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MOVE tour of the UK by Ramona Africa

ON A MOVE | 14.05.2007 15:52 | Anti-racism | Ecology | Social Struggles

Ramona Africa (the sole adult survivor of the FBI's bombing of the MOVE house) will be touring the UK for 2 weeks to talk about the MOVE Organization, the events of May '85, the MOVE 9, Mumia Abu-Jamal and what they stand for. Come to listen to her story and see the "MOVE" documentary.

In June this year Ramona Africa will be touring the country talking to people about the incredible story of the trials and tribulations of her family - MOVE.

MOVE is a revolutionary organisation set up in USA that fights to protect all life by spreading information and standing against the systems that harm life.

They were strident anti-racist and environmental campaigners long before the mainstream took up these issues. In their on words: "The word MOVE is not an acronym. It means exactly what it says: MOVE, work, generate, be active. Everything that's alive moves. If it didn't, it would be stagnant, dead. Movement is the principle of Life."

Because of their unequivocal stance they have been constantly persecuted by the system. The persecution went from beatings, to armed attacks to eventually bombing their home.



Thu 21ST @ 1in12 Bradford

Fri 22nd @ The Basement Manchester

Sun 24th @ The Common Place Leeds

Mon 25th @ The West Indian Club Leeds

Wed 27th @ The Cowley Club Brighton

Thu 28th @ The Rampart Centre London

Fri 29th @ Bath Place Leamington Spa

Sat 30th @ The Drum Centre Birmingham


Sun 1st @ The Star and Shadow Cinema Newcastle

Mon 2nd @ The Cube Cinema Bristol

For more information on MOVE see:

For more information on the tour see:

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


a response to some of the above points

16.05.2007 22:19

I am from the Cowley Club - one of the social centres that are hosting MOVE tour - I think it is really important to support this group. They are not a 'cult'. They have been murdered and imprisoned by the state for their resistance and deserve our solidarity. Earth First in the UK and Do or Die have been long supporters of this organisation. I would just like to respond to some of the points above:

1) The demo for Mumia is on Thursday 17th May, 6.30 pm , Grosvenor Square , London (nearest tube: Bond Street or Oxford Circus) Please come!

2) Mumia was not one of the MOVE members convicted in 1978 as quoted in the above article posted by “MOVER”. “Following this incident, nine members of the group, including Mumia Abu-Jamal, were convicted of third degree murder and sentenced to 30 to 100 years in prison (Wagner-Pacifici, 32).” I have the Wagner-Pacifici book in front of me. If the author can get such an obvious fact wrong it makes me doubt the validity of the article. It also quotes heavily from ‘Anderson’ which is a hostile account of MOVE.

3) The fact that ‘Yellow Peril’ has ‘heard very little of this group’ is the whole point of organising this tour!

4) MOVE is a small organisation based in Philadelphia USA - none of them are going to be reading UK Indymedia and therefore are not able to reply to the original question. They are also very busy campaigning for Mumia – who could be sentenced to death tomorrow. Again, the point of inviting Ramona over is that you can then ask her, if you so wish.

5) ‘Arthur’ – I am not ‘teasing’ you! I - as a white English man - am not going to represent the views of a black woman from Philadelphia who has lived through a struggle I can not begin to imagine.

6) Even if MOVE women choose not to use contraception or have abortions and MOVE members are heterosexual (which may not be the case) does this discount their resistance to the overwhelming force of the state? The Zapatistas are Catholics! If Marcos was doing a speaking tour of the UK would you boycott him?

An organiser

philadelphia indymedia's viewpoint

17.05.2007 13:03

Don't believe hostile websites sponsored by the state. Don't take the word of academics examining a struggle from the outside. Do look at philadelphia indymedia and do come and hear Ramona Africa speak for herself. see:

- Homepage:

anti-MOVE, anti-Mumia???

17.05.2007 21:25

so i've read the above debate, largely as a friend of mine mentioned it having thought i'd written one of the comments.

it's great that there's the potential for a real debate to be had here - it would be great if some of those who appear anti or sceptical of move do actually write their thoughts about "thresholds" and how we generate international solidarity and activism when those thorny issues of religion and beliefs crop up.

i just thought i'd mention, particularly to the person asking where move would be without mumia - i think you'll find that the anti-MOVE people are often one and the same with those who are ardently trying to ensure that Mumia is executed.

for philly cops etc, the two's struggle is inherently linked. MOVE and Mumia are both Black radicals - don't ask me, ask the american's in power who are obviously so scared of them (and not because the neo-con's are all secret feminists either!). Even if MOVE do have views that are anti-gay and anti-abortion etc (i'm queer by the way), and as much as i disagree
- they're still a radical Black group who've been brutalised by a racist city and police service. did they deserve that? are all anarchists, activists etc completely free of all prejudice and all our men total right on feminists? are you sure?

did you know that Mumia's the only alleged cop killer to have an entire page dedicated to him on the fraternal order of police website (check it out). including a list of names of people who have previously publicly spoken out in favour of him - i wonder what use that list is to them?

equally some of the comments above look incredibly similar to blogs on the anti-Move/Mumia blog which states:

This Website Is Dedicated To Educating The Public About The Philadelphia Based Cult Known As MOVE. We Also Are Working To Counter The Lies Put Forth By The Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal Concerning His Killing Of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner

i wonder if the discrediting of MOVE is an attempt to equally discredit Mumia? Ramona Africa is equally coming to the uk to talk about his struggle and current legal status. i'd be surprised if you were to find something written by him that's anti-queer etc (tho i'm sure now someone will try!)

i urge those who have commented to attend the tour (as i intend to do), and ask these questions. hear the story. and then make up your mind whether or not you need to go home and make a banner to picket the next event.


tony allen - show yourself!!

18.05.2007 19:24

there's a guy in the states called "tony allen" who spends an awful lot of time and money discrediting Mumia and MOVE - for what reason i am unsure (FOP member or wanna be cop maybe?), but one of the links re: MOVE being a cult is from a website he manages.

he also spends a lot of time stirring up arguments on indymedia etc sites, wherever MOVE or Mumia get a mention.

if you're one of the commenters tony, don't hide behind a pseudonym, or pretend to be an anarchist, or a brit.....

and at least fully engage in the debate you've started.


Correct info re;Mumia

10.07.2007 19:51

Please note that Mumia was not convicted for murder with the MOVE 9.

Mumia was found guilty of a completely different murder, that of Daniel Faulkner. This altercation ensued from a traffic stop of a vehicl driven by his brother.

Mumia was never a member of MOVE, he was actually the only journalist at that time to report fairly what was happening to MOVE.

carrie reichardt


Display the following 25 comments

  1. Revolutionary organisation or cult? — Anarchist
  2. Move over — Black Heart
  3. on a semi-related note.. — andre
  4. correction — updater
  5. Still listening — Anarchist
  7. MOVE are a religious cult — The Anticult
  8. Women & Move — Betty Boo
  9. ? — BOTFJ
  10. attend the meetings and make up your own mind — anarcha-feminist MOVE supporter
  11. Simple enough question — Anarchist
  12. ? — Queero Beero
  13. Can the bullshit — Yellow Peril
  14. MOVE — John M
  15. interesting debate — bob
  16. response to Anarchist — Another Anarchist
  17. Interesting — Arthur
  18. PS — Arthur
  19. perspective — yet another anarchist
  20. Mealy-mouthed. back-peddling, dishonest.... — Not fooled by MOVE bullshit
  21. So no answers then? — Anarchist
  22. Dishonesty — Y.P.
  23. FBI Involvement? — Matthew
  24. Why Be Anti-MOVE? — tony allen
  25. MOVE have very strange ideas — Mr. Jolly