May Day Picket of Liverpool Army Recruitment
Neon Black | 01.05.2007 19:22 | Mayday 2007 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Liverpool
The neatest banner in the world is successfully attached.
No it's not blocking the highway. The sign is. And your van.
It was our second picket at the James Street offices, and our second go at finding new tactics which will break the Stop The War Coalition chokehold on the anti-war movement. And since it was May Day, what better way to show solidarity with Iraqi and Afghan workers than stopping a few guns from being pointed at them?
Unfortunately we were minus our megaphone, since it was stolen by a group of gangsters called Merseyside Police at a protest last week. However, we still managed to hand out a lot of propaganda to passers-by and potential recruits, and we engaged many locals in conversations about the army, the drive for oil, and the fucked-up nature of capitalist society in general.
Her Majesty's Constabulary paid us a visit, and after a farcical debate about whether our table or the sign behind it was blocking the pavement, they left us alone. After all, we didn't have a megaphone to swipe. And it wasn't as if we were animal rescue workers.
I said it last time, and I'm going to say it again. Wars won't be stopped by petitions, marches or 'left' politicians. We need to organise in our streets and our workplaces. We also need to make the link between capitalism's demand for oil profits abroad and attacks on living standards at home.
So what are YOU going to do in the fight against war?
Neon Black
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Real antiwar protest involves f*cking things up
09.05.2007 02:46
It took several blows of a breezeblock to get the window out of joint, but I am assured that I called £1000 worth of damage. I apologise if the MOD had to spend money which could otherwise have gone on a flak jacket for a soldier, but I don't think it did.
My eppy was fortunately timed to coincide with the death of a local man in the forces serving in Afghanistan.
I am currently bailed pending another criminal damge charge, which seems only fitting. If 1 million people marched demanding an end to the war, I think more of them/us should take similar drunken/stupid action in order to prevent the recruitment of chavs for Afghanistan.
After all, the world looks likely to end soon (for human beings), so let's f*ck things up before we go! It may even help to delay the end of the fashionable age!
An Army Recruitment Centre can always serve a useful purpose as a repository for angry feelings, but please note they use bombproof glass which takes several blows to smash.
Rene Thomas