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Bilderberg in 2007 - introduction and report (audio)

Forward | 11.05.2007 08:04 | Analysis

This is a must listen if something like the Bilderberg Group interests you. Someone from Radio Dialect in Bristol interviewed freelance journalist Tony Gosling, who has been researching the activities of the Bilderberg Group since 1993.

Tony Gosling
Tony Gosling

The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg Conference is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of business, media, and politics. Owing to discussions by public officials and powerful business leaders (and others) being off the record, these annual meetings are the subject of much criticism (for circumventing the democratic process of discussing issues openly and publicly) and numerous conspiracy theories. This year the conference will take place from May 31st to June 3rd in Istanbul, Turkey. The piece is 1 hour long.

Listen: to the stream | download mp3 (31.71mb)

Links: | Radio Dialect | Communique to the Turkish Prime Minister from Turkish Filmmaker Re: Bilderberg Conference 2007



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TLIO have no future if they assume the need for fuhrers!

12.05.2007 13:27

Just for your info, to my knowledge as a member of The Land is Ours campaign, all members of The Land is Ours campaign disassociate themselves from any views that may be construed as "Anti-Semitic"; we don't need far-right nationalists from Russia nor Muslim fundamentalists to overturn the Zionist order, using this as an excuse to exterminate anything Jewish.

This is a pre-emptive strike against any intellectually shoddy attempts to discredit "The Land is Ours" nametag by those out there who in willful ignorance want to associate this campaign name with far-right nationalistic tendencies and blame everything on the Jews. I honestly don't believe that this is the intention of Tony Gosling. However, his continued lack of consultation in using the campaign name in association with the pet-subject of his extensive, detailed website is a cause of great consternation amongst the remainder of TLIO people still involved with the campaign because the association between the campaign and misleading interpretations as to the intentions of those who draw significance from the degree of influence on global governance which Bilderberg credibly exerts has been a long-running cause of disruption to the successful propagation of The Land is Ours campaign.


Tony Gosling asking for Fuhrers?,

13.05.2007 17:01

I have studied this area for 10 years starting at university on media & international relations course & I have been active with Earth First,AFA & I have just joinined the IWW. The Bilderberg Group do exist as do the Trilateral Commission who are meeting in Washington next year according to their website, they are also the top of the corporate oligarchy led by David Rockefeller & his aging politburo.
The Rockefellers are an old Methodist family, John seniors mum was a strict methodist & his dad sold snake oil, they still have the methodist front & now they sell oil & use banks to rob people.

The Industrial Workers of The World have led the resistance against them in the USA 100,000s strong, with John Rockefeller at the top of their famous "we rule" pyramid flyer, though in the first world war they were accused of german sympathy for opposing it & suffered massacres & persecution.They are still going though & are part of the growing world wide resistance!

If Tony Gosling is asking for Fuhrers to replace the Rockefellers I am very disappointed, they would put a bullet through his head, wheres the proof?.

Tony seems to be a proffessional journalist although I find his christian preaching a bit disturbing sometimes,
we can only save ourselves!


Rebel Alliance

13.05.2007 17:10

I in no way represent the views of the IWW as a whole, we are a rank & file anarcho syndicalist union that works via consenus & delegation.
My research has led me to believe that they have been the most consitent group against capitalism& fascism in the last century & they are now growing along with the rest of the independent global resistance, despite the current wars & onsluaght that threatens life on earth.

Johnny Mason

Nanotech expo@Nottingham Uni16-17thMay& public lecture@Nottm trent, safe my arse

13.05.2007 23:33

There is a nanotech expo funded by EMDA & Innovations East Midlands at nottingham universities East midlands conference centre on wednesday 16th 9.45am-thursday17th may 2007, it only costs £350 to attend, how democratic not.But a Nano-Expo public lecture will be held at 8pm on wednesday 16th as well at the Sir Harry & Lady Djangoly Lecture Theatre, Nottingham Trent University, a free event, details below.
Potentially worse than nuclear,asbestos & gmo's combined!

The introduction 10.45am lectures are to be graced by the acting vice chancellor Prof David Greenaway.
The USA"Food & drug administration perspective" is a prominent lecture, FDA passed aspartame & lots of dodgy drugs & chemicals, how nice.

Wednesday18:30 - 20:00 Cocktail Reception for delegates, Council House, Nottingham

On thursday worrying & interesting lectures include:
Liberating the nanotube: From lab to large scale production
Dr Russell Clarke, Thomas Swan & Co Ltd, UK
Thomas Swan seem to connected to caring energy companies including Eon & the lovely Exxon Mobil of Rockefeller notoriousness.
The ethical, legal and social implications of nanomedicine: an overview of the publics’ perceptions in the UK and across Europe
Dr Alison Mohr, The University of Nottingham, UK

But a Nano-Expo public lecture will be held at 8pm on wednesday 16th as well at the Sir Harry & Lady Djangoly Lecture Theatre, Nottingham Trent University, a free event, go early & make a point about the envirox nano fuel invented by a firm at Oxford uni being used on Stagecoach's national fleet, pumping fine nano particles into atmosphere into the lungs of many a city, though luckily not Nottingham very much at the moment as Stagecoach dont have a base here.

Check Indymedia& corporatewatch for previous nano articles & the etc group website who have done excellent work on GMO's

Robin Ludd

slight over-reaction

16.05.2007 08:23

I was referring to the far-right when I said "misleading interpretations as to the intentions of those who draw significance from the degree of influence on global governance which Bilderberg credibly exerts". I was not suggesting Tony intended himself to be a fuhrer in TLIO - only that others with misleading views could desire such a figure who put him-herself out with considerable weight of argument about global elites, and the TLIO nametag is appealing to some in this regard. It was an expression of warning.

All said and done, we shouldn't need to have to hide our identities when standing up and talking out on this issue of Bilderberg. My only concern has been some previous incidents which slightly compromised the TLIO name with stuff Tony did with the website which is water-under-the-bridge now - so my comments posted on the 12th were a slight over-reaction... Tony should be congratulated for the immense work he has done on his excellent website, but, like any of us, should be open to constructive criticism.


Economic Hitmen

01.06.2007 00:14

(nothing personal but can we please focus on not making the land story appear to be pushed by raving lunatics - thankyou!!

“Economic hit men (EHMs),” John Perkins wrote in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, “are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.”

Link taken from article below:

Dirty money flows distort our economy and corrupt democracy

It's time to confront the tax-haven monster that panders to the rich, robs the poor, and corrodes public faith in our laws

John Christensen
Wednesday May 30, 2007
The Guardian

Many of us harbour a queasy feeling that something is wrong with the global economy, but we can't quite put our finger on it. Some think the problem is globalisation itself. I don't agree. But there is something wrong. The world's wealthiest citizens have created - and are extending - a secret, parallel, offshore economy where they can operate outside democratic structures. As George Bush put it: "Real rich people figure out how to dodge taxes." Next month, the leaders of the world's richest nations meet for the annual G8 summit in Germany. We must ask them difficult questions.

The offshore world developed stealthily, over decades. Like the fabled frog who drowsily fails to jump from the warming saucepan, we accept this scandal as a fact of life. In a small way, I contributed to it. In the mid-80s, I left a career as a development economist and returned home to Jersey, finding the island booming as a tax haven. As global markets liberalised, major banks, accountants and lawyers were setting up offices to cater for high net worth individuals (Hen-Wees). Within days, I had found a job with a major accounting and trust administration company. Later, I became an economic adviser to the States of Jersey.

Most clients wanted to dodge taxes. We processed instructions from London, Switzerland and New York for assets whose mysterious owners were veiled behind nominee directors and shareholders and unregistered offshore trusts. These arrangements typically involved three legal entities spread across different jurisdictions and included "flee clauses" to flit away at the first hint of investigation. One client, a stockbroker syndicate, ran an insider trading racket via Jersey involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Others outwitted the taxman though trade mispricing scams, selling prefabricated buildings to Trinidad for $1.20 each, or importing toilet rolls from China at $4,122 a kilo.

Don't imagine that this involves just a few exotic individuals. By the mid-90s, the big private banking institutions had set themselves the goal of shifting most of their Hen-Wees (worth $1m or more each) offshore within a decade. They had identified 8 million Hen-Wees then, so an absolute minimum of $8 trillion was involved, though today the absolute minimum is nearer $12 trillion. Over half of global trade is routed through tax havens.

Some colleagues bought into the delusion that these financial gymnastics constituted "best practice". Most didn't care about the broader impacts of their work. Once, en route to our usual Friday binge drinks, my supervisor said she didn't want to discuss these issues, and didn't "give a shit about Africa anyway". The tax industry plays up the difference between tax evasion (illegal) and tax avoidance (legal). Whatever the legality, both corrupt public faith in laws and institutions and both harm our economies.

Tax havens warp the foundations of market capitalism. David Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage says that production should gravitate towards geographically relevant areas: cheap manufactures come from China and France or Chile produce fine wines. But now we have thousands of companies operating from one building in the Cayman Islands, and a former Thai prime minister avoids paying tax on a $1.9bn sale through a British Virgin Islands company called Ample Rich Investments. Small wonder that people lack confidence in the global economy.

Swiss bankers, worried that the Nazi gold scandal had affected their reputation, cooed that secrecy "is as vital as the air we breathe". But, in practice, this parallel economy is a hothouse for crime and corruption, facilitating capital flight from developing countries on a mind-boggling scale, a corollary of the City's boasts about attracting capital into the UK. The offshore economy distorts markets by providing tax loopholes to some businesses but not others. It corrupts democracy, helping elites to evade their responsibilities to the societies that nurtured them, and breaking fundamental relationships of accountability that are forged when rulers tax citizens. It does not create wealth but redistributes it from poor to rich. Worse, it destroys wealth and slows growth.

In April, the IMF identified the UK as an offshore financial centre. The City of London is a nerve centre for an array of tax havens around the world, actively courting capital from poorer economies. Yet tides of foreign money have sharply worsened inequality in Britain, whose child mortality is nearly the worst in the developed world. Do we want this unequal prosperity, built on tax breaks for rich people, subsidies for business, and dirty money from poor countries?

We face uncomfortable questions and tensions. Company directors feel under pressure to minimise taxes, but tax is a vital contribution to society, and it is offshore where this all goes wrong, and where our queasy feelings originate.

Britain must abandon its anachronistic domicile rules and end its underhand games to eviscerate the EU's savings tax directive. We should push to reform international accounting standards so that companies must report on a country-by-country basis, at a stroke potentially producing more benefits for the world than a hundred billion dollars in annual foreign aid. But to win the battle against the cancer of tax havens will require much greater commitment to international cooperation, founded on a push for greater transparency. Global debate on these issues is long overdue. New branches of economics are required, asking questions such as how certain aspects of global financial and trade liberalisation foster criminogenic, corrupting environments.

Astonishingly, neither the IMF nor the World Bank have seriously studied the scale or nature of global dirty money flows, which others estimate at up to $1.6 trillion per year - half from poorer countries. For each dollar of aid into Africa, at least five flows out under the table. The time has come to confront the tax-haven monster.

John Christensen is co-author of A Game As Old As Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption

Mark Barrett