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Join Sussex Police

pam | 11.05.2007 18:14 | South Coast

Sussex is looking for a new police chief.

Phone Dr John Godfrey, Chief Executive of the Sussex Police Authority on 01273 481556 for an informal chat about the job.

Sussex Police
Chief Constable of Sussex

Organisation: Sussex Police

Title: Chief Constable of Sussex

Location: Sussex

Contact Email:

Chief Constable of Sussex
£133,863 plus bonus scheme,
executive car, private health insurance and fully funded relocation package.

Crime is down, detections are at record levels and we’ve made massive strides in neighbourhood policing with more Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers than ever before. Of course, this progress hasn’t happened by itself. Strong leadership and dedication from the entire team has made it a reality.

You’ll lead our further development in a challenging financial environment. We’re responsible for two counties and a coastal city with a vibrant mix of urban and rural communities and an extensive coastline, so the issues we face are wide-ranging and diverse.

Ultimately, this role’s all about leadership. You’re the face of the Force and you’ll be involved at an operational as well as a strategic level. So your ability to inspire and motivate people will be crucial.

We’re not expecting a massive response to this advert, simply because there are only a handful of people qualified to take this role on. You’ll need to be a Chief Constable or Deputy Chief Constable already with exceptional strategic, operational and leadership skills. But for the right candidate, it’s an opportunity to take a Force that’s already a rising star to the next level.

For an informal discussion, please contact Dr John Godfrey, Chief Executive of the Authority on 01273 481556.

To apply, request an application pack by calling Pam Black, PA to the Chief Executive on 01273 481561 or email her:

Closing date: 8th June 2007

Connecting the Public with Policing

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11.05.2007 19:41

I've always wanted to get into the lawful harassment business



12.05.2007 11:08

