Gender inequalities in Community Media urged to be stopped
C Murray | 30.04.2007 18:07 | Gender | Indymedia | Other Press | World
Between April the 9-13th there was a meeting of women
media-makers in Sydney (Oz- Home of Howard, war-monger)
In which Mavic Cabera-Balleza of the World Assoc. of Community Radio
Broadcasters discussed and presented on Community Media with a
specific focus on IMC's
media-makers in Sydney (Oz- Home of Howard, war-monger)
In which Mavic Cabera-Balleza of the World Assoc. of Community Radio
Broadcasters discussed and presented on Community Media with a
specific focus on IMC's
The panel discussed how to stop gender inequality in male-dominated
cyber environments and how to make Indymedia a tool in increasing
women's political participation.
i.e :- Gender Balance.
This is why the lovely image that accompanies the article. It's
from an Iranian website. three female cyber-activists have received
custodial sentences for undermining the State in the last weeks.
Conclusions reached:-
For more than three decades, the global women's movement
has confronted two key issues in the Media:-
The negative and stereotypical portrayal of women in the media
and the lack of representation and participation in decision
making positions in media orgs.
the report is at :-
Are a Manila based radio and activist group who are taking part
in the one million signatures campaign to highlight the
imprisonment and brutalisation of women activists in Iran.
The group publish a bulletin called 'We' and it has interesting links to
the African/Carribean and Pacific unions against the EU.
And an essay on Mayday! and women's work.
cyber environments and how to make Indymedia a tool in increasing
women's political participation.
i.e :- Gender Balance.
This is why the lovely image that accompanies the article. It's
from an Iranian website. three female cyber-activists have received
custodial sentences for undermining the State in the last weeks.
Conclusions reached:-
For more than three decades, the global women's movement
has confronted two key issues in the Media:-
The negative and stereotypical portrayal of women in the media
and the lack of representation and participation in decision
making positions in media orgs.
the report is at :-

Are a Manila based radio and activist group who are taking part
in the one million signatures campaign to highlight the
imprisonment and brutalisation of women activists in Iran.
The group publish a bulletin called 'We' and it has interesting links to
the African/Carribean and Pacific unions against the EU.
And an essay on Mayday! and women's work.
C Murray