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Don't hate the media - be the media! London Indymedia

imc london | 25.05.2007 12:00 | London

War Is Still The Issue

As Tony Blair steps down as prime minister and Brown takes up the reigns of power, an unauthorized peace camp is taking place in Parliament Square...

Climate Camp Heathrow

The Camp for Climate Action pitched its tents near Heathrow airport for a week long camp and direct action against the aviation industry and climate change.

Disarm DSEi

From 11-14 September, Defence Systems and Equipment international, the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre. Despite massive local opposition, and a huge bill to the taxpayer, arms dealers will once again be free to deal in death and destruction. Benefit gig Thursday 21 June, public meeting 30 June.

Seriously Criminal

You might think that the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA) is about tackling drug cartels and people-traffickers, child porn rings etc but in London it has become infamous for criminalising freespeech around Parliament.

No Border Camp Gatwick

London groups such as No Borders, engage in the struggle against border controls, migrant and refugee exploitation, detention and deportation. From 19th to 24th September 07 activists will gather at Gatwick Airport for the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of migration controls.

This is an open invitation to participate in Indymedia London - from technical aspects, or maintaining the open newswire and producing features, to offline activities such as reporting from the streets, film screenings, stalls at events and whatever else you may come up with. The London collective has regular meetings on the last Wednesday of every month at LARC. Please come along and share your ideas, knowledge and skills. The agendas for these meetings are proposed and discussed in the IMC-London email list.

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This page of semi-permanent 'features' aims to provide short topic intro's to significant ongoing issues, campaigns and projects in London. They provide links to not only archive material on indymedia and beyond but also to the latest reports on these subjects.

Different intro features may come and go at different times depending on what's most relevant at any given time. For example, coming up to September there might be a semi-permanent feature about mobilisations against the DSEi arms fair.

Please feel free to propose and write topic intros or features. Email imc-london[@]

imc london