English Politics And English Music
Songster | 30.04.2007 22:33
99.99 % of english music,pop is full of arseholes more intrested in being a celeb and getting an invite to Blurry mansion than they are of doing anything about the words they write.Now take Ireland for an example.They knew how to motivate the music industry,when the IRA were out for beating the crrupted conservatives.The whole of the Irish were behind them in music.And some of it was inspiring to the rest of the world too.Jack Strawman wants you all to have a story to your lives now,like america.Jeeze haven't you had enough of america.is he fuckin dick head?Or does he think you are?Get yourselves some rebel rousers.
See this tune for example
See this tune for example
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02.05.2007 15:24
If you're a Sheikh who is a mover
or fundamentally a groover
Get with the brothers on manoeuvre
Comin at you all the way from Cuba
- Not the Cuba of Havanas
Where the Presidente is bananas
But the Cuba that is free, lookin over the sea
to the Florida Key ( to democracy )
At Guantanamo Bay, it's the U.S. of A.,
Shackle-Shuffle every day at the Club X-Ray
Wear a chain on your wrist, do the islamacist
Bossa Nova with a twist, and it goes like this:
Put your hands on your head ( Reach! )
And Shackle-Shuffle to the left ( Move! )
You do the monkey-squat and then ( Squat! )
You Shackle-Shuffle back again
Bow in prayer to the East ( Pray! )
Down on your belly like a beast ( Beast! )
You're never gonna be released (Peace! )
Till the day you're deceased
Top-dog fascist gets the boys in the corner
Plants poison where there was just confusion
Walks away scot-free and laughing
Rides on the tide as the cancer grows
And the business man on corruption charges
With millions of dollars in dirty money
Gets a thousand pound fine after months in court
While the lawyers get fat and the law gets bought
I believe in justice
I believe in vengeance
I believe in getting the bastard
Saddam killed his own people
just like general Pinochet
and once upon a time both these evil men
were supported by the U.S.A.
And whisper it, even Bin Laden
once drank from America’s cup
just like that election down in Florida
this shit doesn’t all add up.
It’s all about the price of oil
‘cause it’s all about the price of oil
don’t give me no shit
about blood, sweat, tears and toil
it’s all about the price of oil.