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Anti-BNP demo, May 16, 6pm

Antifash | 13.05.2007 14:12 | Anti-racism

Following the election of BNP member Sadie Graham as a councillor in Brinsley, there will be a picket of Broxtowe Council.

During the local elections on May 3, Sadie Graham, the BNP's East Midlands Organiser, was elected onto Broxtowe Council as the councillor for Brinsley, in the west of the borough.

Many residents of Broxtowe and Nottingham are greatly concerned about this development and the damage it could do to race relations in the region. An anti-fascist meeting held in Brinsley in February attracted around 40 people.

To protest against the BNP's racist policies, there will be a demonstration outside the first council meeting on Wednesday May 6.

The council meeting starts at 7pm, but protesters will be meeting from 6pm in Beeston Square and moving from there to the Council Chamber.

Please join us to express your opposition to the divisive, dead-end policies of the BNP

BNP wins seat in Broxtowe



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anti bnp

13.05.2007 17:28

surely we shouldnt campaign outside the council chambers the woman has been elected democratically .what would that make us look like .we call them fascists yet we oppose free speech and democracy

kim page


14.05.2007 07:52

Nobody's claiming she wasn't democratically elected, but that doesn't take away from people's very real concerns about the likely impact of a BNP councillor. Hence we will be utilising our own democratic rights to protest against what the BNP represent.


Don't spotlight the fash!

14.05.2007 08:22

A demo will do nothing to help anti-fascism and simply play into fash hands by giving them yet another platform.
They have been elected with a huge margin there which seriously saddens me, but highlighting it for them in the media is totally crazy; they must be suffocated. Have the UAF learnt nothing from that Ballerina travesty which no doubt helped to push up BNP membership?

......and before people start harping on about having ‘stopped them at the polls’ in the last election, read the national stats which have shown a huge percentage rise in their vote.


play our cards right

14.05.2007 22:08

Spotlighting them like this has to be done extremely smsrtly otherwise some people will just see us as a bunch of "antis". She is hardly an acclaimed ballerina who would get any wide sympathy, she is an out & out hardcore nazi.

A blow up of Sadie with her sniper rifle next to a holocaust pic would work well, nazis in world war 2 were well known for killing babies by bashing their brains out or burning.

If I had a vehicle I think it would be most important to help the Sri Lankan family who live next door to Sadie & have just had there windows broken, if they want it.
Nothing can be proven as of yet, but we can say isn't it ironic this has happened highlighting that as much as possible to the media,
Nothing can be proven as of yet, but we can say isn't it ironic this has happened.

Urban 75's website just published an article on Nick Griffins coherent, but paranoid command bunker rant basically saying "the libdems,labour & ethnics are all against us, theres billions of em."
They are obviously trying to appeal to tories, though most tories hate nazis & thats what you are cod eye!

It mainly calls for BNP to work on grass roots issues, whatever they really are to them & moans that 2/3s of the vote are cynical of the political process.

He didnt mention the Green party or independents who have done amazingly well in other rural & former mining areas of Nottinghamshire.We must continue supporting them & grass roo t campaigns as many of antinazi & good people have been doing far more than BNP lipservice to greenwash!

Wesley Snipes


14.05.2007 23:43

"She is hardly an acclaimed ballerina who would get any wide sympathy, she is an out & out hardcore nazi"

Sorry to break the bad news Wesley, but at her peak she was widely acclaimed to be one of the best ballerinas in the world and can still pack theatres around the world without cracking a sweat.

Plus, although she is clearly Fash due to her BNP membership, I doubt she would know a hardcore Nazi from a tea lady if one marched across the stage in full SS regalia. (The Nazi that is)


thought it was obvious I meant sad ie,not ballerina nutter

15.05.2007 18:15

cheers anyway larrs I agree we must be very careful, need to get people away from mainstream media & into organic media
