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photos By Medyan Dairieh |
10.05.2007 11:14
| Workers' Movements
| London
photos By Medyan Dairieh
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10.05.2007 11:40
Tony Benn
10.05.2007 12:09
...who called for sanctions against Iraq instead of the first Gulf War...sanctions which killed thousands, especially children...
...who claims to oppose Labour's warmongering but clings to the party propogating the war...
Yes, we all know what he looks like.
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
10.05.2007 12:23
what has he done?
10.05.2007 13:08
Does sir not understand the Statutes of Rome or Nuremburg Law crated o ward off such genocidal holocausts?
The courts are full of silly men in silly wigs talking silly-buggers and the Parliament is full of silly-buggers with pipes talking silly-buggers about silly-buggers while getting extremely pissed..
what a load of bollocks
my mum taught me that actions speak louder than words and she was a smart lass from Kent... put that in your pipe and smoke it Dear Sir:
What have you done to change anything?
CS xxx
10.05.2007 13:36
I once gave Kristin Hersh and her daughter a jokey row at a gig she was playing cos I never recognised her and thought they were fans trying to break into the tour bus. I'd rather have a photo of Kristin Hersh here though.