Solidarity with anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva
anarchists | 09.05.2007 07:18 | Repression | World
Urgent appeal to send protest letters to the prison of Aachen against the continuing isolation of Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Gabriel is an anarchist who along with another, Jose Fernandez Delgado, escaped from the brutal F.I.E.S prison system of the Spanish State. Gabriel and Jose are now residing in the Jails of Germany, after attempting to escape a police control on the Belgium/German border. Gabriel has written quite a lot since being in Jail 20 years, and he is only 36, letters and writing is his lifeline to the outside, please make an effort to show solidarity with him by sending him a card and sending a protest email/letter to the authorities (addresses below).
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment in the 'Aachen4'-trial, asks for our solidarity.
It seems that the German authorities want to isolate Gabriel even more than before. To remind you: since his imprisonment at the end of June 2004 in the prison of Aachen, Germany, he spends 23 hours a day alone in a cell, quasi- isolated from everyone inside, four times a month he can have a visit of 45 minutes.. . Now it appears that also letters from and to him ‘disappear’, that postage stamps sent to him from outside are not handed over, that books and CD’s are kept by the prison. Before, they had arranged that money on his prison account is confiscated, so that he is only left with the strict minimum to buy from the prison cantine. Those who know Gabriel know what it means for him not to be able to read and to communicate; as he writes himself in a recent letter: “reading has pulled me out of 14 years of torture of all kinds.., has saved me from misanthropy and madness.. . What do they want from me? Do they believe that by cutting me off from the sources of culture, art, sentiments, relationships, ... from which I drink, they can convert me to the kind of ‘mummy’ such as they are? Do they forget that Memory, memories, reasonings, .. do not burn at the stake as was thought in the time of Torquemada the Inquisitor, or of Goebbels and his book burnings in fascist Germany..?”
Gabriel has, just as every prisoner, just as every human being, a profound need for social contact, for communication, for participation in social life and political debate. The existing system of power and greed is more and more directed towards the destruction of this, of individuality, of the social, of consciousness. This goes evidently – so drastically – for the prison system.
The attempts to isolate Gabriel more and more aim clearly at the destruction of his personality and political identity. They must be stopped. We ask you all to send letters, faxes, emails to the prison of Aachen. It is the least what can be done now and direct. Below the addresses of the prison of Aachen and an example letter (in german) you can use if you want.
Solidarity with Gabriel and all prisoners in struggle! Stop isolation torture!
JVA Aachen
Dr. Hans-Joachim Gries
Krefelder Str. 251
52070 Aachen
Ort, Datum
Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Hans-Joachim Gries,
unser Freund Gabriel Pombo Da Silva sitzt nunmehr seit Ende Juni 2004 in der JVA Aachen ein. Das ist ein Fakt den sie kennen, genauso wie Ihnen die Fakt bekannt ist, dass er 23 Stunden in einer Zelle eingesperrt ist. Doch diese Isolation reicht Ihnen offensichtlich nicht.
Sie händigen die Bücher nicht aus, die Gabriel Pombo Da Silva von Freunden und Freundinnen geschickt bekommt, genauso wenig die für ihn zugesandten CDs. Sie halten Briefe zurück; die die reingehen, als auch die die rausgehen sollen. Sie stehlen Briefmarken aus den Postsendungen die an Gabriel Pombo Da Silva gehen.
Glauben Sie tatsächlich damit den Willen und die politische Persönlichkeit unseres Freundes brechen zu können? Dann werden wir Ihnen hiermit mitteilen müssen, dass das ein Irrglauben Ihrerseits ist.
Wir fordern von Ihnen:
- Herausgabe der Bücher, die an Gabriel Pombo geschickt worden sind und geschickt werden
- Herausgabe der CDs , die an Gabriel Pombo Da Silva geschickt wurden und geschickt werden
- Weiterleitung der Briefe an Gabriel Pombo Da Silva inklusive der Briefmarken und sonstigen „Einlagen“
- Weiterleitung der Briefe die Gabriel Pombo Da Silva schreibt, und zwar an die Adressaten für die sie vorgesehen sind!
Sie schaffen es nicht unseren Freund von uns zu isolieren. Ihre Mauern, Ihre Bewacher, Ihre Schikanen helfen Ihnen da gar nicht!
Send appeal to Aachen prison:
Telefon: 0241 9173-0 Fax: 0241 9173-273
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment in the 'Aachen4'-trial, asks for our solidarity.
It seems that the German authorities want to isolate Gabriel even more than before. To remind you: since his imprisonment at the end of June 2004 in the prison of Aachen, Germany, he spends 23 hours a day alone in a cell, quasi- isolated from everyone inside, four times a month he can have a visit of 45 minutes.. . Now it appears that also letters from and to him ‘disappear’, that postage stamps sent to him from outside are not handed over, that books and CD’s are kept by the prison. Before, they had arranged that money on his prison account is confiscated, so that he is only left with the strict minimum to buy from the prison cantine. Those who know Gabriel know what it means for him not to be able to read and to communicate; as he writes himself in a recent letter: “reading has pulled me out of 14 years of torture of all kinds.., has saved me from misanthropy and madness.. . What do they want from me? Do they believe that by cutting me off from the sources of culture, art, sentiments, relationships, ... from which I drink, they can convert me to the kind of ‘mummy’ such as they are? Do they forget that Memory, memories, reasonings, .. do not burn at the stake as was thought in the time of Torquemada the Inquisitor, or of Goebbels and his book burnings in fascist Germany..?”
Gabriel has, just as every prisoner, just as every human being, a profound need for social contact, for communication, for participation in social life and political debate. The existing system of power and greed is more and more directed towards the destruction of this, of individuality, of the social, of consciousness. This goes evidently – so drastically – for the prison system.
The attempts to isolate Gabriel more and more aim clearly at the destruction of his personality and political identity. They must be stopped. We ask you all to send letters, faxes, emails to the prison of Aachen. It is the least what can be done now and direct. Below the addresses of the prison of Aachen and an example letter (in german) you can use if you want.
Solidarity with Gabriel and all prisoners in struggle! Stop isolation torture!
JVA Aachen
Dr. Hans-Joachim Gries
Krefelder Str. 251
52070 Aachen
Ort, Datum
Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Hans-Joachim Gries,
unser Freund Gabriel Pombo Da Silva sitzt nunmehr seit Ende Juni 2004 in der JVA Aachen ein. Das ist ein Fakt den sie kennen, genauso wie Ihnen die Fakt bekannt ist, dass er 23 Stunden in einer Zelle eingesperrt ist. Doch diese Isolation reicht Ihnen offensichtlich nicht.
Sie händigen die Bücher nicht aus, die Gabriel Pombo Da Silva von Freunden und Freundinnen geschickt bekommt, genauso wenig die für ihn zugesandten CDs. Sie halten Briefe zurück; die die reingehen, als auch die die rausgehen sollen. Sie stehlen Briefmarken aus den Postsendungen die an Gabriel Pombo Da Silva gehen.
Glauben Sie tatsächlich damit den Willen und die politische Persönlichkeit unseres Freundes brechen zu können? Dann werden wir Ihnen hiermit mitteilen müssen, dass das ein Irrglauben Ihrerseits ist.
Wir fordern von Ihnen:
- Herausgabe der Bücher, die an Gabriel Pombo geschickt worden sind und geschickt werden
- Herausgabe der CDs , die an Gabriel Pombo Da Silva geschickt wurden und geschickt werden
- Weiterleitung der Briefe an Gabriel Pombo Da Silva inklusive der Briefmarken und sonstigen „Einlagen“
- Weiterleitung der Briefe die Gabriel Pombo Da Silva schreibt, und zwar an die Adressaten für die sie vorgesehen sind!
Sie schaffen es nicht unseren Freund von uns zu isolieren. Ihre Mauern, Ihre Bewacher, Ihre Schikanen helfen Ihnen da gar nicht!
Send appeal to Aachen prison:
Telefon: 0241 9173-0 Fax: 0241 9173-273

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