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Scotland to remain Corrupt Britannia's Colony?

KosmikK | 13.05.2007 13:47 | World

If it was the intention of Blair's venal Nu Labor administration in London to make a mockery of the Scottish electoral process they certainly succeeded.

After last week's electoral count fiasco when Data Research Service's superduper electronic counting machines went into meltdown, producing around 142,000 rejected ballot sheets 3.5% of the Scottish electorate were effectively disenfranchised. To that must be added the thousands of postal ballots that were never received on time.

If this kind of shambles had taken place in a third world country, Blair would have been among the very first to shout Foul and to demand a re-election. But not in Britain. Here the silence from all parties, including the Scottish Nationalists (SNP) with their majority of one over Nu Labor, has been ominous.

True, the SNP leader, Alex Salmond, furiously denounced the election result and demanded an independent inquiry. But, eager to become Scotland's next First Minister, he clearly prefers to live in hope of leading a minority government than to reject the fundamentally flawed electoral process which gave his party a measly 47 seats against the corrupt Nu Labor's 46.

The Greens were the largest group which lost out badly. They had hoped to increase the seven seats they had in the previous parliament at Holyrood to nine. In fact, they ended up with just two. And looking at the manner in which their leader, Robin Harper, has been prepared to compromise his party by leaping into bed with the SNP in a 'loose coalition' it seems that everyone in our small country, still under Whitehall's colonial yoke, has lost out to the unashamed all-round use of political expedience.

I am, by nature, an optimist and see progress to be a tediously slow, one-step-forward-two-steps-back kind of evolutionary process. A thing to be considered against the measure of eternity rather than days, weeks or months. To be an optimist, I believe, it's more realistic to set one's expectations low to avoid short-term disappointments.

And living in the Red Pill Matrix world of the many other millions of Her Britannic Majesty's marginalised and disaffected subjects I am tempted to think that the scorn and contempt in which we are held by the wankers who presume to rule over us is now so great they think they can openly defraud and deny our once-in-a-blue-moon right to have our say at the ballot-box by sabotaging even that.

And it is a measure of the sheer arrogance of our southern rulers that, despite this almighty shambles, the man responsible for having organised it all in the first place, the Scottish Secretary of State, Douglas Alexander, simply refuses to accept he screwed up and should resign. True to his elitist nature, Alexander claims the fault must lie with the people. Along with the lies, venality and colonial racism of Nu Labor (it's not just Blair, it's the whole wretched lot of them) Blair's apparatchiks are not in the habit of admitting to making mistakes or resigning when they have.

So, as no apology is forthcoming, must we be left to believe that no mistakes were made after all? That last week's electoral disaster was intended all along? Alexander's stubborn refusal to heed the several warnings he got that he was backing a flawed electoral system can only suggest that he and his bosses in London were so sure of what they were doing that nothing could persuade them to change course.

Nu Labor has been extremely clever to have deceived the British people over the last ten years with its spin, cynicism and an endless series of lies and distortions. In all of this it has been served well by both the state's sycophantic propaganda machine, the BBC, as well as the rest of the corporate controlled media. In that short period of time its quisling Blair has dragged an unwilling country into more wars than the dreadful Maggie Thatcher ever did and by overturning 800 years of constitutional precedents going back to Magna Carta suceeded in accomplishing what even she dared not attempt.

Perhaps it was foolish for anyone of us to have believed that Her Majesty's 21st Century imperialist rulers in London would have allowed quite so easily the people of Scotland their right to exercise their political will. Perhaps we should have recalled corrupt Britannia's past, her brutal treatment over centuries of the Irish and how, by practising a silent, ongoing coup against democracy not only in Scotland but in England and Wales she keeps alive the abortion that is called the United Kingdom.

Maybe Blair's let's-pretend-at-being-socialists Nu Labor had taken to heart the prediction made by that genuine socialist of old, Scotland's John Maclaine, that Britannia's empire would finally collapse the day that Scotland regained her independence, ending 300 years of imperialistic union. And with that Empire the nuclear colony that Scotland's militarist masters have turned her into.

If what we are now seeing turns out to have been a coup against democracy (and how will we ever know the truth?) surreptitiously planned and intended to look like a cock-up then that must be seen by the rest of the world as proof of how all pretence of freedom and democracy has finally been discarded by our multinational capitalist rulers to be replaced by a planetary, Orwellian dystopia.

Labels: corporate capitalism, drs, new labour, scottish parliamentary election 2007, snp

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Hide the following 7 comments

Food for thought

13.05.2007 21:55

Certainly some people want us to believe that Blair resigns because of those election results.

But Blair certainly resigns because of the cash for peerage enquiry :

If the CPS does not prosecute the gang of four on the basis of the 110% strong file it has received from the police, it will certainly mean that a deal has been made in which Blair is not prosecuted in exchange of his resignation.

We'll see but if it turns out that there will be no prosecution as I suspect is planned, the hypothesis of rigged elections in Scotland as to give a small lead to the SNP could very well make sense.


scotland not a colony

14.05.2007 07:13

i think its time to get a grip. scotland and wales are hardly colonies, and they have benefitted from british imperialism and continue to benefit now. there is no comparison with scotland and really oppressed countries such a palestine,iraq etc. Furthermore, the snp are hardly radical socialists but a party that is very happy to work with the same imperialist forces and multinationals that sustain the uk's imperialist status; this is a reason that they can even get voted into power; if they were a real alternative that could really threaten british imperialism, then the snp would be a banned underground party; which they certainly are not. furthermore, it is really dishonest for people in scotland and wales to pretend that they have not benefitted from british imperialism and that they are an 'oppressed nationality' or whatever. get a grip. scottish nationalism is a road to nowhere and largely a waste of time for serious leftists.

sir walter scott

But English gold has been our bane

14.05.2007 09:44

"scotland and wales are hardly colonies, and they have benefitted from british imperialism"

Well, that is arguable, from a celtic perspective you could say we were the first countries to fall to English imperialism.

" it is really dishonest for people in scotland and wales to pretend that they have not benefitted from british imperialism and that they are an 'oppressed nationality' or whatever."

Scotland certainly benefited financially from the slave trade and the exploitation of third world resources. I'm not sure those were benefits worth having though morally or in the long-term. Especially when other factors like Scottish troops being used as cannon-fodder is taken in to account. Since oil was discovered in the North Sea Scotland has not benefited a bit though. If we had been independent then, or even since 1979, then we would be as rich as Norway now, probably richer. Instead we have a disproportionate amount of poverty, ill health and under-investment. That is hardly oppression that compares to the Palestinian plight or Iraq or many other places but it is still oppression.

"scottish nationalism is a road to nowhere and largely a waste of time for serious leftists."
It is a road away from Trident, NATO, nuclear dumping and will signal the end of the British state. Of course reaching independence is hardly the end of the road, there will be new struggles afterwards. I don't remember serious leftists complaining when other countries demanded their independence from the British state, and while you may just be overreacting to some of the exhuberance of some Scottish posters I feel you should follow your own advice and "get a grip". Or to be more polite, take a step back and think for a day about what a seismic change Scottish independence would have not just for Scotland, but the rest of the United Kingdom and for other struggles for regional autonomy in Europe. Now we only have three years to achieve that, and it will be an uphill struggle to get a yes vote in the referendum, so maybe you should consider supporting us rather than sniping.


Sarcasm for Dummies

14.05.2007 11:15

Here is another I made from the same site
Here is another I made from the same site

By the way, Kosmic Keith, no objections to you using the graphic but you could have made your own using this link. I wouldn't recommend doing it too often though, nothing ages quicker than humour. It does look just like Douglas Alexander though eh ?

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Scotland not a Colony?

14.05.2007 11:49

Scotland not a colony? I

In that case, 'Walter Scott', please take your Scottish Office away with its quisling, Douglas Alexander, who was responsible for rigging the recent election.

And while you're at it, your Ministry for War who treats the Highlands as its playground along with all your lords and ladies who do the same.

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14.05.2007 12:00

Great cartoon, Danny. Thanks. I've now added a link to your site underneath it. Hope it gets you some publicity.




14.05.2007 13:09

Sorry for the misunderstanding, that site is nothing to do with me, I just provided the text. I've started learning how to draw cartoons though, and getting some good advice from the experts, and once I do I'll post them here for anyone to use as they wish. That is just a silly site though full of adverts but 'every tool is a weapon if you hold it right'.

I was just invited to my second Scottish National party party this month. They are non-stop party people. This time I'll be staying fairly sober and only talking about two things - manual vote counting and John Bowden. I'll also be attending the two Scottish Parliament protests on these issues and hope you do too.
