntary Service Overseas, WaterAid, War on Want, Welsh Centre for International Affairs, WISeN, World Vision UK
Next month, leaders from eight of the richest and most powerful countries in the world will be meeting at the G8 Summit in Germany. At the 2005 Summit in Scotland a series of historic promises were made that, if fulfilled, would help many millions of people escape extreme poverty.
The promises that have been kept have changed millions of lives. But most are at serious risk of being broken. And that's a disgrace. We need your help to ensure the G8 deliver on the pledges made in 2005 and take further action to eradicate world poverty.
The UK government intends to spend £76 billion on a new generation of nuclear weapons which are illegal, immoral and do not address our real security concerns. CND believes this money would be better spent fighting climate change and tackling global poverty.
The World Can't Wait campaign has come together to call for urgent, decisive action, with a massive rally on Saturday 2nd June in London. We are demanding debt cancellation, trade justice, healthcare, education, water and sanitation for all, and firm plans to prevent catastrophic climate change and to address its impacts.
Please act now:
Come to the London Rally on Saturday 2nd June
Come to London on 2nd June to send Tony Blair off to Germany with our voices ringing in his ears. Join thousands of other campaigners and their families on the banks of the Thames and make your voice heard. This will be a fun day out with events organised in many of the parks and green spaces around Westminster, culminating in everyone making a massive noise and "ringing the alarm" against poverty at 2.30pm.
The CND banner will be opposite the Houses of Parliament from 2pm on the south bank of the Thames between Westminster and Lambeth Bridges as a meeting point for our supporters.
Register to attend the rally:

Send a message to the G8
Please send an email message to Tony Blair and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell them that the world can't wait for an end to poverty. We really need to let them know that the world is watching and will hold them accountable for their promises and actions.
Email Merkel now:

Thank you for your support,
Kate Hudson
Chair, CND
This mobilisation is supported by ActionAid, Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), ADRA-UK, African Diaspora Voices, Amicus, AMREF, Banana Link, The Bishop Simeon Trust, BOND, BRAC UK, Brighton Peace & Environment Centre, CAFOD, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CARE International, Centre for Francophone African Development, Cheshire Development Education Centre, Christian Aid, Christian Concern for One World, Church of Scotland, CODA International, Concern Worldwide UK, Cyfanfyd, DATA, Development Education Association, East Kent Humanists, Engineers Against Poverty, Everychild, Friends of the Earth, GAP Activity Project, GCAP Scotland, GEO: Global Education Derby, Hand in Hand, Harambee Centre, Help the Aged, HelpAge International, Homeless International, ICA:UK (Institute of Cultural Affairs), IDEAS, Integrated Village Development Trust, International Centre for Eye Health, International Network of Street Papers (INSP), IRC - UK, Jubilee Debt Campaign, Kids for Kids, Lasallian Developing World Projects, Lepra, Liberal Judaism, Make Poverty History Wales, Methodist Relief and Development Fund, Micah Challenge UK, National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS), National Group on Homeworking, One World Foundation Africa, One World UK, Oxfam, Pants to Poverty, Peace Child International, Plan International UK, Presbyterian Church of Wales / Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru, Progressio, Project Hope UK, Prospect, Rainbo, RedR/IHE, Rochas Foundation UK, Royal College of Nursing, Save the Children, Sightsavers International, Solas Education Trust, Soroptimist International United Kingdom Programme Action Committee, Stamp Out Poverty, Stand Up For Africa, Stop Aids Campaign, Student Christian Movement, Teach a Man to Fish, Tearfund, Trade Justice Movement, Trades Union Congress, Trading Visions, Traidcraft, Trocaire, UK Aid Network, UKOWLA, UNISON, United Nations Association- UK, United Reformed Church (Commitment for life), Voluntary Service Overseas, WaterAid, War on Want, Welsh Centre for International Affairs, WISeN, World Vision UK