The very worst prime minister, ever.
Digery Cohen | 13.05.2007 09:56
Blair, the very worst Prime Minister, ever.
A killer abroad and a fool at home.
His moronic belief in the American Neo-con con that Negative Liberty should impose itself on Positive Liberty through criminal aggression.
He obeyed the orders from cons in America and launched the unprovoked invasion of a defenceless country causing the violent deaths of 655,000 innocent men, women and children.
At home he destroyed everything he came near.
Health, Transport, Education.
His moronic incompetence led his fascist tendencies to demand the recording and reporting of everything and that wasted most of the billons spent.
We are well rid of this clown.
A killer abroad and a fool at home.
His moronic belief in the American Neo-con con that Negative Liberty should impose itself on Positive Liberty through criminal aggression.
He obeyed the orders from cons in America and launched the unprovoked invasion of a defenceless country causing the violent deaths of 655,000 innocent men, women and children.
At home he destroyed everything he came near.
Health, Transport, Education.
His moronic incompetence led his fascist tendencies to demand the recording and reporting of everything and that wasted most of the billons spent.
We are well rid of this clown.
Digery Cohen
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13.05.2007 12:04
Especially that this sentence does not seem to have meaning.
He did not "obey the orders from cons in America and launched the unprovoked invasion of a defenceless country causing the violent deaths of 655,000 innocent men, women and children."
Rather, just like the Bush administration he obeys the zionist lobby whose goal was to emasculate Iraq as to pave the way for the future territorial expansion of Israel.
I'll remind you Didgery Cohen that Blair is the first to designate the Afghanistan target in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
I'll remind you also that the fabricated intelligence about Saddam's WMD is supplied to the Bush admin by the UK.
abouy sums it up
13.05.2007 14:57
14.05.2007 10:42
Was a median figure released 18 months ago in a study called 'conservative' (ie an underestimate) by it's authors. The upper figure was 1,000,000. Things have got much worse since then. We don't know how much worse because the US and the UK are blocking the travel plans of one of the reports authors. Those are just the deaths, not the maimings, the refugees, the damaged minds. Tony Blair destroyed a country so he and his wife could earn mega-bucks from the fawning US after-dinner circuit and from 'non-executive directorships' and every Labour voter is complicit in this.
As you can damn with faint praise, so can you praise with faint damnation.