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Arctic Ice Melting 3x Faster Than Predictions

Don Beck | 07.05.2007 21:25 | Ecology

A study published in the current issue of
Geophysical Research Letters reveals that
"the actual rate at which summer sea ice
had shrunk per decade during the past 50
years was more than three times faster than
an average of 18 of the most highly regarded
climate simulations."(1)

This is another in a growing number of reports
that are showing that the globe is warming
at an accelerated pace, not in the gradual
steady incline that was expected by the

What is worse is that most of the public actually feels no change, certainly not
as much as the doom and gloom reports are screaming about. The biggest
affect on most of us is a 50 % reduction in the Coral Reefs of the Cayman
Islands that we like to snorkel.

Most people don't understand that the climate has momentum, and because of
its gigantic mass (atmosphere and oceans) it will continue in the current direction
for many many decades even if we could stop emitting CO2 entirely right now.

The fact that most people feel no effects at this time makes it very easy for the
skeptics, who are being funded by the energy giants, to place doubt in everyone's
mind about the seriousness of global warming.

This is truly a disasterous situation for the future. The scientists are finding things
happening in the past 2 to 3 years that they didn't expect to happen for decades.
We should all be very concerned and demanding change to green energy, because
the climate will eventually reach a point when there will nothing we can do to stop
changes that will get very drastic........and it will be happening sooner than anyone
thought possible.

1) Arctic melt worse than predictions, 5/2/07

Don Beck


Hide the following 5 comments

Too Late?

08.05.2007 07:07

Time for Panic.

Expect Scientists, Economics, Politicians, and people who burn fossil fuels to be strung up.

Ozone absorbed lots of UV light, with weakened Ozone layer, the sunlight reaching Earth is hotter.

The total collapse of Civilization might not be enough to save Life on Earth now.

Note that the Rich are trying to build Hotels in Space. They know what they have done.


Is this our fault too?

08.05.2007 13:41

While I agree that we should try to cut our emissions (though not through a global tax on us all),I find it very difficult to accept that us humans are the sole reason for the warming.

See these links: (NASA says sun and planets warming) (BBC:suns warming influence underestimated)

Our planet responds to the solar cycle.So do the other planets.We are being hoodwinked into another guilt complex over this.The governments of the world are rubbing their hands with glee in anticipation of the money they will try to screw out of us all while they carry on burning all the fossil fuels anyway.

Ever get the feeling you`ve been had?


re: Jon

08.05.2007 19:23

First of all the two articles you gave are pretty old. Secondly the science has been shown that there has been very little variation in the Sun, and if there has been an effect here on Earth, it has been small.

The way to look at it may be to say many things can have an effect, and the CO2 is going to be the most influencial for a long, long time.

Don Beck


09.05.2007 15:58

UV radiation is the stuff that 'burns' i.e. damages human skin amongst other things. IR or infra-red radiation/light, is that bit of the spectrum that is heat. Confusion with ozone and climate change is the simplest mistake. Even with a global scientific consensus on the fact that global average temperatures are rising, that climate change is happening, and that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the increae, we have to be careful to remember to talk about it logically and scientifically.


There could be some solar influence, but not much

09.05.2007 19:56

Current thinking suggests that perhaps up to 0.1 degrees of the 0.6 degree rise could be due to solar variation - so there is truth in the solar warming effect, but it doesn't provide enough warming to account for the total (Sorry for the lack of reference, I read this a while ago). And even if there is money to be made out of it, which there probably is, not acting as a result would be like cutting our nose off to spite our face...
