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Blair visits Sarkozy

Digery Cohen | 11.05.2007 09:33

To pass on the poodle leash


Outgoing British Prime Minister Blair visited Sarkozy in Paris today to wish him well as Bush’s new poodle in Europe.

Blair's meeting with Sarkozy will be a passing of the dog leash.

The French president-elect has expressed his personal admiration for Blair and his political subservience to Bush, as well as for his government's economic record.

On one of his last visits to Britain, Sarkozy visited a job centre to see how to get the work-shy back to work at the lowest possible wages.

He will make the fight against proper pay for proper jobs his top priority in France.

Blair and Sarkozy's talks will also cover Europe and the future of the EU Constitutional Treaty - which Sarkozy will bring back in a fully fascist form.
Sarkozy wants a mini-treaty, pared down to the bare fascist details, to be forced through national parliaments.

Digery Cohen
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