Illegal Parking; Illegal War - Des Browne comes to Oxford town
Ministry of Love and Riots | 09.05.2007 21:20 | Anti-militarism | Terror War | Oxford
Today, Des Browne, the Minister of War (previously Minister of Racism) visited Oxford to talk about the future of warfare.
Des 'Shit' Browne was met by a gaggle of student Stop the War protestors and the Ministry of Love and Riots, an autonomous group, who had a massive blood-soaked "Warmonger" banner. There was much positive interest from passers-by, and the crowds on the rush-hour buses, with a placard on the traffic island outside the school proclaiming, 'Minister of "Defence" is NOT welcome in Oxford'.
Much shouting ensued, especially - and surprisingly - as Browne arrived at the front entrance rather than being bundled in around the back of the building.
Not only is Browne entrenched in the illegal war on Iraq that his government supported and continues to benefit from the ravages of. But, we can also reveal the Minister of War was illegally parked. Double standards were withnessed on the double yellows outside the exams school.
Illegal parkers included:
SW56 GYF (the car Browne arrived in)
SO53 B2G (a Range Rover which contained either a bodyguard or a spook to protect Browne)
OU07 CDE (the Ministry reckons that this is a University owned vehicle).
It is not clear whether or not the first two cars are police owned.
Fun was had when a traffic warden was summonded to the crime being committed. And I'm sure you'll be pleased to learn that no vehicle was required to move or photoed. Some people are more equal than others after all; abuse of power really does begin at home.
Whilst the body count rises in Iraq and heartbroken mothers from the UK increase as they learn of the pointless and futile death of their offspring, it seems the Minister will not accept his own and the government's culpability.
Also, there are Oil Laws being passed at present - facilitated by the UK and US government for big business to control Iraqi oil. Expect more news of oil worker strikes tomorrow. More on this from: and
Some useful ammo if Des the Destroyer comes to your town:
Iraqi Occupation Focus
Blogs on Iraq
Much shouting ensued, especially - and surprisingly - as Browne arrived at the front entrance rather than being bundled in around the back of the building.
Not only is Browne entrenched in the illegal war on Iraq that his government supported and continues to benefit from the ravages of. But, we can also reveal the Minister of War was illegally parked. Double standards were withnessed on the double yellows outside the exams school.
Illegal parkers included:
SW56 GYF (the car Browne arrived in)
SO53 B2G (a Range Rover which contained either a bodyguard or a spook to protect Browne)
OU07 CDE (the Ministry reckons that this is a University owned vehicle).
It is not clear whether or not the first two cars are police owned.
Fun was had when a traffic warden was summonded to the crime being committed. And I'm sure you'll be pleased to learn that no vehicle was required to move or photoed. Some people are more equal than others after all; abuse of power really does begin at home.
Whilst the body count rises in Iraq and heartbroken mothers from the UK increase as they learn of the pointless and futile death of their offspring, it seems the Minister will not accept his own and the government's culpability.
Also, there are Oil Laws being passed at present - facilitated by the UK and US government for big business to control Iraqi oil. Expect more news of oil worker strikes tomorrow. More on this from:

Some useful ammo if Des the Destroyer comes to your town:
Iraqi Occupation Focus

Blogs on Iraq

Ministry of Love and Riots