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Fron CUBA, this 1st May...

posted by F Espinoza | 30.04.2007 20:02 | Other Press | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Este 1 de mayo de 2007 es la fecha de lanzamiento de Cubainformación, un proyecto comunicativo cuyo objetivo está resumido claramente en su lema: ser “una brecha en el bloqueo mediático” a Cuba...

Cuba Libre, Digna y Solidaria
Cuba Libre, Digna y Solidaria

Cuba Libre, Digna y Solidaria
Cuba Libre, Digna y Solidaria

Cuba Libre, Digna y Solidaria
Cuba Libre, Digna y Solidaria

El 1 de mayo nace Cubainformación, una brecha en el bloqueo mediático

Una televisión por Internet, una web diaria de noticias, una publicación trimestral y un programa semanal de radio

El 1 de mayo de 2007 es la fecha de lanzamiento de Cubainformación, un proyecto comunicativo cuyo objetivo está resumido claramente en su lema: ser “una brecha en el bloqueo mediático” a Cuba.

Bajo el eufemismo de “embargo”, los grandes medios suelen mencionar el bloqueo económico impuesto por Estados Unidos a Cuba desde comienzos de los años 60. Cuba sufre, sin embargo, otro tipo de bloqueo que jamás es mencionado. Y no lo es porque precisamente es impuesto por los grandes medios de comunicación: el bloqueo mediático llevado a cabo por agencias, diarios, revistas, televisiones y radios que, cada día, desnaturalizan, descontextualizan, censuran y manipulan la realidad social de la Isla y el proceso político de la Revolución cubana.

En este contexto nace Cubainformación, que parte de dos líneas informativas básicas: la que trata de acercar realidades de Cuba silenciadas en los grandes medios, que representan experiencias exitosas de justicia social, de desarrollo sostenible, de solidaridad con otros pueblos, de respeto de los derechos humanos o de participación democrática; y la que pretende desmontar algunas de las informaciones sobre la Revolución cubana que son tergiversadas o deformadas por los mass media.

Cubainformación pretende aprovechar las oportunidades de economía y globalidad que ofrece Internet para los medios de comunicación alternativos. Y cuenta con cuatro soportes de información: una web TV (televisión por Internet), una web diaria de noticias, un programa semanal de radio y una publicación trimestral en papel, todos accesibles a través de la dirección:

Los grandes diarios, agencias y cadenas de información masiva imponen de facto una férrea censura sobre los contenidos informativos que puedan atentar contra los intereses del Capital, y demonizan aquellos procesos políticos que, como el cubano, ponen en duda la sacrosanta libertad de mercado y la gran propiedad privada. Es por ello que prensa, radio y televisión imponen, sin derecho a réplica, la versión única de lo que es pluralismo informativo (medios de comunicación en manos de grandes fortunas), elecciones libres (bipartidismo sin riesgo para el status quo), derechos humanos (derechos formales sin derechos reales) o desarrollo (consumismo insostenible de una minoría mundial).

Los grandes medios de comunicación en manos de grandes corporaciones multimillonarias actúan desde una pluralidad decorativa. Oligopolios mediáticos que controlan diarios, cadenas de televisión y radio, revistas temáticas, agencias publicitarias y tantos otros sectores ligados a la comunicación, son verdaderos aparatos de propaganda política para el consenso dentro del Sistema capitalista. Dentro de este consenso, la Revolución cubana es dibujada como una dictadura, un “régimen” que restringe libertades y violenta derechos. Y uno de sus arietes de ataque contra Cuba es la supuesta falta de “libertad de prensa” en la Isla, consecuencia de la ausencia de medios de comunicación de propiedad privada “plurales” e independientes”. Libertad de prensa reconvertible, finalmente, en mera libertad de empresa.

En un contexto mediático tan desequilibrado y hostil, el equipo de Cubainformación es consciente de la modestia de sus posibilidades, pero también de la oportunidad que representa contar con esta nueva herramienta comunicativa. Os invitamos a todos y a todas a visitar la
También a opinar sobre nuestros contenidos. Y buscamos vuestra colaboración: las ideas, el tiempo y las manos de personas voluntarias que hagan de éste un proyecto a largo plazo; y el aporte de contenidos y materiales de todas las asociaciones de amistad y colectivos de solidaridad con Cuba, para que sus actividades sean visibles y reconocibles en texto e imagen.

Ha nacido Cubainformación. Una nueva herramienta de solidaridad con el pueblo cubano, cuya resistencia heroica es clave del ilusionante momento de cambio que vive hoy América Latina. Y homenaje a seis cubanos de obligada mención en el nacimiento de este proyecto. Cinco de ellos presos políticos en cárceles de máxima seguridad de Estados Unidos, condenados por delitos no cometidos. Y el sexto: un joven de 80 años, convaleciente e imbatible, cuya obra y legado hoy ya es imposible de destruir en Cuba y en el mundo.




While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained - are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere, attempting to deceive public opinion through interminable pseudolegal manuevers and refusing to try him for his real crimes.

Luis Posada Carriles was accused and brought to trial in Venezuela for the 1976 attack against a commercial aircraft in which 73 persons died. After escaping from Venezuelan prisons in 1982 - leaving his trial unconcluded - he served the CIA as part of what was known as the "Irancontras" operation and also in the implementation of the genocidal Plan Cóndor. In 1997 he prepared a series of terrorist acts against hotels in Havana - in one of which the young Italian tourist, Fabio Di Celmo, lost his life -, and in the year 2000, the projected attempt against President Fidel Castro´s life at the University of Panama.

In March, 2005, Posada Carriles entered the United States illegally. Only after reiterated public denunciations that revealed the presence of this criminal in U.S. terriitory, the goverment of George W. Bush proceeded to detain and charge him for immigration crimes and false witness, without the slightest reference to terrorism.

Through their handling of Posada Carriles, the U.S. authorities, pressured by groups of Cuban extremists in South Florida, have made evident the double morality of their war against terrorism in the name of which they torture, kidnap and bomb. At the same time, as has been denounced by numerous international forums and United Nations´agencies, five Cuban antiterrorist activists remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States, subjected together with their families to cruel and discriminatory treatment.

All honest people of the world who raise their voices against war and terrorism, have before them irrefutable proof of the lack of ethics upon which the current administration in Washington bases its actions. We, the undersigned, demand that the government of the United States, in compliance with international obligations, charge Luis Posada Carriles for all of his crimes or attend the request for his extradition to Venezuela, which until now has received absolutely no response.

To sign the campaign:

Other Websites related:


- "Misión contra el terror", acerca de los Cinco héroes cubanos prisioneros en cárceles del imperio:

- Videos de Ivette e Irmita, hijas de René González y Olga Salanueva:

- "El infierno de Guantánamo, territorio usurpado":

- "La guerra contra Cuba":

- "Sistema migratorio, Ricardo Alarcón":

- "CIA, la invasión silenciosa":

- "Bacardí, el secreto del murciélago":

- "Sobre el terrorista Luis Posada Carriles":

posted by F Espinoza


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01.05.2007 11:55

I was goin to post my fraternal greetings on the Havana Indymedia site, but there isn't one. Any idea why that should be?


Good question..

01.05.2007 23:37

When a country is run by popular power and there are massive levels of participation at all levels of society, as there is in Cuba, is there still the same need for independent media? And is a 'free press' necessarily the same as freedom of speech. What do you think Simon?

Anyone who's interested in discussing these questions should try and get along to one of the report-back meetings which are being held around the country by some of our comrades who are currently out there on a political brigade. Full details of the meetings can be found at:

- Homepage:

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Good answer

03.05.2007 09:38

So Cuba is so free and happy that nobody has bothered to start a Havana Indymedia site.

Nothing to do with the Cuban laws which severly restrict access to the internet then, something which Amnesty International is concerned about?

Face facts. Cuba is a squalid, poor, totalitarian dump. That's why so many Cubans want to leave and many try even though they could end up jailed or even executed.

The last thing Castro needs is a Havana Indymedia site - the useful idiots in the west who romanticise his repressive regime must be shielded from independent opinion about his socialist paradise.


Good answer

03.05.2007 09:38

So Cuba is so free and happy that nobody has bothered to start a Havana Indymedia site.

Nothing to do with the Cuban laws which severly restrict access to the internet then, something which Amnesty International is concerned about?

Face facts. Cuba is a squalid, poor, totalitarian dump. That's why so many Cubans want to leave and many try even though they could end up jailed or even executed.

The last thing Castro needs is a Havana Indymedia site - the useful idiots in the west who romanticise his repressive regime must be shielded from independent opinion about his socialist paradise.


Simon, what are you on?

03.05.2007 09:54

"Face facts. Cuba is a squalid, poor, totalitarian dump. That's why so many Cubans want to leave and many try even though they could end up jailed or even executed."

And why is the economy such a mess?

The fact you fail to mention that is rather suspect.

When the US is trying to effect regime-change by screwing with the opposition, its not surprising to see a clamp down.

Maybe you should just pop down to Parliament Square and hold an impromptu demo to defend the Cuban's freedom of expression :)

La Mariposa

Simon the reactionary

03.05.2007 15:24

If anybody has had the misfortune to read Simon's other postings on indymedia for instance, you will see that he is a racist, zionist reactionary and it is completely pointless having a debate with him.


Answer the question

03.05.2007 20:16

Don't debate with me, just tell me why there is no Havana Indymedia site and why Amnesty International is not impressed with the Cuban government when it comes to allowing Cuban people access to the internet.

Remember this from 2003?

'On 11 April, Cuba executed three men accused of trying to hijack a ferry full of passengers to the United States by firing squad.

Havana said the measure was necessary to halt an escalating migration crisis.'

What the report doesn't mention is that the 3 executed men were shot nine days after the hijacking of the ferry. Nine days from alleged crime to execution, less time than you'd get to answer a shoplifting charge in the UK. Maybe that's why Amnesty is not too keen on Cuba's human rights record either.

Why are people so desperate to escape an island with a wonderful education system and a wonderful health service? Maybe because it hasn't really got either, just like it hasn't got free elections or an Indymedia site.


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